1.Effect of Lysodren(R) on the Ultrastructural Changes in the Rat Adrenal Corex: Immunohistochemical staining for anti-ACTH antibody on the adenohypophysis.
Ho Jong CHUN ; Hae Chang CHO ; Hae Sook SONG ; Kyu Ho PARK
Korean Journal of Pathology 1989;23(1):94-110
The toxicity and adrenostatic effect of o,p'-DDD, a derivative of the insecticidal DDT, on the adrenal cortex were well known. It known that the toxicity was based on the blocking of steroid biopsynthesis when cholesterol was converted to pregnenolone. Lysodren(R) was also known to be capable of producing a regression of adrenocortical carcinoma and its metastases, and this drug became one of useful choice for the treatment of unoperable adrenocortical carcinomas. Recently, fine structural effect of o,p'-DDD on the adrenocortical carcinoma show that the mitochondria is the primary target organelle. o,p'-DDD was dissolved in corn oil and it was orally administered for 28 days to investigate the ultrastructural effects of zona fasciculata of rat adrenal cortex. The results obtained were as follow: 1) The body weight was decreased after feeding o,p'-DDD. 2) Light microscopic examination showed no remarkable change except increased fine lipid droplets of zona fasciculata in group I (o,p'-DDD 75 mg/kg feeding). Moderately increased intracytoplasmic lipid droplets and pyknotic nuclei bearing membrane indentations were seen in group II (o,p'-DDD 150 mg/kg feeding). Large sized lipid droplet aggregates, pyknotic nuclei with severe nuclear membrane indentations and karyorrhexis in focal area were evident in group III. 3) Immunohistochemical staining for ACTH in pituitary gland showed increasing number of ACTH secretory cell and increasing intensity of staining property according to the dosage of o,p'-DDD. 4) Ultrastructural examination showed increased intracytoplasmic lipid droplets and mild increased peroxisome. There was no remarkable ultrastructural changes in mitochondria in group I. Moderately increased lipid droplets and clusters formation, compressed mitochondria, partial disappearance of mitochondrial cristae, increased peroxisome and nuclear membrane indentations were seen in group II. In group III, nuclear membrane showed prominent indentation. Numberous cytoplasmic vacuolation, double membrane ring in mitochondria, disappearance of mitochondrial cristae, myelin figure formation in mitochondrial matrix, and fatty changes in mitochondrial matrix were seen. These findings showed that the primary target organelle of attack by o,p'-DDD on zona fasciculata of adrenal gland in rat is mitochondria and it was developed from double ring formation in mitochondrial matrix.
2.Malignant Teratoma in the Mediastinum Associated with Endodermal Sinus Tumor and Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Keun Hong KEE ; Ho Jong CHUN ; Chae Hong SUH ; Hae Sook SONG
Korean Journal of Pathology 1988;22(1):82-87
Anterior mediastinal teratoma was removed from the right hemithorax of a 15-year-old male patient presenting initially with right chest discomfort and hemoptysis. He was died following precipitous clinical deterioration, 2 months after open thoracotomy. The true malignant nature of this tumor, that there are endodermal sinus tumor and squamous cell carcinoma, was apparent on resection specimen. The former had metastasized to right supraclavicular lymph node. A similar case has not been reported previously on the review of the pertinent literature on malignant mediastinal teratoma.
3.Antiatherogenic Effect of Naringin Independent of Lipid-Lowering Action in Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits.
Seong Choon CHOE ; Hyo Soo KIM ; Tae Sook JEONG ; Song Hae BOK ; Young Bae PARK
Korean Circulation Journal 1998;28(11):1873-1881
BACKGROUND: Naringin, one of the flavonoids in citrus fruit peels, is known to have antioxidant and hepatotonic effects in animal studies. We evaluated the effect of naringin on 1) blood lipid profiles, 2) regression of fatty streak of aorta, and 3) liver toxicity in diet-induced hypercholesterolemic rabbits. METHODS: New Zealand White Rabbits (2.0 - 2.5 Kg) were divided to three groups; group without treatment, group treated with 100 mg/kg/d or 500 mg/kg/d naringin, and group treated with 1 mg/kg/d or 20 mg/kg/d lovastatin. They were fed on 0.25% or 1.0% cholesterol-containing diet for 8 weeks and then sacrificed. Blood samples were collected for measurement of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, serum GOT and GPT. Aortas and livers were harvested for evaluation of fatty streak and pathologic examination. RESULTS: 1)Feeding of 1% cholesterol diet for eight weeks significantly increased the cholesterol level upto 20 folds. Neither lovastatin nor naringin did lower these marked hypercholesterolemia. But both naringin (500 mg/kg/d) and lovastatin (1 mg/kg/d) significantly reduced the area of fatty streak by 75% and 58%, respectively. Naringin was more effective in inhibition of fat infiltration into liver than lovastatin which showed hepatotoxicity as increase of serum GPT level (p=0.01). 2)Feeding of 0.25% cholesterol diet for eight weeks significantly increased the cholesterol level upto 17 folds. Total cholesterol and triglyceride levels tended to decrease by treatment with naringin (500 mg/kg/d) and lovastatin (20 mg/kg/d), but this decreases were not statistically significant. However, areas of fatty streak significantly decreased by treatment with naringin and lovastatin by 64 and 82%, respectively (p<0.05). Microscopic analysis revealed that foam cell infiltration into intima was significantly reduced by naringin and lovastatin. In contrast to lovastatin, naringin significantly reduced the level of serum GPT (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Like lovastatin, naringin has strong antiatherogenic action which may not be associated with its very mild lipid lowering action. In contrast to lovastatin, naringin does have hepatoprotective effect.
