1.Prevalence And Correlates Of Parkinson’s Disease Among Elderly Patients Attending Neurology Clinic At Serdang Hospital In 2016
International Journal of Public Health Research 2018;8(1):894-898
Introduction Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and the most frequent sub-cortical degenerative disease, characterized by universal progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement.Methodology This cross sectional study aimed to determine the prevalence and correlates of PD among elderly attending the neurology clinic in Serdang Hospital. A total of 150 records of patients attended the clinic from January to December were randomly selected. Data was collected using a proforma form seeking information related to age, gender, race, locality, and presence of comorbidity particularly diabetes mellitus.Result The data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (IBM SPSS) version 22.0. The prevalence of PD among the elderly involved in the study was 34%. Majority of the respondents were aged 60 to 70 years old (54.7%), male (53.3%), Chinese (56.7%), from urban locality (93.0%) and were not diabetic (69.3%). The inferential statistics showed no significant association between all the factors with PD. However, the associations between age and diabetes mellitus with PD were almost significant with p values of 0.07 and 0.08 respectively.Conclusion Overall, the prevalence of PD among elderly who attended the neurology clinic in year 2016 was less than half with none of the factors under study were significantly associated with PD. However with bigger sample size, possible significant association may be obtained between age and diabetes mellitus.
2.Experiencing Health Care and Culture in Niigata, Japan
Halimatus Sakdiah Minhat ; Ahmad Fareed A Rahman ; Nur Fatihah Oh Abdullah ; Natrah Mohd Saad
International Journal of Public Health Research 2012;2(1):122-128
In July 2010 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Niigata University (NU) signed a memorandum of agreement to continue collaboration in joint planning and implementation of education, research and practice services in the field of medicine. Since then several undergraduate and postgraduate students including academic staffs have been visiting NU and UKM as part of their learning experience. This collaboration is also a good opportunity for Doctor of Public Health (DRPH) postgraduate candidates to gain experience on the practice of public health in handling public health issues, planning the healthcare facilities, delivering a quality public health services, enforcing public health policies/regulations and finally learn about the health systems in general at other countries especially from developed country like Japan. The learning experience will help student to evaluate the difference of practice of public health in different countries based on their culture, availability of resources, disease trend and other factors influence the practice of public health.
Delivery of Health Care
Public Health
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
3.Sensitivity & Specificity Of Screening Tools For Postpartum Depression: A Systematic Review
Azreena Che Abdullah ; Nor Afiah Mohd Zulkefli ; Halimatus Sakdiah Minhat ; Anisah Baharom ; Norliza Ahmad
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2019;19(2):160-169
Postpartum depression is a depressive episode that can start at any point during the first year after childbirth. There are several tools that can be used for PPD screening. The need to define a predictive tool that is clinically useful and has acceptable sensitivity and sensitivity is important especially to be used in the primary care setting. This systematic review investigates the evidence of the sensitivity and specificity of screening tools used for PPD screening. The Standard for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracies (STARD) guidelines were used to conduct the review as a basis for our methodology. PubMed, ScienceDirect and Springerlink databases between 2007 until 2017 were comprehensively searched EPDS and BDI instrument has sensitivity of more than 80% but findings for specificity was inconclusive. The heterogeneity across studies could be the result of methodological differences in validation of the instruments. In addition, these studies were conducted across continents and settings with different cultures, languages and resources. We have identified 5 different instruments used to screen for postpartum depression. The EPDS was the most validated instrument in the review and we found that EPDS and BDI have higher accuracy to screen postpartum depression because the sensitivity reported were more than 80%.
4.Risks of Mental Problems Among Medical Students in a Public University in Malaysia
Halimatus Sakdiah Minhat, Tasneem Abdalgfar Alawad
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2019;15(SP3):65-69
Introduction: Mental problems have become increasingly important public health issue globally. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and factors associated with depression, anxiety, and stress among medical students in a public university in Malaysia. Methods: A total of 447 medical students were sampled by stratified proportionate to size sampling according to year of study. Validated self-administered questionnaire was used consisted of 5 sections namely, socio-demographic factors, social support received from family members and friends, presence of co-morbidity, previous history of resolved mental problem and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale DASS- 21. Data was analysed by using the statistical computer software ‘Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)’ version 22 involving three levels of analysis (descriptive, chi square and multiple logistic regression). Results: Only 31.1% of the respondents were found to be depressed with mainly within the moderately depressed category, 53.9% had anxiety and 26% were having stress. Perceived social support received from family members was a significant predicting factor for depression, anxiety and stress. Conclusion: High proportion of depression, anxiety and level of stress among medical students were found. The stressful medical program is putting medical students at risk of mental problems. Parents and family members should be encouraged to be more involved in any related programs to promote better mental health and well-being of medical students.
