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Author:(Hassam MUHAMMAD)

1.Crohn's Disease with Fistula: 10 Year Trends and Mortality in the United States

Hassam ALI ; Rizwan ISHTIAQ ; Muhammad WAQAR HANIF ; Rahul PAMARTHY ; Muhammad Hassan FAROOQ ; Muhammad FAHD FAROOQ

The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology 2022;80(3):142-148

2.Erector spinae plane versus fascia iliaca block after total hip arthroplasty: a randomized clinical trial comparing analgesic effectiveness and motor block

Edoardo FLAVIANO ; Silvia BETTINELLI ; Maddalena ASSANDRI ; Hassam MUHAMMAD ; Alberto BENIGNI ; Gianluca CAPPELLERI ; Edward Rivera MARIANO ; Luca Ferdinando LORINI ; Dario BUGADA

Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2023;76(4):326-335

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