Foam Cells
4.Lipid Cell Tumor of the Ovary: A case report.
Sung Churl LIM ; Keun Hong KEE ; Ho Jong CHUN ; Hae Sook SONG ; Chae Hong SUH
Korean Journal of Pathology 1989;23(1):181-186
Lipid cell tumors of the ovary are among the rarest of the functional ovarian neoplasms. Recently, authors experienced a case of lipid cell tumor of the left ovary in a 19 year old female, who presented with amenorrhea and hirsutism for 4 years. Grossly, the ovary was well encapsulated, and measured 6.5x6x4.5 cm. Cut surface show homogenous yellowish bulging neoplastic tissue and peritheral displaced normal ovarian tissue. Microscopically, neoplastic cells were composed of rounded and polyhedral cells, arranged in nests seperated by rich vascular networks. On the basis of the author's findings and the evidence available in the literature, we determined this case as ovarian lipid cell tumor.
5.Primary Malignant Lymphoma of True Histiocytic Origin of the Liver: Histiocytic Sarcoma, Kupffer Cell Sarcoma: A case report with immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies.
Ho Jong CHUN ; Keun Hong KEE ; Chae Hong SUH ; Sung Chul LIM ; Hae Sook SONG
Korean Journal of Pathology 1989;23(1):165-180
A 55 year old male complain right shoulder pain and right upper quadrant pain about three months. He was a heavy alcoholism. Highly selective angiography, CT scan and operation findings suggest primary malignant neoplasm of the liver. Right hepatic lobectomy and partial diaphragmectomy was done under impression of heaptocellular carcinoma. The specimen measured 15x11x9 cm and disclose relatively hard and nodular mass devoid of cirrhotic changes. Cut surface show unilobar large mass measuring 11x8x6 cm and bearing brightly yellow discoloration and multifocal hemorrhagic necrosis. Histological characteristics were diffuse proliferation of large neoplastic cells with ample cytoplasm, containing granular materials, erythrophagocytosis, neutrophagocytosis and hemosiderin pigments. Atypical and bizarre mitosis and multinucleated giant cells bearing abundant erythro and neutrophagocytosis were frequently seen. The large or vesicular nuclei were irregular, with occasional deep indentations and revealed sharply defined nuclear membrane, coarse chromatin and conspicious nucleoli. Ultrastructurally the cytoplasm of neoplasltic cells had lysosomal granule, phagolysosome, phagocytized material and residual bodies. Immunohistochemical stains for alpha 1-antitrypsin, alpha 1-antichymotrypsin, vimentin and lysozyme showed positive reactions, but, alpha fetoprotein, cytokeratin, S-100 protein, factor VIII, complement 3 receptor and carcinoembryonic antigen were negative. Alpha-naphtyl acetate esterase activity in paraffin embedded tissue ribbon showed negative reaction. These findings show compatible with primary malignant lymphoma, true histiocytic type, (histiocytic sarcoma, Kupffer cell carcinoma) of the liver.
6.Genetic Analysis of Korean Patients with Corneal Dystrophy.
