1.The Influence of Nursing Professionalism, Academic Failure Tolerance and Social Self-efficacy on College Life Satisfaction among Nursing Students.
Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2016;22(2):171-181
PURPOSE: This study examined the effects of nursing professionalism, academic failure tolerance and social self-efficacy on college life satisfaction among nursing students. METHODS: Data were collected between September 1 and October 16, 2015 via a self-reported questionnaire from 170 nursing students using convenient sampling methods. The survey included questions about nursing professionalism, academic failure tolerance, social self-efficacy, and college life satisfaction. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and hierarchical multiple regression with IBM SPSS/WIN 20.0. RESULTS: Establishment vision about nursing science (β=.27, p=.006), academic failure tolerance (β=.17, p=.031) and social self-efficacy (β=.19, p=.012) of nursing students were identified as significant predictors of college life satisfaction, after adjusting for establishment vision about nursing science and satisfaction in nursing science. This model explained 21.0% of the college life satisfaction in nursing students (F=6.38, p<.001). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that academic failure tolerance and social self-efficacy were significant factors influencing the college life satisfaction of nursing students. Also, as a strategy for improving the college life satisfaction of nursing students, it is necessary to develop programs that can help to establish apparent vision and to improve satisfaction in nursing science.
Personal Satisfaction
Students, Nursing*
2.Cognitive Function, Depression, Social Support, and Self-Care in Elderly with Hypertension.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 2008;20(5):675-684
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among cognitive function, depression, social support, and self-care in elderly with hypertension. METHODS: The subjects were 132 elderly with hypertension living in Seoul, Korea. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews using the Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE-K), Short form geriatric depression scale, social support questionnaire 6, and hypertension self-care scale. RESULTS: Thirty-four percent of the subjects had questionable dementia and forty-two percent of the subjects were depressed. Means for social support were 2.40 for network size and 4.07 for satisfaction. The mean score of hypertension self-care was 60.34, indicating that the subjects took care of themselves moderately well. Cognitive function was negatively related to depression. Social support network and satisfaction were negatively related to depression. Self-care was negatively related to social support network. CONCLUSION: Programs are needed for elderly with hypertension to improve their cognitive function, depression, and social support. Also further studies are needed to confirm the factors related to self-care in the elderly with hypertension.
Self Care
Surveys and Questionnaires
3.Influencing Factors on Self-care in the Elderly with Essential Hypertension.
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2008;19(1):66-75
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate influencing factors on self-care in the elderly with essential hypertension. METHOD: The research instruments included the Self-Care Scale, the Knowledge Scale Related to Hypertension, the Self-Efficacy Scale and the Family-Support Scale. RESULTS: The self-care was significantly associated with knowledge (r=.510, p=.000), self-efficacy (r=.708, p=.000), and family support (r=.403, p=.000). The major factors that affected subjects' self-care were knowledge and self-efficacy, which explained 58.7% of self-care. CONCLUSION: Hypertension knowledge and self-efficacy are important factors for nursing interventions in caring for elderly patients with hypertension. It is needed to develop nursing programs for elderly patients with hypertension and to provide nursing interventions to improve knowledge and self-efficacy and, thereby, improving the self-care of elderly patients with hypertension.
Self Care*
4.Effects of Perceived Health Status, Self-esteem and Family Function on Expectations Regarding Aging among Middle-aged Women.
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2013;43(2):176-184
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate expectations regarding aging by middle-aged women in the community, and identify factors contributing to their expectations about aging. METHODS: Participants in the survey for this study were 303 middle-aged women from community health centers and religious facilities in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, and Chungcheongbuk Province. Data were collected from March 2 to April 17, 2012 using self-report structured questionnaires. The instruments were the Health Perceptions, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSES), Family APGAR, Expectations Regarding Aging (ERA-12). The data were analyzed using t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson correlation coefficients and hierarchical multiple regression with IBM SPSS/WIN 20.0 program. RESULTS: Perceived health status (beta=0.16, p=.009) and self-esteem (beta=0.20, p=.001) of middle-aged women were identified as significant predictors of expectations regarding aging, after adjusting for age, education, occupation, monthly income and menstrual status. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that nurses should make an effort to improve expectations about aging among middle-aged women. Ultimately, community health programs for middle aged women need to be developed to achieve successful aging.
