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Author:(Hazizi AS)

1.Physical Activity, Eating Behaviour and Body Image Perception among Young Adolescents in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia

Farah Wahida Z ; Mohd Nasir MT ; Hazizi AS

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2011;17(3):325-336

2.Factors Associated with Breakfast Skipping among School-going Adolescents in Sarawak, Malaysia

Law LS ; Mohd Nasir MT ; Hazizi AS

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2013;19(3):401-407

3.Socio-Demographic and Psychosocial Factors Associatedwith Physical Activity of Working Woman in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Siti Affira K ; Mohd Nasir MT ; Hazizi AS ; Kandiah M

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2011;17(3):315-324

4.A Randomised Controlled Trial of a Facebook-based Physical Activity Intervention for Government Employees with Metabolic Syndrome

Chee HP ; Hazizi AS ; Barakatun Nisak MY ; Mohd Nasir MT

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2014;20(2):165-181

5.Differences in Eating Behaviours, Dietary Intake and Body Weight Status between Male and Female Malaysian University Students

Gan WY ; Mohd Nasir MT ; Zalilah MS ; Hazizi AS

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2011;17(2):213-228

6.Accelerometer-Determined Physical Activity Level among Government Employees in Penang, Malaysia

Hazizi AS ; Aina Mardiah B ; Mohd Nasir MT ; Zaitun Y ; Hamid Jan JM ; Tabata I

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2012;18(1):57-66

7.Association of Body Weight Status and Socio-Demographic Factors with Food Habits among Preschool Children in Peninsular Malaysia

Norimah AK ; Mohd Nasir MT ; Hazizi AS ; Suraya I ; Loh SH ; Nurliyana AR

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2014;20(3):303-315

8.Aflatoxin Occurrence, Food Regulations, Dietary Exposure, and Risk Assessment: A Mini Review from the Malaysian Perspective

Wei Lin Chang ; Hazizi Abu Saad ; Rosita Jamaluddin ; Mohd Redzwan Sabran

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2023;19(No.1):296-306

9.Associations of Sociodemographic Factors and Body Image With Body Weight Status Among Yemeni Adolescents in Selangor and Putrajaya, Malaysia

Abdulwali Ali Mareh ; Zuriati Ibrahim ; Faisal Ali ; Ahmed Al-Shahethi ; Hazizi Abu Saad

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020;16(Supp 6, Aug):63-68

10.Development of a tool to measure patients’ satisfaction of hospital foodservice in a government hospital

Mariem Boughoula ; Rosita Jamaluddin ; Nurul Aqmaliza Abd Manan ; Hazizi Abu Saad ; Muhammad Sharim Ab Karim

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2020;26(No.2):141-155

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