1.Efficacy of Short-Acting β-Blockers after Cardiac Surgery
Haruo Suzuki ; Susumu Ishikawa ; Susumu Kadowaki ; Keisuke Nakamura ; Keiko Abe ; Akio Kawasaki ; Kazuo Neya ; Keisuke Ueda
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;38(3):175-178
The efficacy of Landiolol hydrochloride (Onoact®) for the treatment of arrhythmia was studied in 10 adult patients who underwent cardiovascular surgery. Onoact was continuously infused at a mean rate of 0.018 mg/kg/min initially and followed by 0.01 mg/kg/min. After the initiation of Onoact infusion, supra-ventricular tachycardia was eliminated in 5 out of 6 patients, and ventricular tachycardia disappeared in all 4 patients. The decrease in systemic blood pressure was not significant. Low-dose continuous infusion of Onoact was safe and effective even in patients just after cardiovascular surgery.
2.A Case of Fulminant Viral Myocarditis Complicated by Severe Multiple Organ Failure That Was Rescued by Using a Biventricular Assist Device
Soichiro Kageyama ; Takeki Ohashi ; Koji Iida ; Masao Tadakoshi ; Haruo Suzuki ; Masato Furui ; Akinori Kojima ; Noriko Kodani
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2016;45(3):126-130
Fulminant myocarditis is known as a disastrous disease that requires intensive care with mechanical cardiopulmonary support. Percutaneous cardiopulmonary bypass (PCPS), which is referred to as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, is usually used for fulminant myocarditis. However, in some cases, PCPS may be ineffective because of circulatory insufficiency and could be associated with various severe complications such as multiple organ failure or leg ischemia. In such cases, placement of a ventricular assist device (VAD) is required. A 46-year-old man with fever and severe fatigue was admitted to a local hospital and diagnosed as having fulminant myocarditis. Although an intra-aortic balloon pump and PCPS were introduced, cardiac function was not recovered, causing multiple organ failure and leg ischemia. Hence, he was transferred to our hospital for further mechanical support. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) revealed severe biventricular cardiac dysfunction, and radiography showed pulmonary edema. His total bilirubin level was 6.9 mg/dl and platelet level was 3,300/μl. Thus, we implanted a biventricular assist device (BiVAD). At 12 days after the implantation, TEE revealed improvement of cardiac function, and blood biochemical examination revealed recovery of multiple organ function. Thereafter, the patient was weaned from the BiVAD successfully. After the operation, the patient underwent a long rehabilitation. He was discharged 51 days after the operation, without any neurological or cardiac complication.
3.Surgical Treatment for Angiosarcoma Occupying the Bilateral Atrial Cavities and the Atrial Septum
Keita Kikuchi ; Haruo Makuuchi ; Hiroshi Murakami ; Toshiya Kobayashi ; Masahide Chikada ; Takamaro Suzuki ; Takashi Ando ; Kiyoshi Chiba
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2006;35(1):25-28
A 48-year-old man complained of hemoptysis. Chest CT scan showed a large cardiac tumor invading the atrial septum and both atria, as well as multiple small nodules in bilateral lung fields. They were diagnosed as a malignant cardiac tumor and its lung metastases. As the tumor in the left atrium was extremely massive, operation was performed to prevent sudden death due to occlusion and to make a pathological diagnosis. The cardiac tumor invaded the atrial septum from the right atrium and occupied the left atrium. After the cardiac tumor was completely removed, the bilateral atria, the atrial septum, SVC, IVC and the right lower pulmonary vein were reconstructed with prosthetic pericardial patches. The tumor was angiosarcoma. During the postoperative period, Interleukin-2 was used as the treatment for angiosarcoma. Unfortunately the patient died of lung failure on the 107th postoperative day. Though IL-2 could not stop the development of lung metastasis in this case, the effectiveness of radiotherapy or IL-2 for angiosarcoma has recently been reported. In such cases where complete resection of the primary cardiac lesion is possible, postoperative radiotherapy or IL-2 administration seems to be effective for cardiac sarcoma.
