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Author:(Haeryun CHO)

1.Knowledge and Attitudes towards Infant Oral Health, and Related Health Behavior among Parents.

Haeryun CHO

Child Health Nursing Research 2014;20(3):196-204

2.Effects of an Adolescent Obesity Management Educational Program on Middle and High School Teachers in South Korea.

Hae Young MIN ; Shin Jeong KIM ; Haeryun CHO

Asian Nursing Research 2017;11(2):84-91

3.Contents Analysis of Addiction Prevention in Middle School Textbooks.

Hyang Jin PARK ; Haeryun CHO

Child Health Nursing Research 2017;23(1):19-27

4.Development of an Instrument to Measure the Quality of Care through Patients' Eyes for Hospitalized Child.

Haeryun CHO ; Jina OH ; Dukyoo JUNG

Child Health Nursing Research 2015;21(2):131-140

5.Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Infection Prevention in Mothers of Young Children.

Haeryun CHO ; Hye Young MIN ; Shin Jeong KIM

Child Health Nursing Research 2018;24(2):138-147

6.The Effects of an Empathy Ability Improvement Program on Empathy Ability and Parenting Efficacy among Mothers of Elementary School Students.

Youn Sil KIM ; Haeryun CHO

Child Health Nursing Research 2018;24(2):119-127

7.Comparison of the Quality of Nursing Care as Perceived by Pediatric Nurses and Mothers of Hospitalized Children.

So Yeon YOO ; Yae Young KIM ; Haeryun CHO

Child Health Nursing Research 2018;24(4):373-382

8.Analysis of the supportive care needs of the parents of preterm children in South Korea using big data text-mining: Topic modeling

Ji Hyeon PARK ; Hanna LEE ; Haeryun CHO

Child Health Nursing Research 2021;27(1):34-42

9.Development of a mobile application focusing on developmental support care for Korean infants born prematurely: a methodological study

Ji Hyeon PARK ; Haeryun CHO

Child Health Nursing Research 2022;28(2):112-123

10.An Integrative Literature Review on Pain Alleviation Interventions for Hospitalized Children

Haeryun CHO ; Jungmin LEE ; Shin-Jeong KIM

Child Health Nursing Research 2020;26(2):254-266

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