1.Coexistence of multiple anomalies in the hepatobiliary system.
Seyed Hadi ANJAMROOZ ; Hassan AZARI
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2012;45(1):62-65
The co-occurrence of several anomalies in the hepatobiliary system is uncommon. In the present study, hepatic lobe anomalies occurring in combination with hepatic artery and biliary variations were observed in an adult male cadaver. There are no previous reports in the literature on the coexistence of such anatomical variations. Preoperative diagnosis of such coexisting anomalies is very difficult. Hence, a thorough knowledge of these variations will enable surgeons to select the most appropriate hepatobiliary surgical procedure and postoperative management.
Cystic Duct
Hepatic Artery
2.Abnormal patterns of the renal veins.
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2012;45(1):57-61
Knowledge of the renal vascular anatomy may greatly contribute to the success of surgical, invasive and radiological procedures of the retroperitoneal region. Here, morphometric and histological studies of a human cadaveric specimen presented a complex, anomalous pattern of renal veins. The left renal vein had an oblique retro-aortic course and received two lumbar veins. It bifurcated near its drainage point into the inferior vena cava. The right renal vein received the right testicular vein. In addition, the left kidney was located at a low position. The spleen was enlarged. The present case is unique and provides information that may help surgeons or angiologists to apply safer interventions.
Kidney Transplantation
Renal Veins
Vena Cava, Inferior
3.Ketone ester supplementation of Atkinstype diet prolongs survival in an orthotopic xenograft model of glioblastoma
Hassan AZARI ; Angela POFF ; Dominic D’AGOSTINO ; Brent REYNOLDS
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2024;57(1):97-104
Heavy reliance on glucose metabolism and a reduced capacity to use ketone bodies makes glioblastoma (GBM) a promising candidate for ketone-based therapies. Ketogenic diet (KD) is well-known for its promising effects in controlling tumor growth in GBM. Moreover, synthetic ketone ester (KE) has demonstrated to increase blood ketone levels and enhance animal survival in a metastatic VM-M3 murine tumor model. Here, we compared the efficacy of a KE-supplemented Atkins-type diet (ATD-KE) to a classic KD in controlling tumor progression and enhancing survival in a clinically relevant orthotopic patient-derived xenograft GBM model. Our findings demonstrate that ATD-KE preserves body weight (percent change from the baseline; 112±2.99 vs. 116.9±2.52 and 104.8±3.67), decreases blood glucose (80.55±0.86 vs. 118.6±9.51 and 52.35±3.89 mg/dl), and increases ketone bodies in blood (1.15±0.03 mM vs. 0.55±0.04 and 2.66±0.21 mM) and brain tumor tissue (3.35±0.30 mM vs. 2.04±0.3 and 4.25±0.25 mM) comparable to the KD (results presented for ATD-KE vs. standard diet [STD] and KD, respectively). Importantly, the ATD-KE treatment significantly enhanced survival compared to the STD and was indistinguishable from the KD (47 days in STD vs. 56 days in KD and ATD-KE), suggesting that a nutritionally balanced low carbohydrate ATD combined with KE may be as effective as the KD alone in reducing brain tumor progression. Overall, these data support the rationale for clinical testing of KE-supplemented low-carb diet as an adjunct treatment for brain tumor patients.
4.The effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells.
Keramatollah ABBASNIA ; Amir GHANBARI ; Mehrnaz ABEDIAN ; Ali GHANBARI ; Sharareh SHARIFIFAR ; Hassan AZARI
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2015;48(2):104-113
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a new method for treating many neurological conditions; however, the exact therapeutic mechanisms behind rTMS-induced plasticity are still unknown. Neural stem and progenitor cells (NS/PCs) are active players in brain regeneration and plasticity but their behavior in the context of rTMS therapy needs further elucidation. We aimed to evaluate the effects of rTMS on proliferation and differentiation of NS/PCs in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of adult mouse brain. Adult male mice (n=30) were divided into rTMS (1-Hz and 30-Hz) and sham groups and treated for 7 or 14 consecutive days. Harvested NS/PCs from the SVZ were cultured in the neurosphere assay for 8 days and the number and size of the resulting neurospheres as well as their in vitro differentiation capacity were evaluated. After one week of rTMS treatment at 1-Hz and 30-Hz compared with sham stimulation, the mean neurosphere forming frequency per brain was not different while this measure significantly increased after two weeks (P<0.05). The mean neurosphere diameter in 1-Hz treatment paradigm was significantly larger compared with sham stimulation at both 1 and 2 weeks. In contrast, 30-Hz treatment paradigm resulted in significantly larger neurospheres only after 2 weeks. Importantly, rTMS treatment at both frequencies increased neuronal differentiation of the harvested NS/PCs. Furthermore, one week in vitro rTMS treatment of NS/PCs with both 1-Hz and 30-Hz increased NS/PCs proliferation and neuronal differentiation. It is concluded that both 1-Hz and 30-Hz rTMS treatment increase NS/PCs proliferation and neuronal differentiation.
