1.Hyperthyroidism in a pair of identical twins.
; G Hak MENG ; C Jin SENG
Singapore medical journal 1976;17(1):52-55
2.Spinal Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1993;27(2):184-186
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma is a rare tumor, presenting superficially over the cerebral hemispheres of young subjects. We report a case of Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma of the cervical cord in view of its unusual location. The patient is a 20-year-old female, presenting with left neck pain radiating to the left shoulder one month before the admission. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a high signal lesion in the upper cervical cord lower brainstem in T2 weighted image. On operation, intramedullary tumor was present and it was relatively well delineated. Near-total removal of the spinal cord mass was done. Microscopically, the tumor was composed of pleomorphic astrocytes, which were spindle-shaped with cytoplasmic processes and hyperchromatic nuclei. Other cells were round with vesicular nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. A few giant cells were seen. Despite the marked pleomorphism, mitosis or necrosis was not encountered. Scattered foamy cells were also seen, which showed negative staining in GFAP immunostaining in contrast to other GFAP-positive tumors cells.
3.Iris Cyst: A case report.
Sang Yong SONG ; Je G CHI ; Jin Hak LEE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1993;27(4):427-429
Cysts of the iris may be primary lesions of either epithelial or stromal in origin, or secondary lesions after trauma or surgery. The stromal cyst is usually of primary lesion, although it could be secondary as shown in our case. We report a case of recurrent iris cyst after trauma. The patient was an 8-year-old girl. She had a penetrating injury of the involved eye three years ago. She had a similar iris cyst removed two years before this surgery. Histologically, the cyst was lined by non-keratinizing stratified squamous epithelia and subjacent fibrovascular tissue. Islands of melanin-containing epithelial cells and acellular basophilic degenerating materials were also seen in the lesion. This case represents a stromal epithelial cyst that by history appears to be of post-traumatic etiology.
4.Benign Lymphoepithelial Cyst: A case report.
Jin Haeng CHUNG ; Gyeong Hoon KANG ; Je G CHI
Korean Journal of Pathology 1996;30(6):551-553
An intraparotid benign lymphoepithelial cyst is a rare disease characterized by unilateral painless swelling of parotid region. The histogenesis is controversial. Surgical excision is recommended for diagnosis and curative treatment. We present a case of benign lymphoepithelial cyst arising in a patient with neurofibromatosis. A 46-year-old woman presented with a slowly growing multilocular cystic mass in the left cheek. The cystic mass measured 4 cm in maximal outer diameter and the cystic wall was thick and yellowish pale to gray, soft with well circumscribed margin. Microscopically, the multilocular cyst was lined by stratified squamous epithelium for the most part and underlying lymphoid tissue aggregates with follicles and sharply demarcated from adjacent salivary parenchyma which is of normal appearance and without lymphoid aggregates. Since this lesion is absolutely benign, it is important to separate this benign cyst from cystic salivary gland tumors.
5.Detection of a Familial Y/l5 Translocation by FISH, G-Banding, C-Banding, and Ag-NOR Stain.
Kyung Mee LEE ; Kyeong Hee KIM ; Jin Yeong HAN ; Goo Hwa JE ; Lisa G SHAFFER
Korean Journal of Clinical Pathology 1997;17(6):1176-1181
Prenatal chromosome analysis of amniotic cells at 18 weeks of gestation showed a male fetus to carry a large 15p+ derivative chromosome inherited from his mother. Extra genetic material on the short arm of chromosome IS was silver-negative with Ag-NOR (nucleolus organizer regions) stain, but stained darkly with C-banding method like the distal heterochromatic segment of the Y long arm. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using two DNA probes (DYZ1 and D15Zl) showed a red fluorescent signal on 15p+ In addition to a green chromosome 15 centromere signal, confirming 15p to be from the distal Yq heterochromatin.
Chromosomes, Human, Pair 15
DNA Probes
In Situ Hybridization
6.Clinical Outcome after Pancreatectomy in Patients with Persistent Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia of Infancy.
Min Ho JUNG ; Jin Soon HWANG ; Choong Ho SHIN ; Sei Won YANG ; Je G CHI
Journal of Korean Society of Pediatric Endocrinology 2000;5(2):171-181
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to describe the clinical outcome after pancreatcetmy and its relationship with pathological appearances and clinical features in patients with persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy(PHHI). METHODS: Medical records of 10 patients(9 males and 1 female, mean age:40.4+/-1.5 months) who were diagnosed as PHHI and underwent pancreatectomy from 1988 to 2000 were reviewed. Clincal and biochemical data were recorded. Subjects were classified arbitrarily into early-onset or late-onset group according to age of onset. Pathologic appearance of pancreas was divided into 2 forms:diffuse or focal. The former had a focal pancreatic adenomatous hyperplasia and the latter was characterized by increased number of betacells with similar distribution seen in normal neonates. RESULTS: One patient had focal, and nine had diffuse lesions. After near-total pancreatectomy, 4 patients(40.0%) showed complete response, 4(40.0%) had persistent hypoglycemia, and 2(20.0%) developed diabetes mellitus. As neurological sequelae, 6 patients(60.0%) had persistent seizures, and 6(60.0%) had delayed motor and speech development. No clinical or biochemical factors related to postoperative outcome were found. CONCLUSION: This data indicate that early diagnosis of patients who present with hypoglycemic symptoms in infancy, especially early in life, and development of more effective therapy are warranted, because there is no clinical or biochemical factor predicting final outcome after near-total pancreatectomy and only 40% of patients with PHHI remained euglycemic after surgery with possible severe neurological sequelae.