4.Relations between daily energy expenditure and body fatness, physical fitness in primary school children using doubly labeled water method and accelerometer
Satoshi Nakae ; Yosuke Yamada ; Misaka Kimura ; Kazuhiro Suzuki ; Haruo Ozawa ; Kazufumi Hirakawa ; Kojiro Ishii
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2013;62(5):353-360
The relationships between physical activity and childhood body size, low physical fitness epidemic are still unclear. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between energy expenditure estimated by doubly labeled water (DLW) method and body fatness, physical fitness in children, and the relationship between physical activity levels and percent time spent in activities. 30 healthy Japanese children (20 boys and 10 girls) participated in this study. The total energy expenditure (TEE) and % body fat were measured by the DLW method over a 6-day period. The physical activity-related energy expenditure (PAEE) was calculated as (TEE × 0.90) – basal metabolic rate (BMR). The physical activity level (PAL) was also calculated as TEE/BMR. The physical fitness tests (8 items) were applied to evaluate fitness, and scores of each test were calculated as overall physical fitness score. The TEE was 2009.8 ± 272.6 kcal/day, the PAEE was 558.4 ± 206.1 kcal/day and the PAL was 1.61 ± 0.18. TEE per weight and PAEE per weight (PAEE/wt) was significantly negatively correlated with % body fat (r = - 0.626; r = - 0.400, respectively). These results suggest that increasing energy expenditure is important for achieving adequate body size. The PAEE/wt was most strongly correlated with physical fitness score (r = 0.680). The PAL was associated with percent time spent of inactivity ( r = -0.506), light-moderate activity ( r = 0.450) and vigorous activity ( r = 0.545). It was suggested that physically active lifestyle would be necessary for childhood health.
5.Relationships between duration of various physical activities and physical activity level in children
Yoshitake Oshima ; Satoshi Nakae ; Yosuke Yamada ; Misaka Kimura ; Haruo Ozawa ; Kazuhiro Suzuki ; Kazuhumi Hirakawa ; Kojiro Ishii
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2013;62(5):391-397
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between patterns of daily physical activities measured by accelerometer and physical activity level (PAL) in children. Firstly, activity intensities during incremental exercise were measured using a tri-axial accelerometer (HJA-350IT) in twenty one children aged 10.6 ± 0.9 years. As a result of receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis, the cut-off value for discrimination between walking and running activity was set at 7.2 METs of HJA-350IT. Secondly, total energy expenditure (TEE) in daily life was measured by doubly labeled water method, and durations of lifestyle, walking, and running activities were measured by the accelerometer in 6th grade elementary school children (11 boys and 10 girls). TEE and physical activity level (PAL) were 2,021 ± 343 kcal/day and 1.56 ± 0.17, respectively. The average durations of lifestyle, walking and running activities were 188 ± 30 min/day (50.6 ± 6.0 %), 171±28 min/day (45.9 ± 5.0 %) and 13.3 ± 7.6 min/day (3.5 ± 1.8 %), respectively. The proportion of the duration of running activity was positively correlated with PAL (r = 0.615, p < 0.01), and the proportion of the duration of lifestyle activity was negatively correlated with PAL (r = -0.439, p < 0.05). There was no relationship between the proportion of the duration of walking activity and PAL (r = 0.300, n.s.). These results suggest that running activity is important to increase PAL more than ever in primary school children.
6.Efficacy of Short-Acting .BETA.-Blockers after Cardiac Surgery
Haruo Suzuki ; Susumu Ishikawa ; Susumu Kadowaki ; Keisuke Nakamura ; Keiko Abe ; Akio Kawasaki ; Kazuo Neya ; Keisuke Ueda
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;38(3):175-178
The efficacy of Landiolol hydrochloride (Onoact®) for the treatment of arrhythmia was studied in 10 adult patients who underwent cardiovascular surgery. Onoact was continuously infused at a mean rate of 0.018 mg/kg/min initially and followed by 0.01 mg/kg/min. After the initiation of Onoact infusion, supra-ventricular tachycardia was eliminated in 5 out of 6 patients, and ventricular tachycardia disappeared in all 4 patients. The decrease in systemic blood pressure was not significant. Low-dose continuous infusion of Onoact was safe and effective even in patients just after cardiovascular surgery.