Neural Stem Cells*
Stem Cells
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation*
5.Effects of high-fat diet on the numerical density and number of neuronal cells and the volume of the mouse hypothalamus: a stereological study.
Mohammad Reza NAMAVAR ; Samira RAMINFARD ; Zahra Vojdani JAHROMI ; Hassan AZARI
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2012;45(3):178-184
It has been demonstrated that the type of diet affects the brain structure and function. Consumption of fat-rich food is one of the most important factors that lead to increase in the prevalence of cardiovascular and neurological diseases. High-fat diet may change the volume and neuronal number or density in the hypothalamus, which is the center of energy control. Therefore, this study was designed to study the effect of high-fat diet on the density and number of neurons, and also the volume of hypothalamus in adult male mice. Forty male mice were divided into the control and experimental groups. The control group were fed with standard and the experimental groups, with high-fat diet for 4 (short-term) or 8 (long-term) weeks. The animals were perfused and brains were immediately removed, post-fixed and cut coronally and serially using cryostat at 30-microm thickness. Every 6th sections were stained by cresyl violet. The numerical density and number of neuron and the volume of hypothalamus were estimated by using unbiased stereological methods. Data analysis showed that both short and long time consumption of high-fat diet decreased the neuronal cell density of the hypothalamus. Interestingly, despite a decrease in the neuronal cell density, long time consumption of high-fat diet could significantly increase the volume of hypothalamus (P<0.05). High fat diet decreased the neuronal cell density and increased the volume of the hypothalamus, but it did not significantly change its total neurons. These changes might be due to an increase in the extracellular space through inflammation or gliosis in the hypothalamus.
Cell Count
Diet, High-Fat
Extracellular Space
Statistics as Topic
6.Ibrutinib reduces neutrophil infiltration, preserves neural tissue and enhances locomotor recovery in mouse contusion model of spinal cord injury
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2021;54(3):350-360
Following acute spinal cord injury (SCI), excessive recruitment of neutrophils can result in inflammation, neural tissue loss and exacerbation of neurological outcomes. Ibrutinib is a bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitor in innate immune cells such as the neutrophils that diminishes their activation and influx to the site of injury. The present study evaluated the efficacy of ibrutinib administration in the acute phase of SCI on neural tissue preservation and locomotor recovery. Ibrutinib was delivered intravenously at 3.125 mg/kg either immediately, 12 hours after, or both immediately and 12 hours after SCI induction in adult male C57BL/6 mice. Neutrophil influx into the lesion area was evaluated 24 hours following SCI using light microscopy and immunohistochemistry methods. Animals’ body weight changes were recorded, and their functional motor recovery was assessed based on the Basso mouse scale during 28 days after treatment. Finally, spinal cord lesion volume was estimated by an unbiased stereological method. While animals’ weight in the control group started to increase one week after injury, it stayed unchanged in treatment groups. However, the double injection of ibrutinib led to a significantly lower body weight compared to the control group at 4 weeks post-injury. Mean neutrophil counts per visual field and the lesion volume were significantly decreased in all ibrutinib-treated groups. In addition, ibrutinib significantly improved locomotor functional recovery in all treated groups, especially in immediate and double-injection groups. Neural tissue protection and locomotor functional recovery suggest ibrutinib treatment as a potent immunotherapeutic intervention for traumatic SCI that warrants clinical testing.
7.A study on the effect of JNJ-10397049 on proliferation and differentiation of neural precursor cells
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2022;55(2):179-189
The orexin 2 receptor plays a central role in maintaining sleep and wakefulness. Recently, it has been shown that sleep and wakefulness orchestrate the proliferation and differentiation of oligodendrocytes. Here, we explored the role of a selective orexin 2 receptor antagonist (JNJ-10397049) in proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitor cells (NPCs). We evaluated the proliferation potential of NPCs after exposure to different concentrations of JNJ-10397049 by using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide and neurosphere assays. Moreover, the expression of differentiation markers was assessed by immunocytochemistry and real-time polymerase chain reaction. JNJ-10397049 significantly increased the proliferation of NPCs at lower concentrations. In addition, orexin 2 receptor antagonist facilitated progression of differentiation of NPCs towards oligodendroglial lineage by considerable expression of Olig2 and 2’,3’-cyclicnucleotide 3’-phosphodiesterase as well as decreased expression of nestin marker. The results open a new avenue for future investigations in which the production of more oligodendrocytes from NPCs is needed.