5.A Review on Determinants of Depression among Adult Prisoner
Gunenthira RAO ; Rosliza Abdul MANAF ; Halimatus Sakdiah MINHAT
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2018;14(2):75-87
Prisoner tend to be marginalized and deprived that it burdens them with psychological trauma, predominantly depression. This review will identify the determinants of depression among adult inmates. Literatures published from 2012 to March 2017 were searched from various databases. Inclusion criteria were English full text, adults with a diagnosis of depression while exclusion criteria were diagnostic instruments, clinical or drug trials. The review adhered to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement reporting. A total of 168 studies were identified although only 14 studies were eligible for final review. Factors associated with inmates’ depression range from the potentially modifiable to non-modifiable. Recognized modifiable factors were psychological, family support, and environment while non-modifiable were biological, demographic, individual, and social. Determinants identified should be addressed in formulation of better targeting therapy, in terms of both prevention and treatment of depression among inmates.
6.A Review on the Factors Influencing the Attendance of Postpartum Diabetes Screening for Mothers with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Puganeswary Thangarajah, Halimatus Sakdiah Minhat, Nor Afiah Mohd Zulkefli, Norliza Ahmad
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2019;15(SP3):84-88
Women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) during their pregnancy have a greater risk of developing overt diabetes mellitus and dysglycemia (prediabetes, impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose) later in future, compared to mothers with normal pregnancy. Postpartum screening is crucial for early identification of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in women with GDM. Nevertheless, despite various strategies, its rate remains low. A systematic review using databases of PubMed/Medline, Science Direct and CINAHL from 2008 to 2018, was conducted to identify the factors influencing the attendance of postpartum diabetes screening. Open access English articles, focusing on observational studies were reviewed. Primary screening of titles and abstracts of 91 articles were done, secondary screening of 31 articles resulted in 6 articles, included in this manuscript. Various factors identified to be associated with the attendance to postpartum diabetes screening, which are age, education, ethnicity, some obstetric factors like multiparty, and history of insulin usage previously. Many women fail to be screened for diabetes during the postpartum period, and this delays T2DM diagnosis, which in turn gives rise to various complications. Further research that considers these factors is necessary for developing interventions to improve postpartum T2DM screening for mothers with GDM during their pregnancy
7.Anaemia and its associated factors among pregnant women in Malaysia
Halimatus Sakdiah Minhat ; Puganeswary Thangarajah
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2022;28(No.1):53-63
Introduction: Despite remarkable improvement in maternal health, anaemia
during pregnancy remains a significant public health threat to Malaysian
women. This study aimed to determine the prevalence, severity, and associated
factors of anaemia in pregnancy among pregnant mothers in Seremban, Negeri
Sembilan. Methods: A total of 482 pregnant mothers were recruited using cluster
sampling. Data were collected using a validated and pre-tested self-administered
questionnaire consisting of four sections, namely socio-demographic and socioeconomic details, obstetric history, nutritional factors, and iron supplementation
status. In this study, anaemia in pregnancy was defined as haemoglobin (Hb) <11.0
g/dL, which was based on blood test taken during the first trimester. The data
were analysed using IBM SPSS version 23.0. Multiple logistic regression analysis
was conducted to determine the predictive model for anaemia during pregnancy
among the respondents. Results: The prevalence of anaemia in pregnancy among
the respondents was 22.0%, with 95.3% respondents mildly anaemic. Respondents
with an intake of iron supplementation of once daily (AOR=0.191, 95% CI: 0.074-
0.914), more than once daily (AOR=0.149, 95%CI: 0.091-0.248), and low intake
of seafood (AOR=0.320, 95% CI: 0.187-0.526) were less likely to develop anaemia
during pregnancy. Conclusion: The findings revealed moderate level of anaemia in
pregnancy, which was dominated by those in the mild category, with increased risk
predicted among young mothers. Iron supplementation (once daily or more) and low
intake of seafood protected mothers from developing anaemia during pregnancy.