7.A Comprehensive Software Suite for the Analysis of cDNAs
Arakawa KAZUHARU ; Suzuki HARUO ; Fujishima KOSUKE ; Fujimoto KENJI ; Ueda SHO ; Matsui MOTOMU ; Tomita MASARU
Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2005;3(3):179-188
We have developed a comprehensive software suite for bioinformatics research of cDNAs; it is aimed at rapid characterization of the features of genes and the proteins they code. Methods implemented include the detection of translation initiation and termination signals, statistical analysis of codon usage, comparative study of amino acid composition, comparative modeling of the structures of product proteins, prediction of alternative splice forms, and metabolic pathway reconstruction.The software package is freely available under the GNU General Public License at http://www.g-language.org/data/cdna/.
8.A Case of Partial Arch and Descending Aortic Replacement for a Ruptured Type B Acute Aortic Dissection
Ko Shibata ; Haruo Makuuchi ; Toshiya Kobayashi ; Masahide Chikada ; Hirosi Murakami ; Takamaro Suzuki ; Hirokuni Ono ; Kiyoshi Chiba ; Tokuichiro Nagata
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;38(1):64-66
Ruptured type B acute aortic dissection (AAD) is a life-threatening condition, in which surgical treatment most often yields unsatisfactory results. We report a case of a ruptured type B AAD in a 67-year-old man detected on computed tomography that required a partial aortic arch replacement with reconstruction of the left subclavian artery with adjunct deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA). Although the patient had a postoperative stroke, he recovered markedly with rehabilitation. DHCA and open proximal anastomosis are useful for the surgical treatment of type B AAD, however, an elaborate strategy to prevent an intraoperative cerebral embolism is especially important.
9.Ross Operation for Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis in a Patient with Aortitis Syndrome
Susumu Kadowaki ; Susumu Ishikawa ; Akio Kawasaki ; Kazuo Neya ; Haruo Suzuki ; Keiko Abe ; Makoto Shibuya ; Hiroshi Takami ; Keisuke Ueda
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;38(1):71-74
A 60-year-old man was admitted to our hospital due to cerebellum infarction. He had undergone replacement of the aortic valve and ascending aorta because of aortitis syndrome 2 years ago. Electrocardiogram showed complete atrioventricular block. Echocardiography showed aortic annular abscess and vegetation on the prosthetic aortic valve. A pulmonary autograft was transplanted of the aortic root (Ross operation) after complete resection of the infected sites. The postoperative course was uneventful. The ross operation was considered to be a treatment of choice for prosthetic aortic valve endocarditis.
10.New Procedure to Detect Intra-Muscular and/or Intra-Fat Coronary Artery Using an Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Keita Kikuchi ; Haruo Makuuchi ; Hiroshi Murakami ; Takamaro Suzuki ; Takashi Ando ; Makoto Ohno ; Hirokuni Ono ; Kiyoshi Chiba ; Shinichi Endo
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2005;34(2):159-161
Detection of the coronary artery is usually an easy procedure in the coronary artery surgery. However in cases with an intra-muscular and/or intra-fat coronary artery, it requires special skill and experience. Dissection of epicardial adipose tissue and/or muscle along the epicardial groove is a common procedure to reach such coronary artery in conventional CABG (C-CABG). Recently, off-pump CABG (OPCAB) has become a standard operation, and detection of such a coronary artery is difficult under the beating heart. Then conversion to the C-CABG becomes necessary to avoid ventricular rupture. We report a new procedure to easily detect such a coronary artery in OPCAB, using an ultrasonic Fowmeter used in neurosurgery. Because the tip of the probe is small (2mm in diameter) and flexible, its handling is quite similar to that of the micro-blade knife. Furthermore, audiable Doppler flow sound allows detection and dissection of the coronary artery without looking away from the operative field to check the coronary flow. In our case, use of the instrument enabled us to detect the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery which was very deep in adipose tissue. Therefore, application of this ultrasound instrument is beneficial in OPCAB with an intra-muscular and/or intra-fat coronary artery.