1.Two Cases of Kayser-Fleischer Rings.
Doo Suck LEE ; Gi Gen ON ; Jae Duck KIM
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1987;28(1):177-183
The Kayser-Fleischer ring, a characteristic finding in Wilson's disease, occurs in the corneal periphery and is usually yellow-brown but may by red, blue, green, ormixture of any these colors. The Kayser-Fleischer ring, copper deposition at the level of the posterior position of Descemet's membrane, is about 1 to 3mm in width and extends to the limbus without a lucid interval. In addition to involvement of Descemet's membrane, one may find anterior subcapsular sunflower cataract in Wilson's disease. The authors have recently experienced two cases of Wilson's disease. One case, a 17-year-old boy, has Kayser-Fleischer rings and anterior subcapsular sunflower cataracts in both eyes and the other, a 17-year-old aldolescent male, has dense yellow-green colored Kayser-Fleischer rings in both eyes. Both cases have been treated with penicillamine(1gr/day) and low copper diet. After treatment, clinical manifestations have been improved markedly but the Kayer-Fleischer rings have not disappeared yet.
Descemet Membrane
Hepatolenticular Degeneration