1.Analyzing the characteristics of epilepsy, electroencephalographic activity and brain lesions after intracranial hemorrhage in infant
Thang Van Nguyen ; Giang Thi Thu Do
Journal of Medical Research 2007;55(6):51-57
Background: The intracranial hemorrhage (lCH) in infant due to vitamin K deficiency were been informed a lot at all over the world since the year of 80's. In Viet Nam, in recent years, this disease still most occurs which account for 110-130 children/100000 alive infant. The intracranial hemorrhage (lCH) in infant causes severe neurological, psychiatric sequelae. Objectives: This study aims to analyze the characteristics of epilepsy, changing of electroencephalogram and lesions of brain after intracranial hemorrhage in infant. Subjects and method:A descriptive, cross sectional study was conducted on 97 infant patients with the age ranged from 8 days to 3 months years old whom treated in National Hospital for Peadiatric. Results: Epilepsy was common (45.3%), with generalized seizures in 24.7% , partial seizures in 20.6%. The main intracranial lesions were cerebral cyst and atrophy in right or left hemisphere or both sides. Electroencephalic activity was found impaired in most of patients: Disorder of background waves in 19.6 %, low localized waves in 31%, proxystic ativity with spike in 45.3% and decrease in electroencephalographic amplitude in cystic areas. Conclusion: The epilepsy, abnormal electroencephalographic activities, severe lesions of brain were common after intracranial hemorrhage in infant.
Intracranial Hemorrhages/ diagnosis
2.Study the effectiveness of Morinda Officinalis How (MOH) on the Genital Organs of Male Rats
Quan Manh Nguyen ; Huong Thi Giang Nguyen Tran
Journal of Medical Research 2008;0(1):77-84
Introduction: To date, there has not been any systematical and experimental research aimed at indicating the effects of Morinda officinalis How on the genital organs of male rats. \r\n', u"Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of Morinda officinalis How (MOl-I) on the genital organs of male rats, to describe the changes in histology of testicles, and evaluate the testosterone concentration in mature male rats' bloods when dosed with MOH.\r\n", u'Subjects and method: Mature and immature rats were divided into 3 groups: mature rats, castrated and non - castrated immature rats. The rats have a daily dosage of MOH: 20g/kg. The above groups of rats were euthanized after 10 days; their testicles, seminal vesicles, prostates and Cowper land were weighed; specimens of histology of testicles were made; testosterone concentration in the bloods of the mature rats was measured. Results were compared amongst experimental groups. \r\n', u'Results and conclusion: Compared with the control group, MOH (dosage 20g/kg) increased the weight of testicles, seminal vesicles, prostates, and Cowper lands (p < 0.05). In mature rats, MOH increased the testosterone concentration in the blood in comparison with the control group (p < 0.05). MOH did not change the histology of testicles, diameter of seminal ducts, but it did change the rate of seminal ducts having sperm compared with the control group and the testosterone injected group (p < 0.05). \r\n', u'
Morinda officinalis How
Genital organs
Male rat
3.Studying the therapeutic effects of the traditional remedy of "tu than hoan" in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome of diarrhea state
Nga Thi Tuyet Nguyen ; Ho Thi Thu Pham ; Huong Tran Giang Nguyen
Journal of Medical Research 2007;47(2):95-100
Background: Irritable bowel syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion. It is a functional bowel disorder characterized by chronic abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating, and alteration of bowel habits in the absence of any detectable organic cause."Tu than hoan" is a traditional remedy applied for the treatment of syndromes of traditional medicine which have the similar characteristics to irritable bowel syndrome of diarrhea state of modern medicine. Objectives: The study had two purposes: (1)To evaluate the therapeutic effects of the remedy on the clinical symptoms of patients with irritable bowel syndrome of diarrhea state comparing with Duspatalin; (2)To evaluate the side effects of the remedy. Subjects and method:162 patients diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome of diarrhea state were treated at Bach Mai hospital from March to August 2005. They divided into 2 groups, the control group included 77 patients and the study group included 85 patients. : clinical test, comparing with controls. Results: 80% of patients recovered from diarrhea; 82.4% of patients with defecation returned to normal; 93.6% stopped mucous feces; 76.5% stopped bellyache. Good therapeutic effect was 61.2% (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Tu than hoan had good therapeutic effects in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome of diarrhea state. None of patients had to discontinue the medicine due to side effects. \r\n', u' \r\n', u'
