1.The choice of resurfacing flap according to volumetric concept in the lower leg region.
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 1992;19(5):878-886
No abstract available.
2.Analysis of termonal deoxynucleotidyl transferase using flow cytometer and immunoperoxidase method.
Korean Journal of Clinical Pathology 1991;11(3):661-666
No abstract available.
DNA Nucleotidylexotransferase*
3.Promoting Effect of Aflatoxin B1 and D-Galactosamine on Development of Glutathione S-Transferase Positive Foci in Diethylnitrosamine-initiated Rat Liver.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1994;28(4):389-398
The enhancing potential of anatoxin a (AFB1) and D-galactosamine (DGA) on development of preneoplastic glutathione S-transferase placental form positive (GST-P+) hepatic foci was examined using an in vivo mid-term assay system based on two-stage concept of hepatocarci-nogenesis. Rats were initially given a single dose (200 mg/kg) of diethylnitrosamine (DEN) intraperi-toneally, and thereafter. with an interval of 2 weeks, AFBl at a graded concentration (0.06, 0.012, 0.0024, 0.00048, and 0.000096 mg/kg i.g.) and DGA (100 mg/kg i.p.) were administered for 6 weeks and then sacrificed. All rats were subjected to a two-thirds partial hepatectomy to induce a potent growth stimulus to DEN-altered hepatocytes at the week 3. The modifying potential was scored by comparing the number and the area (mm2) per cm2 of GST-P+ foci in the liver with those of the corresponding control group given DEN alone. AFBl (at a graded concentration between 96 ng/kg and 60 microgram/kg) exerted a strong promoting effect oil induction of GST-P+ foci with both the number and the area. The logarithmic dose of AFBl and the potency to promote hepatocarcinogenesis were in dose-dependent relationship. DGA, a known necrogenic chemical to cause periportal necrosis and stimulate hepatocellular proliferation. also revealed the increase in the area of GST-P+ foci. although its enhancing potentia1 was 1ess profound than that of AFBl. The results suggest that DGA is also a useful proliferative stimulus m improve the medium-termdetection of unknown carcinogens.
4.A Structural Model for Depression in Middle-aged Women.
Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing 2002;8(1):69-84
The purpose of this study was to develope and test the structural model for depression in middle-aged women. A hypothetical model was constructed on the basis of previous studies and a review of literatures. The conceptual framework was built around eight constructs. Exogenous variables included in this model were volunteer activity, health status & economic status. Endogenous variables were meaning of life, self-esteem, perceived life stress & depression. Empirical data for testing the hypothetical model was collected using a self-report questionnaire from 216 middle-aged women in Pusan City. The Data was collected from May to June, 1999. Reliability of the seven instruments tested with Cronbach's alpha was ranged from .86-.94. For the data analysis, SPSS 7.5 WIN Program and LISREL 8.12 WIN Program were used for descriptive statistics and covariance structural analysis. The results of covariance structure analysis were as follows: 1. The hypothetical model showed a good fit with the empirical data. [chi2/df =2.87(p=.72), GFI=1.00, AGFI=.98, RMSR=.025, NFI=.99, standardized residuals (-1.44~1.44) ]. 2. To heighten for the parsimony and fitness of the model, a modified model was constructed by deleting according to the criteria of statistical significance and meaning. 3. The modified model also showed a good fit with the data. [chi2 =5.26(01=7,p=.63), GFI=.99, AGFl=.97, RMSR=.025, NFI=.99, standardized reslduals (-1.50~1.45) ] Results of the testing of the hypothesis were as follows : 1. Self-esteem(beta42=-.48, t=-5.64) had a negative and perceived life stress(beta43 =.20, t=3.21)had a positive direct effect on depression. Meaning of life had a negative direct(beta41=-.17, t=-2.19) and a negative indirect effect through self- esteem on depression. Volunteer activity had a negative indirect effect through meaning of life, meaning of life and self-esteem on depression. Health status had a negative direct and a negative indirect effect through meaning of life, meaning of life and self-esteem on depression. Economic status had a negative indirect effect through perceived life stress on depression. Self-esteem was the most significant variable. 2. Volunteer activity(gamma11=.43, t=6.78) and health status(gamma12=.35, t=4.88) had positive direct effect on meaning of life. 3. Meaning of life(beta21=.50, t=6.53) had a positive direct effect on self-esteem. Volunteer activity had a positive indirect effect through meaning of life on self-esteem. Health status had a positive direct(gamma22=.18, t=2.23) and a indirect effect through meaning of life on self-esteem. Meaning of life was the most significant variable.
