109 patients (male: 60) with ages of 18-80 suffering the previous untreated acute haemorrhoid (congestive symptoms, no complication) administrated Ginkor fort at dose of 2 tablets x 3 times within the first 2 days and 2 tablets x 2 times a day within following 4 days. The results have shown that Ginkor fort had a rapid analgesic effect (55% of patient with pain free). The drug improved obviously the bleeding, even no bleeding (87.1%). 78.9% of patients had no pain at the sixth day. 94.5% of patients had obvious pain relief or bleeding reduction. There was a difference of these between the second day and sixth day. The itching, desire for movement and leakage improved among 80% of patient in the sixth day. The rate of good tolerance of Ginkor fort was 97.2%.
Ginkor fort