In Kyung SONG ; Hae Sook KIM ; Choun Ki JOO
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 2002;43(12):2506-2512
PURPOSE: We collected genomic DNAs of Korean patients with inherited corneal disorders, and identified mutations of the BIGH3 gene related corneal dystrophies in Korean patients: Lattice type I (CDLI), Avellino (ACD), Reis-Buckler's (CDRB). METHODS: Slit-lamp examination of 75 patients and their relatives was carried out to confirm the diagnosis of the disorders. We composed pedigree and extracted genomic DNAs from members of the CDaffected family and individual patients. Genomic DNAs of the patients with mutation in BIGH3 gene were identified using Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing. RESULTS: The number of patients was ranked as follows: 30 patients (40.0%) with ACD, 24 patients (32.0%) with keratoconus, 7 patients (9.3%) with CDLI, 5 patients (6.7%) with Fuchs' dystrophy, 3 patients (4.0%) with CDRB. In the genetic examination, we identified R124H mutation in ACD, R124C mutation in CDLI and R555Q mutation in CDRB. During this study, we also identified a polymorphism (F540F) in exon 12. CONCLUSIONS: ACD associated with R124H mutation is the most common form of inherited corneal disorder in Korea. And in Korean patients with CDRB, this study is the first report about mutation R555Q.
Polymerase Chain Reaction
7.Determining Obesity Frequency of Rural Children by Skinfold Thickness, Analyzing Their KAP Related ti Obesity and Obesity Camp Strategy.
Young Sook PARK ; Hae Ja CHUN ; Byong Kook SONG
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2000;5(3):502-512
A survey was conducted on 222 students in two elementary schools in rural areas, one was a rural small city and the other was in the countryside. By measuring their skin-foldness in 4 spots by caliper, the body fatness of 5 grades(BFGr) of the subjects was resulted as follows ; 28.0% of boys and 6.7% of girls were classified as obese the and 34.1% of boys and 31.1% of girls as overweight. Comparing by region, children in the small city seemed to be fatter than the ones in the countryside(21.7% vs. 17.2% as obesity). Comparing by gender, boys were fatter than girls(28.0% vs. 6.7% as obesity). When recategorizing body fatness from 5 grades(BFGr) into 3 groups(BFGp) as overweight group(obesity+overweight), normal and underweight group(underweight+severe-underweight), we observed no significant difference in childrens dietary habits and food intake frequencies by BFGp. Overweight and underweight groups enjoyed snacking before dinner more frequently than the normal group(42.1-59.3% vs. 31.5%). The subjects showed poor nutrition knowledge score with relatively high attitude score about weight control and dietary behavior score was a little lower than the attitude score. Nutrition education programs, like camps, should stress on childrens nutrition knowledge. BFGp related to obesity attitude positive, a very low level and the latter related to diet, exercise and fasting attitudes at positive levels. Therefore overweight children seemed to be motivated easily. Also the higher the in exercise-value score, the more increased was shown in exercise attitude at positive, very low level. Emphasizing exercise-value in camp programs might make childrens exercise attitude more positive. As strategies for a rural obesity camp program are being developed by obese and non-obese children. The camp would be held over summer vacation for 3 days(2 nights) at the participants expence not exceeding 50,000 won. Contents of the program cover nutrition knowledge, and exercise-value as well as cooking lessons, exercise practice, and self-esteem enhencement.
Adipose Tissue
Food Habits
Pediatric Obesity
Skinfold Thickness*
8.Determining Obesity Frequency of Rural Children by Skinfold Thickness, Analyzing Their KAP Related ti Obesity and Obesity Camp Strategy.
Young Sook PARK ; Hae Ja CHUN ; Byong Kook SONG
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2000;5(3):502-512
A survey was conducted on 222 students in two elementary schools in rural areas, one was a rural small city and the other was in the countryside. By measuring their skin-foldness in 4 spots by caliper, the body fatness of 5 grades(BFGr) of the subjects was resulted as follows ; 28.0% of boys and 6.7% of girls were classified as obese the and 34.1% of boys and 31.1% of girls as overweight. Comparing by region, children in the small city seemed to be fatter than the ones in the countryside(21.7% vs. 17.2% as obesity). Comparing by gender, boys were fatter than girls(28.0% vs. 6.7% as obesity). When recategorizing body fatness from 5 grades(BFGr) into 3 groups(BFGp) as overweight group(obesity+overweight), normal and underweight group(underweight+severe-underweight), we observed no significant difference in childrens dietary habits and food intake frequencies by BFGp. Overweight and underweight groups enjoyed snacking before dinner more frequently than the normal group(42.1-59.3% vs. 31.5%). The subjects showed poor nutrition knowledge score with relatively high attitude score about weight control and dietary behavior score was a little lower than the attitude score. Nutrition education programs, like camps, should stress on childrens nutrition knowledge. BFGp related to obesity attitude positive, a very low level and the latter related to diet, exercise and fasting attitudes at positive levels. Therefore overweight children seemed to be motivated easily. Also the higher the in exercise-value score, the more increased was shown in exercise attitude at positive, very low level. Emphasizing exercise-value in camp programs might make childrens exercise attitude more positive. As strategies for a rural obesity camp program are being developed by obese and non-obese children. The camp would be held over summer vacation for 3 days(2 nights) at the participants expence not exceeding 50,000 won. Contents of the program cover nutrition knowledge, and exercise-value as well as cooking lessons, exercise practice, and self-esteem enhencement.
