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Author:(Gen MURAKAMI)

1.Pharmaceutical Students’ Awareness of Drug Abuse and Assessment of the Effects of Education

Moemi Saito ; Isao Murakami ; Gen-ichi Atsumi ; Masao Tsuchiya ; Hideaki Natsugari

Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2014;16(1):1-9

2.Characterization of mesenchymal cells beneath cornification of the fetal epithelium and epidermis at the face: an immunohistochemical study using human fetal specimens.

Ji Hyun KIM ; Zhe Wu JIN ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Baik Hwan CHO

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2016;49(1):50-60

3.Nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy in the precision surgery for cervical cancer

Noriaki SAKURAGI ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Yosuke KONNO ; Masanori KANEUCHI ; Hidemichi WATARI

Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 2020;31(3):e49-

4.Expression of carbonic anhydrase IX in human fetal joints, ligaments and tendons: a potential marker of mechanical stress in fetal development?.

Ji Hyun KIM ; Seppo PARKKILA ; Shunichi SHIBATA ; Mineko FUJIMIYA ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Baik Hwan CHO

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2013;46(4):272-284

5.Anococcygeal Raphe Revisited: A Histological Study Using Mid-Term Human Fetuses and Elderly Cadavers.

Yusuke KINUGASA ; Takashi ARAKAWA ; Hiroshi ABE ; Shinichi ABE ; Baik Hwan CHO ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Kenichi SUGIHARA

Yonsei Medical Journal 2012;53(4):849-855

6.An anomalous portal vein crossing the lesser sac and ending at the upper part of ductus venosus.

Hee Chul YU ; Ji Hyun KIM ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Jose Francisco RODRIGUEZ-VAZQUEZ ; Baik Hwan CHO

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2015;48(3):218-221

7.Regional differences in the density of Langerhans cells, CD8-positive T lymphocytes and CD68-positive macrophages: a preliminary study using elderly donated cadavers.

Yuya OMINE ; Nobuyuki HINATA ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; Masaaki KASAHARA ; Satoru MATSUNAGA ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Shin Ichi ABE

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2015;48(3):177-187

8.Topohistology of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers in branches of the pelvic plexus: an immunohistochemical study using donated elderly cadavers.

Nobuyuki HINATA ; Keisuke HIEDA ; Hiromasa SASAKI ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Shinichi ABE ; Akio MATSUBARA ; Hideaki MIYAKE ; Masato FUJISAWA

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2014;47(1):55-65

9.Nerves and fasciae in and around the paracolpium or paravaginal tissue: an immunohistochemical study using elderly donated cadavers.

Nobuyuki HINATA ; Keisuke HIEDA ; Hiromasa SASAKI ; Tetsuji KUROKAWA ; Hideaki MIYAKE ; Masato FUJISAWA ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Mineko FUJIMIYA

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2014;47(1):44-54

10.Distribution of CD10-positive epithelial and mesenchymal cells in human mid-term fetuses: a comparison with CD34 expression.

Ji Hyun KIM ; Si Eun HWANG ; Hee Chul YU ; Hong Pil HWANG ; Yukio KATORI ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Baik Hwan CHO

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2014;47(1):28-39

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