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Author:(Gabriel LIU)

1.Complications of Acupuncture Treatment: Is Septic Arthritis of Lumbar Facet Joint Possible?

Tan Jun Hao ; Gabriel Liu ; Gurpal Singh

The Singapore Family Physician 2014;40(1):74-77

2.Clinical outcomes of single-level lumbar artificial disc replacement compared with transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion in an Asian population.

Wei Ting LEE ; Gabriel LIU ; Joseph THAMBIAH ; Hee Kit WONG

Singapore medical journal 2015;56(4):208-211

3.Addressing Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Spine Surgery: A Rapid National Consensus Using the Delphi Method via Teleconference

Kimberly-Anne TAN ; Vishaal Nanik THADANI ; Daniel CHAN ; Jacob Yoong-Leong OH ; Gabriel Ka-Po LIU

Asian Spine Journal 2020;14(3):373-381

4.Screw Back-Out Following "Open-Door" Cervical Laminoplasty: A Review of 165 Plates.

Gabriel LIU ; Jacob M BUCHOWSKI ; K Daniel RIEW

Asian Spine Journal 2015;9(6):849-854

5.Learning curve of computer-assisted navigation system in spine surgery.

Yu-Shu BAI ; Ye ZHANG ; Zi-Qiang CHEN ; Chuan-Feng WANG ; Ying-Chuan ZHAO ; Zhi-Cai SHI ; Ming LI ; Ka Po Gabriel LIU

Chinese Medical Journal 2010;123(21):2989-2994

6.Sagittal Radiographic Parameters of the Spine in Three Physiological Postures Characterized Using a Slot Scanner and Their Potential Implications on Spinal Weight-Bearing Properties

Hwee Weng Dennis HEY ; Nathaniel Li-Wen NG ; Khin Yee Sammy LOH ; Yong Hong TAN ; Kimberly-Anne TAN ; Vikaesh MOORTHY ; Eugene Tze Chun LAU ; Gabriel LIU ; Hee-Kit WONG

Asian Spine Journal 2021;15(1):23-31

7.Making a Traditional Spine Surgery Clinic Telemedicine-Ready in the “New Normal” of Coronavirus Disease 2019

Ka-Po Gabriel LIU ; Wei Loong Barry TAN ; Wei Luen James YIP ; Jun-Hao TAN ; Hee-Kit WONG

Asian Spine Journal 2021;15(2):164-171

8.Symptomatic Construct Failure after Metastatic Spine Tumor Surgery

Naresh KUMAR ; Ravish PATEL ; Jiong Hao TAN ; Joshua SONG ; Naveen PANDITA ; Dennis Hwee Weng HEY ; Leok Lim LAU ; Gabriel LIU ; Joseph THAMBIAH ; Hee-Kit WONG

Asian Spine Journal 2021;15(4):481-490

9.Asymptomatic Construct Failure after Metastatic Spine Tumor Surgery: A New Entity or a Continuum with Symptomatic Failure?

Naresh KUMAR ; Ravish PATEL ; Barry Wei Loong TAN ; Jiong Hao TAN ; Naveen PANDITA ; Dhiraj SONAWANE ; Keith Gerard LOPEZ ; Khin Lay WAI ; Hwee Weng Dennis HEY ; Aravind KUMAR ; Gabriel LIU

Asian Spine Journal 2021;15(5):636-649

10.Making a Traditional Spine Surgery Clinic Telemedicine-Ready in the “New Normal” of Coronavirus Disease 2019

Ka-Po Gabriel LIU ; Wei Loong Barry TAN ; Wei Luen James YIP ; Jun-Hao TAN ; Hee-Kit WONG

Asian Spine Journal 2021;15(2):164-171

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