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Author:(Heinrich BOLLWEIN)

1.Transrectal Doppler sonography of uterine blood flow during the first two weeks after parturition in Simmenthal heifers.

Maike HEPPELMANN ; Lars KRUGER ; Stephanie LEIDL ; Heinrich BOLLWEIN

Journal of Veterinary Science 2013;14(3):323-327

2.Factors affecting the success of resynchronization protocols with or without progesterone supplementation in dairy cows.

Annette FORRO ; Georgios TSOUSIS ; Nicola BEINDORFF ; Ahmad Reza SHARIFI ; Christos BROZOS ; Heinrich BOLLWEIN

Journal of Veterinary Science 2015;16(1):121-126

3.Effects of induced endometritis on uterine blood flow in cows as evaluated by transrectal Doppler sonography.

Letizia DEBERTOLIS ; Gaetano MARI ; Barbara MERLO ; Sabine MERBACH ; Heinz Adolf SCHOON ; Eleonora IACONO ; Heinrich BOLLWEIN

Journal of Veterinary Science 2016;17(2):189-197

4.Antepartal insulin-like growth factor concentrations indicating differences in the metabolic adaptive capacity of dairy cows.

Marion PIECHOTTA ; Lars HOLZHAUSEN ; Marcelo Gil ARAUJO ; Maike HEPPELMANN ; Anja SIPKA ; Chistiane PFARRER ; Hans Joachim SCHUBERTH ; Heinrich BOLLWEIN

Journal of Veterinary Science 2014;15(3):343-352

5.Effect of oxytocin infusion on luteal blood flow and progesterone secretion in dairy cattle.

Christos N BROZOS ; Metin S PANCARCI ; Javier VALENCIA ; Nikola BEINDORFF ; Georgios TSOUSIS ; Evaggelos KIOSSIS ; Heinrich BOLLWEIN

Journal of Veterinary Science 2012;13(1):67-71

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