Adipose Tissue
Food Habits
Pediatric Obesity
Skinfold Thickness*
9.Causes and Clinical Features of Transient Hypocalcemia in Newborn: A Single Center Study.
Byung Jin SONG ; Hae Sook KIM ; Won Duck KIM
Neonatal Medicine 2016;23(3):137-142
PURPOSE: To review clinical symptoms, laboratory findings, and treatment of transient neonatal hypocalcemia. METHODS: Medical records of full-term (gestational age ≥37 weeks) neonates diagnosed with hypocalcemia, aged <31 days, were investigated retrospectively. Using a cut-off of 3 days after birth, cases of neonatal hypocalcemia were classified as early or late. Hypocalcemia was defined as ionized calcium level <4 mg/dL or serum calcium level <7.5 mg/dL. Hyperphosphatemia was defined as serum phosphate level >8 mg/dL. Relative hypoparathyroidism was defined as hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia with parathyroid hormone level within the normal range (10–65 pg/mL). RESULTS: Of 68 included neonates, 62 were diagnosed with hypoparathyroidism with hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, and 26 had seizures. Mean serum calcium level of the seizure group was 5.99 mg/dL, which was significantly lower than that of the non-seizure group (6.46 mg/dL, P=0.012). The recovery duration for calcium and phosphate levels was long, at 5.8 and 10.7 days, respectively. The calcium level recovery duration was significantly different between the seizure and non-seizure groups (P=0.034), but the phosphate level recovery period was not significantly different (P=0.194). Of 17 patients with diarrhea, 10 had confirmed rotavirus infection. Most patients with hypocalcemia responded well to oral calcium lactate and intravenous calcium gluconate, and the treatments could be discontinued after a certain period. CONCLUSION: Transient neonatal hypocalcemia is associated with hypoparathyroidism. The major symptom in late neonatal hypocalcemia was the occurrence of seizures. Serum calcium level was lower and the recovery period was longer in the seizure group, but most cases exhibited favorable progress.
Calcium Gluconate
Infant, Newborn*
Lactic Acid
Medical Records
Parathyroid Hormone
Reference Values
Retrospective Studies
Rotavirus Infections
10.Comparison of Nutrient Intakes, Bone Metabolism and Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases between Postmenopausal Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian and Omnivores in Kyunggi-Do.
Sun Hae CHOI ; Chung Ja SUNG ; Mi Hyun KIM ; Sook Yeon LEE ; Sook Ja SONG
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 1999;4(3):412-420
The amount and type of dietary protein that effects affect bone mineral loss after menopause and different dietary patterns may influence anthropometric measurements, biochemical values, and bone metabolism. Objective : Our objective was to investigate bone metabolism and chronic disease factors in two different dietary patterns. Design: The sample consisted of 40 lacto-ove-vegetarians(LOV) and 49 omnivores aged from 47 to 85 years in good condition without any medical problems. Results : The average energy intake of LOV was 1414.0 kcal and omnivores, 1403.2 kcal. The difference between means was not statistically significant. The differences of means of body weight and BMI between the two groups were not significant but the systolic blood pressure of LOV group was significantly lower than omniovores(p<0.05). The values of serum cholesterol(p<0.05) and glucose(p<0.05) of LOV were signifcantly lower than that of omnivores. The serum albumin level(p<0.01) of LOV was lower than it's counterpart but in a normal range. The intake of crude fiber(p<0.05) of LOV group was significantly higher. The urinary pH of LOV was 7.4 and that of omnivores was 6.3(p<0.001). Plant calcium(p>0.05) and plant iron(p<0.001) had positive correlations with the uninary pH but animal protein(p>0.05) and animal iron(p>0.05) had negative correlations with the urinary pH. The level of urinary biochemical marker of bone resorption, deoxpyidinoline(DPD) of LOV was significantly lower than the other group(p>0.05). The T-scores of bone mineral density for the two sites in the two groups were not significantly different. Conclusions : The DPD level and urinary pH value of LOV were more desirable for the bone metabolism that the omnivores. The diet of LOV had lower risk factors of chronic diseases than the other group.
Blood Pressure
Body Weight
Bone Density
Bone Resorption
Chronic Disease*
Dietary Proteins
Energy Intake
Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
Reference Values
Risk Factors*
Serum Albumin