Analysis of Variance
*Health Status
Middle Aged
Quality of Life
*Self Concept
5.Factors Influencing Subjective Happiness in Nursing Students: Focused on Psycho-social Factors.
Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2016;25(2):123-132
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to identify the predictors of subjective happiness in nursing students. METHODS: A cross-sectional designwas used to survey a convenience sample of 203 nursing students in Cheongju city. Data collection was conducted through self-report questionnaires on stress, self-efficacy, ego-resilience, social support and subjective happiness. Datawere analyzed using descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression with the SPSS/WIN 18.0 program. RESULTS: Subjective happiness negatively correlated with stress (r=-.35, p<.001) and positively correlated with self-efficacy (r=.60, p<.001), ego-resilience (r=.44, p<.001), and social support (r=.38, p<.001). Significant predictors of subjective happiness included self-efficacy (β=.34, p<.001), ego-resilience (β=.24, p<.001), satisfaction as a nursing student (β=-.21, p<.001), stress (β=-.20, p<.001), and social support (β=.14, p=.012). The regression model explained 50% of subjective happiness. CONCLUSION: Based on these results, effective happiness promotion programs focusing on self-efficacy and resilience improvement, and stressmanagement are highly recommended to promote the improved quality of life in nursing students.
Data Collection
Quality of Life
Self Efficacy
Students, Nursing*
6.Effects of Alcohol Management Programs for University Students in Korea: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2018;29(1):120-132
PURPOSE: This study is a systematic review and meta-analysis designed to investigate effects of alcohol management programs for Korean university students. METHODS: Research results published until October 14, 2016 were systematically collected in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis). A total of 12 papers were selected for the meta-analysis. To estimate the effect size, meta-analysis of the studies was performed with the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 3.0. RESULTS: The mean effect size of 12 studies in total (Hedges' g=-0.36; 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: -0.76~0.05) was not significant statistically. In a study of college students classified as problematic drinking (total of 9), the drinking program showed a median effect size of Hedges' g=-0.57(95% CI: -0.96~-0.18). Results of the drinking-related outcome variables showed a significant effect size (Hedges' g=-0.61; 95% CI: -1.10~-0.13), but psychosocial related outcome variables were not significant (Hedges' g=-0.50; 95% CI: -1.24~0.23). CONCLUSION: It can be seen that the alcohol management program for college students has a significant effect on controlling the problem drinking of college students. In addition, application of a differentiated drinking program with problem drinkers selected as a risk group will be effective in controlling drinking and drinking related factors.
Alcohol Drinking
7.The influence of learning presence and self-directed learning competency of nursing students on learning satisfaction in major subjects for online distance learning
Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2021;27(4):381-391
This study aimed to identify the influence of learning presence and self-directed learning ability on nursing students’ learning satisfaction according to the online learning method.
The participants of this study were 167 nursing students attending three universities in different cities. The data were collected from July 16 to July 23, 2021, via an online self-reported questionnaire. Using SPSS WIN 27.0, data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and a multiple regression analysis.
The most effective online learning method experienced by nursing students was asynchronous online learning according to 58.2% of the respondents, while 30.3% of the respondents answered synchronous online learning. The main merit of asynchronous online learning was that it was possible to listen repeatedly (61.7%) to lectures, and the top advantage of synchronous online learning was that the location of the class was free (53.3%). In asynchronous online learning, the factors that significantly affected nursing students’ learning satisfaction were cognitive presence (β=.60, p<.001) and emotional presence (β=.25, p<.001). These variables accounted for 56% of their learning satisfaction (F=54.12, p<.001). Similarly, cognitive presence (β=.64, p<.001) and emotional presence (β=.21, p=.001) in synchronous online learning, were the factors cited for significantly affecting learning satisfaction. The explanatory power was 62% (F=69.19, p<.001).