Age of Onset
Congenital Hyperinsulinism*
Diabetes Mellitus
Early Diagnosis
Infant, Newborn
Medical Records
7.Pulsating Magnetic Field Effects on in vitro Culture of Human Osteogenic Sarcoma Cell Lines.
Hyo Sook SHIN ; Jin Young LEE ; Suk Keun LEE ; Sang Chul PARK ; Je G CHI
Korean Journal of Pathology 2000;34(3):169-180
In order to elucidate the biological effects of pulsating magnetic field in in vitro culture system we designed a pulsating magnetic apparatus using 120 Hertz, 24 Volt direct current. It can generate 63~225 Gauss in the experimental area of 90 mm petri dish, and has little thermal effect on the culture media in 37.5oC, 5% CO2. Human osteogenic sarcoma (HOS) cells were cultured in the pulsating magnetic field and the nuclear changes of cultured cells were observed routinely by hematoxylin staining, and apoptotic change was detected by ApopTag staining using both peroxidase and fluorescein labelings. Compared to the control group which formed well organized whorling pattern of HOS cell line in 3 days culture, the HOS cells cultured in the pulsating magnetic field for 12 hours or 24 hours grew irregularly and showed increased number of apoptotic cells. When the flow of pulsating magnetic field was interrupted by insertion of strong permanent magnetic bar (1000 Gauss, 5530 mm) beneath the petri dish during in vitro culture, the area of sparse pulsating magnetic field showed active proliferation and aggregation of HOS cells even in 24 hour exposure group. These data suggest that the pulsating magnetic field may play a role in inducing growth retardation and apoptosis of HOS cells. Furthermore, the hazardous effects of pulsating magnetic field can be lessened or nullified by the interruption of pulsating magnetic field with a strong permanent magnetic bar.
Cell Line*
Cells, Cultured
Culture Media
Magnetic Fields*
8.Brain Stem Glioma (An autopsy case).
Doo Hyun CHUNG ; Soong Deok LEE ; Hee Jin YANG ; Dae Hee HAN ; Je G CHI
Korean Journal of Pathology 1991;25(6):607-610
We report an autopsy case of the brain stem glioma that extended extensively in the brain stem itself and cephalad. This 18-year-old boy first presented with dizziness, vomiting and left side weakness with left facial palsy. Brain MRI revealed a diffusely infiltrative tumor involving whole medulla, pons and lower midbrain. A total of 4000 R was given with some alleviation of respiratory difficulty. He died one year after the onset. Autopsy revealed the tumor involving pons, a portion of medulla oblongata, and cerebellum. The tumor showed diffusely infiltrative pattern and extended along the periventricular area to the thalamus and corpus callosum. The cut surface was grayish white and solid. It also showed areas of myxoid degeneration and necrosis probably related to radiation therapy. Microscopically the tumor was a cellular and pleomorphic glioma that showed some astrocytic differentiation. It was diffuse without geographic necrosis.
9.Nager Syndrome associated with 45,X Monosomy.
Journal of Genetic Medicine 1997;1(1):1-4
Nager syndrome is a rare malformation complex characterized by facial, limb, and skeletal morphogenesis.The mode of inheritance has not been definitely established. Major karyotypic abnormalities were seldom associated with this syndrome. We report on an infant with Nager acrofacial dysostosis that was associated with 45,X monosomy. This baby was born to a 36-year-old multigravid woman after 37 weeks of gestation and with maternal hydramnios. The baby girl died of airway obstruction due to retruded tongue 3 hours after birth. Phenotypically, this this patient had mandibulofacial dysostosis, radioulnar synostosis, hypoplasia and aplasia of thumbs, peripheral edema and apparently normal genital organs. We confirmed that major chromosomal anomaly including 45,X monosomy could be associated with Nager syndrome, although its pathogenetic significance remains unanswered.
Airway Obstruction
Mandibulofacial Dysostosis
10.Juvenile Granulosa Cell Tumor of the Ovary: Report of a Case of Malignant Form with Unusual Pleomorphism.
Chong Jai KIM ; Jin Suk SUH ; Sung Hye PARK ; Je G CHI
Korean Journal of Pathology 1990;24(3):316-320
A case of Juvenile Granulosa Cell Tumor (JGCT) of the ovary with unusual pleomorphic histologic and malignant biologic behaviour is described. The tumor occurred in a 10-year-old girl and was associated with clinical features of isosexual pseudoprecosity and a marked elevation of serum estradiol. The mass manifested initially in the right ovary and subsequently involved the contralateral ovary. A multi-organ metastasis developed during a 6-month-interval despite chemotherapy. She received two operations at 6-month interval, and tissues were obtained from the tumor mass. A marked histologic difference was observed between these two samples. The second biopsy showed profound cellular pleomorphism with numerous multinucleated tumor giant cell formation and hyaline bodies. The differential diagnosis from germ cell tumor and the possible factors for the pleomorphism are discussed.
Diagnosis, Differential
Neoplasm Metastasis