Models, Structural*
Surveys and Questionnaires
Statistics as Topic
Stress, Psychological
5.Retraction: Roxithromycin Treatment of Tsutsugamushi Disease (Scrub Typhus) in Children.
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2005;48(10):1149-1149
No abstract available.
Scrub Typhus*
6.Ultrastructural Observations on Human Primary Hepatocellular Carcinomas: Analysis of 35 Lobectomy Specimens.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1986;20(4):442-452
The etiologic impacts in primary hepatocellular carcinoma among Koreans seem different from those in other countries with its high incidence and close association of hepatitis B virus infection and liver cirrhosis. A series of 35 lobectomy specimens of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was examined by means of electron microscopy to elucidate the general ultrastructural characteristics and to understand the morphogenesis of various histological growth patterns and cytologic features of HCC. 1) General cytological details of HCC were similar to those of non-neoplastic hepatocytes, but characterized by scantiness of subcellular organelles. Degree of cellular differentiation was not correlated with ultrastructural features of HCC. 2) Acinar pattern of HCC seemed to develop by either dilatation of central bile canaliculus or central cystic degeneration of microtrabecular growth, and clear cell group of HCC was expressed in abundance of glycogen particles and lipid droplets. 3) Intranuclear inclusions of HCC proved to be cytoplasmic herniations of tumor cells, and intracytoplasmic tubular arrays appeared to originate from the endoplasmic reticulum. 4) Hyaline globules seen in HCC corresponded to clumps of microfilamentous structures similar or identical to Mallory's hyalin.
Carcinoma, Hepatocellular
7.Forehead contouring: combined procedure using pericranial flap and forehead lift.
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 1991;18(5):842-847
No abstract available.
8.Forehead contouring: combined procedure using pericranial flap and forehead lift.
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 1991;18(5):842-847
No abstract available.
9.Combined Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia and Miliary Tuberculosis in a Patient with AIDS.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1994;28(6):657-662
Patients with AIDS frequently present with pulmonary complications which are associated with a high mortality rate and infections are the most important cause of lung infiltrates. In addition to pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis carinii, which was noted in early reports of the syndrome, a variety of other severe pulmonary disorders may occur. Frequently more than one organism is found in a single patient and among these, combined infections of Pneumocystis carinii and cytomegalovirus are the most common. We experienced a case of combined Pneumosytis carinii and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection as a pulmonary manifestation of AIDS in a 38-year-old man. In bronchoalveolar larvage, bronchial washing and brushing, and sputum smear specimens, Pneumocystis carinii organisms were recognized, especially in Gomori's methenamine silver stains. Transbronchial lung biopsy specimen revealed intra-alveolar frothy exudates composed of collections of Pneumocystis carinii organisms as well as several granulomas with central caseous necroses.
10.Accessory Hepatic Nodules: Histopathologic analysis of three cases.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1985;19(1):97-101
This report deals with three cases of accessory hepatic nodules incidentally noted during operation. Two of them were found on the serosal surface of the gallbladder with no connection to the main body of the liver. The other case was in the greater omentum. All three cases were small oval shaped, measuring less than 1 cm in maximum dimension and were composed of histologically normal hepatic tissue and seemed to receive blood supply from the adjacent tissue through the capsular blood vessels. Presence of the fairly well retained intralobular mesenchymal component may reflect that accessory hepatic nodules develop after conjugation of hepatic diverticulum and septum transversum.