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Author:(Giang Hoai Nguyen)

1.Optimixation of per for amplification of D1S80 (PMCT118) allelles by using vent DNA polymerase.

Giang Hoai Nguyen

Journal of Medical Research 2001;16(3):20-23

2.Optimization of PCR with deep vent DNA polymerase for amplification of NS4 gene - hepatitis C virus

Giang Hoai Nguyen

Journal of Medical Research 2002;17(12):9-12

3.Detection of mutations of hemophilia A by PCR-RFLP with Vent DNA polymerase

Nguyen Hoai Giang

Journal of Medical Research 2005;38(5):10-14

4.Detection of beta-thalassemia mutations by PCR with vent DNA polymerase

Nguyen Hoai Giang

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2005;15(5):179-183

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