Gurrently, healthy behaviors are the cornerstone of both physical and mental wellbeing,and more researches are focusing on improving behaviors to alleviate depression among children and adolescents. Based on the concept of 24 h movement behaviors proposed in recent years, the study examines the relationship among physical activity, sedentary behavior, sleep and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents. The research suggests that physical activity could effectively alleviate depression among children and adolescents, and its effectiveness is influenced by factors including type, intensity, duration and frequency of physical activity. Excessive sedentary behavior may increase depressive symptoms, and the impacts of different types, durations, and frequencies of sedentary behavior on depressive symptoms among children and adolescents vary. In addition to its direct impact on depression, sleep could also serve as a mediator among physical activity, sedentary behavior and depression, and there is also a crowdingout effect of time between physical activity and sedentary behavior. Future research should focus on the mechanisms and pathways underlying how 24 h movement behaviors affecting depression among children and adolescents, in order to provide more accurate solutions for the prevention and treatment of depression.