In conclusion, it was found that cognitive and social presence from the learning presence factors in both asynchronous and synchronous online learning influence and enhance nursing students’ learning satisfaction. Therefore, these results provide important data for future online class design in nursing education.
8.Effects of medication adherence interventions for older adults with chronic illnesses: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Hae Ok JEON ; Myung-Ock CHAE ; Ahrin KIM
Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives 2022;13(5):328-340
This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to understand the characteristics of medication adherence interventions for older adults with chronic illnesses, and to investigate the average effect size by combining the individual effects of these interventions. Data from studies meeting the inclusion criteria were systematically collected in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines. The results showed that the average effect size (Hedges’ g) of the finally selected medication adherence interventions for older adults with chronic illnesses calculated using a random-effects model was 0.500 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.342−0.659). Of the medication adherence interventions, an implementation intention intervention (using face-to-face meetings and telephone monitoring with personalized behavioral strategies) and a health belief model–based educational program were found to be highly effective. Face-to-face counseling was a significantly effective method of implementing medication adherence interventions for older adults with chronic illnesses (Hedges’ g= 0.531, 95% CI, 0.186−0.877), while medication adherence interventions through education and telehealth counseling were not effective. This study verified the effectiveness of personalized behavioral change strategies and cognitive behavioral therapy based on the health belief model, as well as face-to-face meetings, as medication adherence interventions for older adults with chronic illnesses.
9.The impact of social interaction anxiety on endemic blue among university students who experienced the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating effect of social phobia
Ahrin KIM ; Hae Ok JEON ; Myung-Ock CHAE
Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2024;30(3):212-221
This study aimed to identify the mediating effect of social phobia between social interaction anxiety and endemic blue among university students who experienced the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
This study employed a descriptive correlational design. The participants were 196 university students from 10 universities located in four major regions across the Republic of Korea. Data were collected from July 12 to 31, 2022, through an online self-reported questionnaire and were then analyzed using an independent t-test, one-way ANOVA with Scheffé test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and multiple regression. The mediating effect was analyzed using PROCESS macro model 4 with a bootstrapping method using IBM SPSS 27.0.
There were significant positive correlations among social interaction anxiety, social phobia, and endemic blue. Social interaction anxiety had significant effects on social phobia (β=0.77, p<.001) and social interaction anxiety (β=0.33, p<.001) and social phobia had a significant effect on endemic blue (β=0.29, p=.001). Concerning the influence of social interaction anxiety on endemic blue, a significant indirect mediating effect of social phobia was confirmed, and the size of the indirect effect was 0.14 (0.04~0.24).
In order to manage the social and psychological health of university students who experienced the COVID-19 pandemic period, it is necessary to develop strategies to overcome endemic blue that reduce social interaction anxiety and take into account the mediating effect of social phobia.
10.The impact of social interaction anxiety on endemic blue among university students who experienced the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating effect of social phobia
Ahrin KIM ; Hae Ok JEON ; Myung-Ock CHAE
Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2024;30(3):212-221
This study aimed to identify the mediating effect of social phobia between social interaction anxiety and endemic blue among university students who experienced the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
This study employed a descriptive correlational design. The participants were 196 university students from 10 universities located in four major regions across the Republic of Korea. Data were collected from July 12 to 31, 2022, through an online self-reported questionnaire and were then analyzed using an independent t-test, one-way ANOVA with Scheffé test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and multiple regression. The mediating effect was analyzed using PROCESS macro model 4 with a bootstrapping method using IBM SPSS 27.0.
There were significant positive correlations among social interaction anxiety, social phobia, and endemic blue. Social interaction anxiety had significant effects on social phobia (β=0.77, p<.001) and social interaction anxiety (β=0.33, p<.001) and social phobia had a significant effect on endemic blue (β=0.29, p=.001). Concerning the influence of social interaction anxiety on endemic blue, a significant indirect mediating effect of social phobia was confirmed, and the size of the indirect effect was 0.14 (0.04~0.24).
In order to manage the social and psychological health of university students who experienced the COVID-19 pandemic period, it is necessary to develop strategies to overcome endemic blue that reduce social interaction anxiety and take into account the mediating effect of social phobia.