Lung cancer is a common malignant tunor in clinic.Morbidity and mortality are the first place in cancer,which seriously threaten the health of human beings.Due to the lack of effective and specific screening methods,most patients were found already at an advanced stage,and often combined with bone,brain,liver,adrenal and other parts of the metastasis.Symptoms of patient resulted from the primary tumor,metastatic spread,or paraneoplastic syndrome commonly cause the medical attention.For the syndrome related to the distant metastatic spread as the first manifestation,diagnosis would be a challenge.Retinal metastasis is very rare as the first symptom of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung.This paper reviewed a case,in which a patient developed the retinal metastasis as the inital presentation.After systemic evaluation,our patient was managed in multidisciplinary treatments,including surgery and chemotherapy.Now,the patient has a good short-term prognosis and is still in fellow-up condition.Later,we summarized the characteristics of the diagnosis and treatment of this case and provided experience for clinicians.At the same time,reviewing the relevant literature on tumor metastasis provides a window for our understanding of the rare manifestations of lung cancer.