Irritable Bowel Syndrome/ pathology
Traditional/ methods
4.Study on influences of the fixed combination antimalaria drug dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine in reproductive progress of mice
Thu Thi Minh Nguyen ; Nhu Van Truong ; Huong Tran Giang Nguyen ; Sau Thi Bui
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(1):82-89
Background: Dihydroartemisinin 40mg and piperaquine phosphate 320mg (DHA-PQP) drug combination and piperaquin phosphate (PQP) material was first successfully produced in Vietnam \r\n', u'Objective: to study influences of the fixed combination antimalaria drug dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine in reproductive progress of mice\r\n', u"Subjects and methods: This study was carried out at the Department of Malaria treatment and research, National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology (NIMPE), between September, 2006 and March, 2007. The influences of the fixed combination antimalarial drug 40 mg dihydroartemisinin (DHA) plus 320 mg piperaquine phosphate (PQP), with PQP produced firstly in Vietnam, in mice's reproductive progresses were investigated in three generations (including the parent and FI, F2 child generations). \r\n", u'Results: In all three generations, study indices among the treated and control groups were not significantly different (the values P > 0.05). These indices included the rate of fecundation, numbers of fetuses of each mother mouse, numbers of offspring of each mother mouse, mean body weights of offspring. Early lethal fetuses, lately lethal fetuses, monsters and innate abnormally offspring were not found in P, FI and F2 generations. The necessary feeding - day numbers that offspring of P and F 1 generations reached their body weights about 20g were different insignificantly (the values P> 0.05) among the treated and control groups. \r\n', u'Conclusion: The combination DHA-PQP was found to cause no genome mutations in mice at the oral dose of 120 mg per kg per day for 5 consecutive days. \r\n', u'
fixed combination antimalarial drug
rate of fecundation
early lethal fetuses
lately lethal fetuses
monsters and innate abnormally offspring
genome mutations
5.Study on acute oral toxicities of Piperaquine phosphate and the fixed combination anti-malarial drug Dihydroartemisinin plus Piperaquine in mice
Thu Thi Minh Nguyen ; Nhu Van Truong ; Sau Thi Bui ; Huong Tran Giang Nguyen
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2004;0(3):31-38
Background: Piperaquin (PQ) is an anti-malaria drug, which belong to bisquinoline class. Vietnam has successfully produced PQ (both base and phosphate) since 2004. Objective: To evaluate acute oral toxicities of Piperaquine phosphate and the fixed combination anti-malarial drug Dihydroartemisinin plus Piperaquine in mice. Subject and Method: This study was conducted at National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology between June and October, 2005. The acute oral toxicities of piperaquine phosphate (PQP) and the fixed combination anti-malaria drug (40 mg dihydroiutemisinin plus 320 mg piperaquine phosphate (DHA-PQP), with the materials produced by Institute of chemistry) in mice were investigated. Result: PQP had a medium toxicity. Inhibition of mice's central nervous systems was the main toxicity exhibition. At the high doses of PQP, mice's convulsion was observed before their deaths. The infralethal dose (LDo), absolute lethal dose (LD100) and mean lethal dose (LD50) of PQP were 900, 2300 and 1643.98 (1537.6 \u2013 1758.92) mg/kg, respectively. The fixed combination DHA-PQP had a less toxicity than PQP powder, with LDo, LD100 and LD50 were 1400, 2800 and 2050.06 (1943.63 \u2013 2157.14) mg per kg of body weight, respectively. Conclusion: At the high doses of DHA-PQP, this combination also inhibited mice's central nervous systems. Mice convulsed strongly before their deaths. All died mice were operated for observing visually their organs such as hearts, livers, kidneys, lungs, vesicles and intestines. No abnormal signals were found.
