1.Passive Bowel Movement with a New Colostomy Device: An Acute Experiment in Dog.
Gy Yeong LEE ; Jae Hwang KIM ; Myeung Kook LIM ; Myn Chul CHIM
Journal of the Korean Society of Coloproctology 1998;14(3):431-438
In some clinical situations such as cerebrovascular accident, pelvic bone fracture or any bed ridden states patients do not have self control of their bowel movement. Nursing care around the perianal area is not an easy job. There is no devices which substitude the work because of the chracteristics of the anatomy of the anorectum and the fecal matter made of solid and gel state component. AIM: to evaluate the possibility of passive evacuation of the fecal matter from the rectum with a newly developed silicon device. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A New Colostomy Device (NCD; US Patent No. 5,569,216) for fixing in the stoma or rectum of human body, includes an internal balloon, a ring figured external balloon surrounding the internal balloon, a connecting tube disposed under the both internal and external balloons and supply tube containing a pair of air passages and an enema fluid passages. It is designed to be inserted into the rectum and is held in place by an inflatable external balloon and drains irrigated fecal matter through a thin collapsible connecting tube which exist in the anal canal. Six mongrel dog with 20~25 kg of body weight was used for the acute experiment. Three types (1.5, 2.0, 2.5 cm in luminal diameter of the solid portion) of NCD were applied in 3 consecutive every other days. For softening of the stool, normally harder than that of human, Psyllium dextrose 30 gm was added to the daily food. Average 750 cc of tepid water was administered through the device for bowel irrigation. Anesthesia was not used in each procedures. The amount evacuated fecal matter and remained solid stool in rectum were checked. To evaluate the rectal mucosal injury anoscopic examinations were performed. RESULTS: Stool evacuation was closely correlated with the intemal diameter of the device and stool component. The device with 2.5 cm in luminal diameter passed fecal matter well enough in 5 of 6 dogs however, smaller devices did not. Accidental prolapse of NCD were noted in 4 of 6 cases with 2.5 cm sized and all of 1.5 and 2.0 sized devices eventually until last push. CONCLUSION: The NCD with 2.5 cm of internal diameter could be used in selected clinical situations.
Anal Canal
Body Weight
Human Body
Nursing Care
Pelvic Bones