8.Ibrutinib reduces neutrophil infiltration, preserves neural tissue and enhances locomotor recovery in mouse contusion model of spinal cord injury
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2021;54(3):350-360
Following acute spinal cord injury (SCI), excessive recruitment of neutrophils can result in inflammation, neural tissue loss and exacerbation of neurological outcomes. Ibrutinib is a bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitor in innate immune cells such as the neutrophils that diminishes their activation and influx to the site of injury. The present study evaluated the efficacy of ibrutinib administration in the acute phase of SCI on neural tissue preservation and locomotor recovery. Ibrutinib was delivered intravenously at 3.125 mg/kg either immediately, 12 hours after, or both immediately and 12 hours after SCI induction in adult male C57BL/6 mice. Neutrophil influx into the lesion area was evaluated 24 hours following SCI using light microscopy and immunohistochemistry methods. Animals’ body weight changes were recorded, and their functional motor recovery was assessed based on the Basso mouse scale during 28 days after treatment. Finally, spinal cord lesion volume was estimated by an unbiased stereological method. While animals’ weight in the control group started to increase one week after injury, it stayed unchanged in treatment groups. However, the double injection of ibrutinib led to a significantly lower body weight compared to the control group at 4 weeks post-injury. Mean neutrophil counts per visual field and the lesion volume were significantly decreased in all ibrutinib-treated groups. In addition, ibrutinib significantly improved locomotor functional recovery in all treated groups, especially in immediate and double-injection groups. Neural tissue protection and locomotor functional recovery suggest ibrutinib treatment as a potent immunotherapeutic intervention for traumatic SCI that warrants clinical testing.
9.Neurosphere and adherent culture conditions are equivalent for malignant glioma stem cell lines.
Maryam RAHMAN ; Karina REYNER ; Loic DELEYROLLE ; Sebastien MILLETTE ; Hassan AZARI ; Bryan W DAY ; Brett W STRINGER ; Andrew W BOYD ; Terrance G JOHNS ; Vincent BLOT ; Rohit DUGGAL ; Brent A REYNOLDS
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2015;48(1):25-35
Certain limitations of the neurosphere assay (NSA) have resulted in a search for alternative culture techniques for brain tumor-initiating cells (TICs). Recently, reports have described growing glioblastoma (GBM) TICs as a monolayer using laminin. We performed a side-by-side analysis of the NSA and laminin (adherent) culture conditions to compare the growth and expansion of GBM TICs. GBM cells were grown using the NSA and adherent culture conditions. Comparisons were made using growth in culture, apoptosis assays, protein expression, limiting dilution clonal frequency assay, genetic affymetrix analysis, and tumorigenicity in vivo. In vitro expansion curves for the NSA and adherent culture conditions were virtually identical (P=0.24) and the clonogenic frequencies (5.2% for NSA vs. 5.0% for laminin, P=0.9) were similar as well. Likewise, markers of differentiation (glial fibrillary acidic protein and beta tubulin III) and proliferation (Ki67 and MCM2) revealed no statistical difference between the sphere and attachment methods. Several different methods were used to determine the numbers of dead or dying cells (trypan blue, DiIC, caspase-3, and annexin V) with none of the assays noting a meaningful variance between the two methods. In addition, genetic expression analysis with microarrays revealed no significant differences between the two groups. Finally, glioma cells derived from both methods of expansion formed large invasive tumors exhibiting GBM features when implanted in immune-compromised animals. A detailed functional, protein and genetic characterization of human GBM cells cultured in serum-free defined conditions demonstrated no statistically meaningful differences when grown using sphere (NSA) or adherent conditions. Hence, both methods are functionally equivalent and remain suitable options for expanding primary high-grade gliomas in tissue culture.
Caspase 3
Culture Techniques
Neoplastic Stem Cells
Stem Cells*
10.A simple technique for morphological measurement of cerebral arterial circle variations using public domain software (Osiris).
Saeed ANSARI ; Majid DADMEHR ; Behzad EFTEKHAR ; Douglas J MCCONNELL ; Sarah GANJI ; Hassan AZARI ; Shahab KAMALI-ARDAKANI ; Brian L HOH ; J MOCCO
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2011;44(4):324-330
This article describes a straightforward method to measure the dimensions and identify morphological variations in the cerebral arterial circle using the general-purpose software program Osiris. This user-friendly and portable program displays, manipulates, and analyzes medical digital images, and it has the capability to determine morphometric properties of selected blood vessels (or other anatomical structures) in humans and animals. To ascertain morphometric variations in the cerebral arterial circle, 132 brains of recently deceased fetuses, infants, and adults were dissected. The dissection procedure was first digitized, and then the dimensions were measured with Osiris software. Measurements of each vessel's length and external diameters were used to identify and classify morphological variations in the cerebral arterial circle. The most commonly observed anatomical variations were uni- and bilateral hypoplasia of the posterior communicating artery. This study demonstrates that public domain software can be used to measure and classify cerebral arterial circle vessels. This method could be extended to examine other anatomical regions or to study other animals. Additionally, knowledge of variations within the circle could be applied clinically to enhance diagnostic and treatment specificity.
Blood Vessels
Circle of Willis
Public Sector
Sensitivity and Specificity