1.Comments on the Policy of Separation Between Prescribing and Dispensing Medicines.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2002;45(8):957-958
No abstract available.
2.Enrichment of Health Insurance Financing and Rational Adjustment of Fee Schedule.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2000;43(10):975-982
No abstract available.
Fee Schedules*
Fees and Charges*
Insurance, Health*
3.An Analysis of the Medical Aid Program on the Utilization Aspect in Rural Korea.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1978;11(1):41-48
To examine the result of the government Medical Aid Program which began in January, 1977 as a part of social security policy implementation, all the medical records of the clients and official statistics in the year were analyzed. The specific objectives this study pursues include the magnitudes and patterns of morbidity and utilization, and the characteristics of clients. One Korean rural area, Koje county was selected as the study area and subsequently all the clinics and hospitals assigned to work out the Aid Program are the subjects for the survey. A brief summary of the study results as follows: a. The clients of Koje county are 6.4% of the total population in the area, more than the average percentage of the clients in Korea. It reflects on low level of economic status of the residents of the area. b. The population structure of the clients indicates that the large proportions of young and old age group are overwhelming, while the middle age group share very small portions. 3c. The utilization rates for primary care are 2.0 persons, 11.6 visits and 22.6 treatment days per 100 persons per months. Annual hospitalization is rated as 13.7 cases and 164 days per 1,000 persons. The utilization rates are slightly lower than those expected rates during planning period but eventually become higher than those of general population in rural Korea. d. The factors which influence the utilization rates are identified with client group(low income vs indigent), age and sex. e. The utilization pattern for primary care demonstrates seasonal variation similar to the pattern of general rural population in the low income group, but none in the indigent group. f. The most common diseases revealed at the primary care clinics are the acute respiratory infection (26.9%), acute gastritis (10.8%), skin and subcutaneous infection (6.8%). The cases of acute conditions are outnumbered than the cases of chronic condition. g. The clinics, hospitals and other related health institutions are well cooperated in dealing health care services in their own capacities. Considering the above results Medical Aid Program generated satisfactory results at least in the utilization aspect.
Delivery of Health Care
Medical Records
Middle Aged
Primary Health Care
Rural Population
Social Security
4.Seeking to Allow for-Profit Health Care Providers in Korea.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2005;48(7):598-599
No abstract available.
Health Personnel*
5.Measuring Myun Health Worker's Performance by Time-Activity Approach.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1977;10(1):34-43
This study attempts to examine the performances of Myun Health Workers-the frontline workers in the Korean rural health care delivery system. The time-activity approach was mainly utilized as a measuring tool. This study was undertaken in September 1976 with 35 Myun Health Workers at the Kang Wha Country. The pretested time-activity approach sheets were filled out daily for one month by those Myun Health Workers themselves. Statistical means and variances of analysis were utilized for statistical method in comparing some activities and functions converged into time distribution. Findings: 1. The workers's average working hours derived in this study is 8 hours and 48 minutes per day, which takes half an hour longer than normal schedule. 2. They spend 56% working hour for direct services, in other words, the main function, 22% for supportive function, and 22% for other activities, the unrelated health services. 3. Considering the total working hours of main function, out-center activity is far more than in-center services with the ratio of 70% to 30% respectively, which proves, therefore, that the main activity of the workers is home visiting. 4. It takes 20 minutes purely for home visition and takes 14 minutes for transportation. 5. This research also indicates that such factors as characteristics of the health workers and myun influence in shaping the structures of the worker's function and activity: a. The workers whose working site is located is myun office spend 15% among total working hours in carring out official myun activities, which is incidentally unrelated to health services, while the health subcenter have no rooms for administrative jobs for myun office. b. The workers whose office is in health subcenter contribute much time in doing main function and those working in special project distribute more time in performing supportive function. c. The types of workers are another dominant factor to influence the components of worker's functions and activities. d. MPW II, whose function is reorganized by special project in 2 myuns shows different pattern of time distribution compared to the TB worker orFP worker in the ordinatry area. MPW II distributes their time evenly in performing MCH program, T.B. program, F.P. program and education activity, while the unipurpose workers engage in carring out only their dominant role. e. Another variables which involve th variation of the worker's activity can be illustrated with the variables like target population, size of myun and convenience for transportation, among which the latter two are remarkable factors in determining the time for out-center service.