8.Working Beyond Retirement Age: A Systematic Review
Halimatus Sakdiah Minhat ; Suttama Suwanmanee
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2023;19(No.3):315-324
Introduction: Population ageing brings along various crucial implications, with working beyond retirement age is
one of the economics implications of ageing. Realizing the increasing demand and concern to accommodate older
adults into the workforce, this review was conducted to develop better understanding on the factors associated with
post-retirement employment among older adults aged 50 years and older. Methods: Using Scopus, ScienceDirect
and PubMed databases, related articles between January 2017 and June 2021 were thoroughly searched using combination of keywords and screened according to the predetermined eligibility criteria. Post-retirement employment
was defined as employment of older adults aged 50 years old and above beyond retirement age or re-employment
of retired older adults, either from compulsory or voluntary retirement. All observational, qualitative, mixed methods
and experimental studies were included in the screening process. The Crowe Critical Appraisal Tool (CCAT) was
used to assess the quality of included articles. Results: A total of 12 articles included for review, with seven articles
rated as high-quality. The review had successfully identified 10 factors associated with working beyond retirement
age among older adults. Having good health status and being male gender were the commonest factors influencing
the decision to work beyond retirement age, followed by level of education, financial commitment/ reasons, and
work characteristics. Conclusion: The findings of this review provide a crucial insight and foundation towards addressing the unique needs of older workers in the employment policy.
9.Determinants of Premarital Sexual Behavior Among the Late Adolescents in Pahang, Malaysia
Halimatus Sakdiah Minhat ; Raja Nurul Najwa Raja Ismail ; Lim Poh Ying
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2023;19(No.4):117-123
Introduction: Premarital sexual behaviour remains an important sexual and reproductive health issue among adolescents in Malaysia. It is also a prohibited act and considered sinful among the Muslims community. This study aimed
to identify the determinants of premarital sexual behaviour among the late adolescents age group in Pahang, Malaysia. Methods: An observational study was conducted among eligible late adolescents, which were recruited using
probability sampling method. Only those aged 18 to19 years old, and previously attended the public secondary
schools in Malaysia were included, with non-Malaysian, married and those who were absent during the data collection day were excluded. Data was collected using a valid and reliable set of questionnaires measuring the personal
(demographic profile, knowledge and attitude), behavioural (premarital sexual behaviour and high-risk activities)
and environmental (subjective norms and perceived parental communication) factors. Multiple logistic regression
analysis was conducted to identify the determinants of premarital sexual behaviour. Results: A total of 390 adolescents aged 18 and 19 years old participated in this study, with 82.3% of respondents reported never had premarital
sexual behaviour. Multiple logistic regression showed that the male and engagement in high-risk activities had higher
odds in premarital sexual behaviour respectively (AOR =11.649, 95% CI: 3.615,37.536, p <0.001; AOR=19.224,
95% CI: 7.820,47.262, p <0.001). Conclusion: Male gender and engagement in high-risk activities remained important risk factors towards the ongoing concern related to premarital sexual behaviour among adolescents in Malaysia.
Failure to address this issue should be explored and improve accordingly.
10.Effectiveness of a Theory-Based Intervention to Improve Postpartum Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Screening Uptake Among Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Malaysia: A Prospective Quasi-Experimental Study
Halimatus Sakdiah Minhat ; Puganeswary Thangarajah ; Norliza Ahmad
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2024;20(No.2):99-104
Introduction: Despite the importance of postpartum type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) screening to ensure early
detection and effective management of T2DM among women previously diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus, low uptake has been reported. In view of the proven effectiveness of theory-based interventions, this study
aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Information Motivation Behavioural Skills (IMB)-based intervention to improve
postpartum T2DM screening uptake among pregnant women with GDM in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Methods:
A prospective quasi-experimental study was carried out among comparable respondents in the intervention and
control groups, involving 61 and 55 respondents respectively. Validated and reliable self-administered questionnaire
was used to measure pre- and post-intervention of knowledge, attitude and self-efficacy, based on the constructs of
the IMB model, with postpartum T2DM screening uptake measured at 6-week postpartum. Results: The IMB-based
intervention was effectively improved knowledge on gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and attitude as well as
self-efficacy related to the screening, with significant difference in the 6-week postpartum T2DM screening uptake
between the intervention and control groups. Between groups comparison revealed significantly higher mean scores
for knowledge (ηp
=0.11), attitude (ηp
=0.031) and self-efficacy (ηp
=0.52) in the intervention group compared to the
control group, with self-efficacy is showing the largest size effect. Conclusion: The IMB-based health intervention
had effectively improved the 6-week postpartum T2DM screening among women with GDM in the intervention
group, through the significant improvement of knowledge on GDM and attitude as well as self-efficacy related to the