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Author:(H Y Lo WILSON)

1.Prospect of medical genetics in China from a historical point of view.

Wilson H Y LO

Chinese Medical Sciences Journal 2008;23(2):65-67

2.A Chinese girl with cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) caused by the recurrent R190W mutation in RUNX 2.

Zheng-qing QIU ; Ai-lan TANG ; Wei YU ; Yang AO ; H Y Lo WILSON ; Min WEI ; Xue ZHANG

Chinese Journal of Pediatrics 2004;42(10):759-761

3.HOXD13 polyalanine tract expansion in synpolydactyly: mutation detection and prenatal diagnosis in a large Chinese family.

Xiu-li ZHAO ; Jin-ping MENG ; Miao SUN ; Yang AO ; Ai-hua WU ; H Y Wilson LO ; Xue ZHANG

Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics 2005;22(1):5-9

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