Piperaquine phosphate
6.HCV Infection in Young male drug users in Hanoi in 2007
Hoa Dinh Van ; Thuy Thi Thanh Dinh ; Son Minh Nguyen ; Giang Minh Le ; Huyen Thi Thu Nguyen ; Chau Bao Nguyen
Journal of Medical Research 2008;0(1):125-131
Introduction: Hepatitis C is a dangerous disease and if left untreated can have serious consequences to the patients. While hepatitis C is difficult to treat, its vaccine is still unavailable. Previous studies have showed that there is a low rate of drug users having HCV tests. This means HCV infections does not have any great importance attached to it amongst the drug user group.\r\n', u'Objectives: To discover the status of HCV infection among drug users in Hanoi and to analyse the associated factors. \r\n', u'Subjects and methods: This crossover descriptive study was conducted in Hanoi. Research objects consisted of only men within the 16 - 25 years old age group, who used heroin from 09/2005 to 12/2006. These participants were interviewed and tested for HIV, HCV and HBV.\r\n', u'Results: HCV prevalence is 35.1 %. Especially, the research has indicated that 100% of HIV infected cases have also contracted HCV. This co - infectious status can be a challenge to subjects when they experience ARV treatment. The mean age of surveyed participants is 19. 83.6% of them have attended secondary school. 30.1 % have taken part in illegal earning activities. \r\n', u'Conclusion: HCV infection was discovered in the early drug injection stage. The proportion of HIV infection among injecting drug users is 28.24 times compared to the smoking drug users.\r\n', u'
Injecting drug user
7.Preliminary Experimental Adaptation Of VNUCOVO - 32 Rabies Vaccine Strain into Vero Cell
Anh Thi Kieu Nguyen ; Giang Chau Ngo ; Dong Vinh Nguyen ; Hanh Thi Hong Nguyen ; Mannen Kuazki ; Akira Nishizono
Journal of Medical Research 2008;0(1):62-66
Introduction: Rabies is a serious problem in the area of public health in developing countries including Vietnam. The death rate is almost 100%, however rabies can be prevented and preventively treated by vaccine, or a combination between vaccine with rabies resistant serum. The production of Vero cell culture vaccine is becoming a common trend worldwide because of its effective protection and safety. There is a requirement for the domestic production of cell cultured rabies vaccine. \r\n', u'Objectives: To determine the adaptive ability of VNUCOVO - 32 rabies vaccine strain into Vero cell. \r\n', u'Subjects and Method: Rabies vaccine propagation strains the rat\u2019s kidney cells. VNUCOVO - 32 was cultured into Vero cell with different conditions such as pH, temperature, multiplicity of infection (MOl) and time of virus harvests to discover the optimal conditions for virus propagation. \r\n', u'Results: The optimal condition for VNUCOVO - 32 propagation into vero cell with MOl 0.3, pH 7.4 and temperature is 37\xb0C. The highest titer achieves 103,4FFLJ/ml. The best time for virus harvest is 12 - 13 days post inoculation. \r\n', u'Conclusion: VNUCOVO rabies vaccine strain can penetrate and propagate into vera cell. \r\n', u'
Rabies virus
VNKONO \u2013 32 strain
Vero cell
8.Prevalence of resistance to second-line tuberculosis drug among multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients in Viet Nam, 2011
Hoa Bin Nguyen ; Nhung Viet Nguyen ; Huong Thi Giang Tran ; Hai Viet Nguyen ; Quyen Thi Tu Bui
Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2016;7(2):35-40
INTRODUCTION: Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) represents an emerging public health problem worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 9.7% of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) cases are defined as XDR-TB globally. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of drug resistance to second-line TB drugs among MDR-TB cases detected in the Fourth National Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Resistance Survey in Viet Nam.
