1.Health inequity analysis in global burn incidence from 1990 to 2019
Shaobin GUO ; Yanran XU ; Jie CHEN ; Jialong DING ; Zeshan CHEN ; Guina GUO ; Jifeng LI
Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery 2024;40(11):1206-1214
Objective:To study the regional distribution, temporal trend, and health inequity of burn incidence in the world from 1990 to 2019.Methods:The data related to burns worldwide from 1990 to 2019 were collected from the database of Global Burden of Disease (GBD). Based on the number of burn cases and age-standardized incidence rates, the incidence of burn was observed by age, region, socio-demographic index (SDI) area (divided into 5 categories of SDI areas: high, medium-high, medium, medium-low and low, the higher the area, the higher the degree of social development) and country, all of which were expressed as estimated values. Joinpoint regression analysis of the age-standardized incidence of burns from 1990 to 2019 was performed using Joinpoint software to observe the average annual percentage change (AAPC). Rstudio software was used to analyze the Spearman correlation between the age-standardized incidence of burns and SDI from 1990 to 2019. The global inequities of burn incidence were evaluated using the slope index and concentration index from the health equity assessment toolkit, where the slope index reflected the absolute difference in burn incidence between countries with the lowest and highest SDI, and the concentration index indicated the degree to which burn incidence was concentrated in countries with low or high SDI.Results:From 1990 to 2019, the number of global burncases increased from 8 378 121.71 to 8 955 227.68, with an increase of 6.89%. However, the age-standardized incidence rate of burns showed an overall downward trend, from 149.86/100 000 in 1990 to 117.51/100 000 in 2019, with an AAPC of -0.80%. The incidence of burns in the population aged 10-19 years ranked the first in all age groups during the 30 years. Among the six regions of the world, the number of burn cases and the age-standardized incidence rate of burn in the Americas were the highest in 2019, but these two indexes were lower than those in 1999. In 2019, the number of burn patients in medium SDI areas was the highest, and the number of burn patients in low SDI areas was the lowest. The age-standardized incidence of burns was the highest in high SDI areas, and the lowest in medium-low SDI areas. From 1990 to 2019, the number of patients in high and medium-high SDI areas decreased, and the number of patients in other SDI areas increased. Compared with 1990, the age-standardized incidence rates of burns decreased in all SDI regions in 2019, with the greatest decline seen in high SDI and medium-high SDI regions. Cuba had the highest standardized incidence of burns, while Pakistan had the lowest. Spearman correlation analysis showed that from 1990 to 2019, the age-standardized incidence rates of burns in 204 countries and regions were positively correlated with SDI (all P<0.05), and the correlation coefficient decreased from 0.49 in 1990 to 0.37 in 2019. The health inequality slope index decreased from 212.90/100 000 in 1990 to 59.12/100 000 in 2019, and the concentration index decreased from 21.77% in 1990 to 8.38% in 2019. Conclusion:From 1990 to 2019, the global burn incidence rates are disproportionately concentrated in countries and regions with better development status. A significant reduction in the global burn incidence has been accompanied by a significant reduction in these inequities.