Appointments and Schedules
Health Services
Health Services Needs and Demand
House Calls
Rural Health
6.Tetracycline Versus Erythromycin in the Treatment of Non-specific Urethritis.
Chong Han CHUN ; Joong Hwan KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1982;20(5):647-654
The number of non-specific urethritis(NSU) is exceeding more and more that of Gonorrhea in developed nations and sorne of the developing countries especially in our country. Chlamydia trachomatis and Ureaplasma urealyticum, which are the most suspected etiologic agents of NSU, are sensitive to either tetracycline or erythromycin. We compared the effect of oral tetracycline to erythromycin in the treatment of male NSU. The subjects were 524 male patients with NSU at the VD clinic of the Choong Ku Public Health Center in Seoul during 16 months period from January 1980 to April 1981, The diagnostic criterial of NSU were; 1) Five or PMN/HPF in Gram-stained smears of urethral dischage of centrifuged sediment of urine, 2) no Gram-negative intracellular diplococci in Gram stained smears of urethral discharge, 3) no growth of Neisseria gonorrheae in Thayer-Martin media, 4) no Trichomonas vaginalis or Candida albicans in centrifuged sediment of urine.
Candida albicans
Chlamydia trachomatis
Developed Countries
Developing Countries
Public Health
Trichomonas vaginalis
Ureaplasma urealyticum
7.Comparison of Ampicillin with Procaine Penicillin in the Treatment of Male Gonorrhoea.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1982;20(1):9-13
A comparative investigation on the effect of ampicillin and procaine penicillin in the treatment of uncomplicated male gonorrhoea is presented. Three hundred and twenty eight male patients with uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis at a Venereal Disease Center in Seoul was subjected to this study. 164 patients were treated with 3.5 gm ampicillin plus l.0 gm probenecid, and 87 patients were followed. There were 16 (18.4%) failures and 15(21.1%) postgonococcal erethritis(PGU). Other 164 patients were treated with 4.8 million units produced penicillin plus 1.0gm prohenecid, and 73 patients were followed. There were 11 (15.1%) failures and 11(17.7%)PGU. There was no statistically significant difference of effect in the treatment of gonorrhoea between above two drugs. It is suggested that ampicillin plus probenecid is as effective as procaine penicilIin plus probenecid in the treatment of uncomplicated male gonococca1 urethritis.
9.An experimental comparison of old degenerated nerve autografts with fresh nerve autografts in rats.
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1992;27(1):369-376
No abstract available.
10.Tetracycline versus combination of terracycline and metronidazole in the treatment of male patients with nogonococcal urethriris.
Han Joong KIM ; Jae Hong KIM ; Young Tae KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1993;31(6):937-943
BACKGROUND: The number of nongonococcal urethritis(NGU) cases is exceeding more and more that of Gonorrhea in developeing nations and some of the developing countr es such as Korea. The best evidence for an etiologic role for Trichomonas Vaginalis is in nongonococcal urethritis. OBJECTIVE: We compared the effects of Tetracycline to Tetracycine and Metronidazole in the treatment of male patients with nongonococcal urethritis and wished to find out the incidence of Trichomon-as Vaginalis in male patients with nongonocaccal urethritis indirectly. METHOD: From January, ],989 to December, 1992, three hundred male patients with nongococcal urethritis(NGU) at the Venreal Disease Clinic of Choong-Ku Publi Health Center in Seoul were allocated randomly into one of two treatment regimens. and one hundred sixty eight patients were followed. RESULTS: Eighty(83.4%) of ninty six patients treated with Tetrac; cline, 500mg, PO, q.i.d. for 14 days were cured. Sixty two(86.2%) of seventy two patients treatec with Tetracycline, 500mg, PO, q.i. d. for 14 days and Metronidaole. 2.0gm, PO, for 1 day were cured. There is no significant different between the 2 groups in treated rates(P<0.05). CONCLUSION: It suggests that male patients with nongonococcal ure1hritis due to trichomoniasis are rare in Korea. This may be die to the fact that the incidence of trichorioniasis has been declining since the 1960s. It also suggests not only the need for further studies on tool is disease but also more studies on other causes of nongonocoqeal urethritis, its treatment and epidernio.ogical study.
Trichomonas vaginalis