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Author:(Gregory TOCI)

1.Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Increases Pseudarthrosis Rates in Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusions

Mark James LAMBRECHTS ; Nicholas D'ANTONIO ; Gregory TOCI ; Brian KARAMIAN ; Josuhu PEZZULO ; Dominic FARRONATO ; Jose CANSECO ; Ian David KAYE ; Barrett WOODS ; Jeffrey RIHN ; Mark KURD ; Joseph LEE ; Alan HILIBRAND ; Christopher KEPLER ; Alexander Richard VACCARO ; Gregory SCHROEDER

Asian Spine Journal 2023;17(2):304-312

2.Effect of Drain Duration and Output on Perioperative Outcomes and Readmissions after Lumbar Spine Surgery

Brian KARAMIAN ; Parth KOTHARI ; Gregory TOCI ; Mark James LAMBRECHTS ; Jose CANSECO ; Jennifer MAO ; Raj NARAYAN ; Samuel ALFONSI ; Francis SIRCH ; Nadim KHEIR ; Nicholas SEMENZA ; Barrett WOODS ; Jeffrey RIHN ; Mark KURD ; Kris RADCLIFF ; Ian David KAYE ; Alan HILIBRAND ; Christopher KEPLER ; Alexander Richard VACCARO ; Gregory SCHROEDER

Asian Spine Journal 2023;17(2):262-271

3.Incidence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes of Incidental Durotomy during Lumbar Spine Decompression with or without Fusion

Gregory TOCI ; Mark James LAMBRECHTS ; Tariq ISSA ; Brian KARAMIAN ; Nicholas SIEGEL ; Nicholas D’ ANTONIO ; Jose CANSECO ; Mark KURD ; Barrett WOODS ; Ian David KAYE ; Alan HILIBRAND ; Christopher KEPLER ; Alexander VACCARO ; Gregory SCHROEDER

Asian Spine Journal 2023;17(4):647-655

4.Effect of Interbody Composition on the Development of Pseudarthrosis Following Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion

Nicholas D’ANTONIO ; Mark James LAMBRECHTS ; Jeremy HEARD ; Emily BERTIAUME ; Gregory TOCI ; Brian KARAMIAN ; Garrett BREYER ; John BODNAR ; Jose CANSECO ; Alan HILIBRAND ; Gregory SCHROEDER ; Alexander Richard VACCARO ; Christopher KEPLER

Asian Spine Journal 2023;17(3):518-528

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