2.Health inequity analysis in global burn incidence from 1990 to 2019
Shaobin GUO ; Yanran XU ; Jie CHEN ; Jialong DING ; Zeshan CHEN ; Guina GUO ; Jifeng LI
Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery 2024;40(11):1206-1214
Objective:To study the regional distribution, temporal trend, and health inequity of burn incidence in the world from 1990 to 2019.Methods:The data related to burns worldwide from 1990 to 2019 were collected from the database of Global Burden of Disease (GBD). Based on the number of burn cases and age-standardized incidence rates, the incidence of burn was observed by age, region, socio-demographic index (SDI) area (divided into 5 categories of SDI areas: high, medium-high, medium, medium-low and low, the higher the area, the higher the degree of social development) and country, all of which were expressed as estimated values. Joinpoint regression analysis of the age-standardized incidence of burns from 1990 to 2019 was performed using Joinpoint software to observe the average annual percentage change (AAPC). Rstudio software was used to analyze the Spearman correlation between the age-standardized incidence of burns and SDI from 1990 to 2019. The global inequities of burn incidence were evaluated using the slope index and concentration index from the health equity assessment toolkit, where the slope index reflected the absolute difference in burn incidence between countries with the lowest and highest SDI, and the concentration index indicated the degree to which burn incidence was concentrated in countries with low or high SDI.Results:From 1990 to 2019, the number of global burncases increased from 8 378 121.71 to 8 955 227.68, with an increase of 6.89%. However, the age-standardized incidence rate of burns showed an overall downward trend, from 149.86/100 000 in 1990 to 117.51/100 000 in 2019, with an AAPC of -0.80%. The incidence of burns in the population aged 10-19 years ranked the first in all age groups during the 30 years. Among the six regions of the world, the number of burn cases and the age-standardized incidence rate of burn in the Americas were the highest in 2019, but these two indexes were lower than those in 1999. In 2019, the number of burn patients in medium SDI areas was the highest, and the number of burn patients in low SDI areas was the lowest. The age-standardized incidence of burns was the highest in high SDI areas, and the lowest in medium-low SDI areas. From 1990 to 2019, the number of patients in high and medium-high SDI areas decreased, and the number of patients in other SDI areas increased. Compared with 1990, the age-standardized incidence rates of burns decreased in all SDI regions in 2019, with the greatest decline seen in high SDI and medium-high SDI regions. Cuba had the highest standardized incidence of burns, while Pakistan had the lowest. Spearman correlation analysis showed that from 1990 to 2019, the age-standardized incidence rates of burns in 204 countries and regions were positively correlated with SDI (all P<0.05), and the correlation coefficient decreased from 0.49 in 1990 to 0.37 in 2019. The health inequality slope index decreased from 212.90/100 000 in 1990 to 59.12/100 000 in 2019, and the concentration index decreased from 21.77% in 1990 to 8.38% in 2019. Conclusion:From 1990 to 2019, the global burn incidence rates are disproportionately concentrated in countries and regions with better development status. A significant reduction in the global burn incidence has been accompanied by a significant reduction in these inequities.
3.ThestudyoflowerextremityCTangiographybylowradiationdoseandlow contrastmedium withsinogram-affirmediterativereconstruction
Yan JIANG ; Miao Miao GUO ; Nan DIAO ; Guina MA ; Ming HE ; Tianhe YE ; Nan SHEN ; Ping HAN
Journal of Practical Radiology 2019;35(4):638-642
Objective ToevaluateimagequalityoflowerextremityCTAoflowradiationdoseandlowcontrastmediumprotocol withsinogram-affirmediterativereconstruction(SAFIRE).Methods Thisstudyincluded116patientswhoreferredtolowerextremityCT angiographyusinga128-sliceCTscanner.Accordingtovoltageandcontrastmediumconcentration,patientsweredividedintofour groups:100kV+350mgI/mL,100kV+320mgI/mL,100kV+300mgI/mL,80kV+CarekV+300mgI/mL.Imagereconstructionunderwent conventionalfilteredback-projection (FBP)andSAFIREtechniqueineachprotocoltocompareSNR,CNRofarterialimages.Results Comparisonoftwosubgroupsinthesamegroup,SAFIREhadsignificantlyhigherimagequalitythanFBP.Comparisonamong groupsshowed:imagequalityinlowcontrastmediumandlowradiationdoseSAFIREgroupcouldreachsimilarorbetterthanthatin higherdoseFBPgroup.SAFIREcouldreduceimagenoiseandimproveimageSNRandCNR.Conclusion InlowerextremityCTA, 80kV+CarekV,300mgI/mLcontrastmediumwithSAFIREexamineprotocolcouldreducecontrastmediumconcentrationandradiationdose withnocompromiseddiagnosticdemand.