METHODS: Eighty clusters of TB cases were selected using a probability-proportion-to-size approach. To identify MDR-TB cases, drug susceptibility testing (DST) was performed for the four major first-line TB drugs. DST of second-line drugs (ofloxacin, amikacin, kanamycin, capreomycin) was performed on isolates from MDR-TB cases to identify pre-XDR and XDR cases.
RESULTS: A total of 1629 smear-positive TB cases were eligible for culture and DST. Of those, DST results for first-line drugs were available for 1312 cases, and 91 (6.9%) had MDR-TB. Second-line DST results were available for 84 of these cases. Of those, 15 cases (17.9%) had ofloxacin resistance and 6.0% were resistant to kanamycin and capreomycin. Five MDR-TB cases (6.0%) met the criteria of XDR-TB.
CONCLUSION: This survey provides the first estimates of the proportion of XDR-TB among MDR-TB cases in Viet Nam and provides important information for local policies regarding second-line DST. Local policies and programmes that are geared towards TB prevention, early diagnosis and treatment with effective regimens are of high importance.
9.Experimental analgesic and acute anti-inflammatory effects of VK2
Que Thi Hoang ; Huong Giang Nguyen Tran ; Anh Thi Van Pham
Journal of Medical Research 2008;55(3):68-73
Background: In traditional medicine, liquid extract VK2 has good effects in the treatment of osteoarticular pain. This remedy has its origin from \u201cTam ty thang\u201d of the Eastern traditional medicine. Objective: To evaluate the analgesic and acute anti-inflammatory effects of liquid extract VK2. Subjects and method: The trial was performed on white mice (18-22 g body weight) and albino rats (120 +/- 20 g body weight). These animals were healthy. The prescribed amount of VK2 doses were 27.5 g and 55 g per kg body weight of the mice, 19.25 g and 38.5 g per kg body weight of the rats. Results: The liquid extract of VK2 doses had analgesic effect on acetic acide and themal-induced pain in the mice. The liquid extract of VK2 doses had also acute anti-inflammatory effect through inhibiting carrageenine-induced edema in the hind paw. Conclusion: VK2 had analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects on experimental animals.
10.Study on influences of the fixed combination anti-malarial drug dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine in constitutions and some biochemical and haematological indices of rabbits
Thu Thi Minh Nguyen ; Nhu Van Truong ; Huong Tran Giang Nguyen ; Dao Minh Le ; Sau Thi Bui
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2004;0(3):44-55
Background: The combination of dihydroartemisinin and piperaquine is interested because of its efficiency and safety in treating malaria. Objective: To evaluate the influences of the fixed combination anti-malarial drug dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine in constitutions and some biochemical and haematological indices of rabbits. Subject and Method: The sub-chronic toxicity of the fixed combination anti-malarial drug of 40 mg dihydroartemisinin plus 320 mg piperaquine phosphate (DHA-PQP), with the materials produced by Institute of Chemistry, in rabbits was investigated. Rabbits were treated daily by oral route with DHA-PQP at the dose regimens of 64 and 100 mg/kg per day for 28 consecutive days. Result and Conclusion: DHA-PQP did not affect on rabbits' constitutions. Generally, all rabbits had normal ingestions, activities, and defecations. Rabbits' body weights increased regularly along the study period and significantly increased between day 28 and day 0 (P < 0.05). At the dose regimen of 64 mg/kg per day for 28 consecutive days, DHA-PQP did not change significantly rabbits' biochemical indices (including GOT, GPT, bilirubin, creatinine and protein) and haematological. These changes were insignificantly different between the treated and control groups at the same study points (P > 0.05). With the dose regimen of 100 mg/kg, the combination did not affect significantly (P>0.05) on some rabbits' biochemical and haematological indices. But hemoglobin, erythrocyte count and rate of monocytes increased significantly on day 14 comparing to that the control group (P < 0.05) and became in normal limits on day 29 (P > 0.05). Protein concentration also increased significantly on days 14 and 29 comparing to that of day 0 (P < 0.05).
Dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine combination