We found previously that water soluble extract of Liriope spicata Lour (SanMaiDong) possesses cardioprotective action. The paper reported that effects of total aminoacid ex- traded from Liriope spicata Lour (Tal) on experimental myocardial ischemia in rats. The results indicate that Tal (5 mg?kg-1 ,ip) obviously antagonized ischemic ECG changes induced by pituitrin in rats. In myocardial ischemic rats caused by isoprenaline (8 mg?kg-1) Tal 15 mg? kg-1ip significantly reduced ST and decreased CPK release and lowered the content of MDA. In a myocardial ischemic mode) induced by ligat-ing the left anterior descending coronary artery in rats, Tal 15 mg?kg-1ip remarkably decreased plasma CPK and FFA levels and was found todiminish the infarct size. The ratio of its infarct size (5. 80%) is similar to that of propranolol (5. 41%),but apparently smaller than that of ligated group (18.55%). The results suggest that Tal can protect ischemic myocardium and this action may relate to the prevention of my-ocardial lipid peroxication and improvement of myocardial metabolism.