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Author:(Golam SADIK)

1.Comparative investigation of the free radical scavenging potential and anticancer property of Diospyros blancoi (Ebenaceae)

Khan Ali Muhammad ; Rahman Mahbubur Md ; Sardar Nazmul Md ; Islam Badrul Md ; Rashid Mamunur ; Sadik Golam ; Alam Khurshid AHM

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2016;6(5):410-417

2. Comparative investigation of the free radical scavenging potential and anticancer property of Diospyros blancoi (Ebenaceae)

Muhammad Ali KHAN ; Md. Mahbubur RAHMAN ; Md. Nazmul SARDAR ; Md. Saiful Islam ARMAN ; Mamunur RASHID ; Golam SADIK ; A.H.M. Khurshid ALAM ; Md. Badrul ISLAM ; Md. Jahangir Alam KHANDAKAR ; A.H.M. Khurshid ALAM

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2016;6(5):410-417

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