Acta Anatomica Sinica 1955;0(03):-
Objective To examine the distribution of high-affinity neurotrophin receptors, viz. TrkA, TrkB and TrkC receptors, in the four-order central pathway of trigeminal proprioception in the rat. Methods Avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) method of immunohistochemistry with diaminobenzidine (DAB) as the chromogen was employed to identify the immunoreactive cells. Results All three receptors were detected in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus, the second-and third-order nuclei in the central pathway of trigeminal proprioception. Within each of these nuclei, cells immunostained for the three receptors differed in density. TrkA-and TrkB-immunostaining was observed on the cell bodies and processes; TrkB, however, labelled much longer processes. TrkC staining was mainly restricted to the cell bodies.Conclusion In the central pathway of the trigeminal proprioception, each of the three receptors may play a specific role in maintaining the survival of neurons and in regulating the neurotransmitter release.;
2.Cementless total hip arthroplasty in the treatment of patients with femoral head necrosis
Hui ZHANG ; Fuxing PEI ; Bin SHEN
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 1998;0(12):-
Objective To evaluate mid-term clinical and radiographic outcomes associated with cementless total hip arthroplasty(THA) in a consecutive series of patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Methods This study examined the mid-term (equal to or more than 5 years) results of THA. From January 1998 to March 2001, a series of 71 patients (80 hips) who had undergone THA with cementless components in our hospital were involved in this study. All patients were evaluated both clinically and radiographically. Clinical outcomes were evaluated according to Harris evaluation score. Components migration, bone changes around the implant, the polyethylene wear rate and direction of the acetabular polyethylene wear were measured radiologically. Kaplan-Meier analysis was performed to evaluate the survival of the femoral and acetabulum components. End point was radiographical loosening or revision of the acetabular component, and revision of the femoral component for any reason. Results 62 hips in 54 patients were followed up at least 5 years. The mean Harris hip score improved from preoperation (44.0?8.4) points to (92.4?5.7) points at the time of final follow-up. No component was seen to be loose radiographically or had been revised because of any reason at the time of final follow-up. Only one focal area of pelvic osteolysis in one patient and twelve small focal areas of femoral osteolysis in another patient were identified. The mean linear wear rate was (0.125?0.074) mm/year. When loosening was used as the end point for failure, the survival rate of the acetabular and femoral components was 1.0 (95% confidence interval, 0.98 to 1.00) in both groups. Conclusion Cementless THA in patients with osteonecrosis of the hip had a satisfactory clinical and radiographic outcome at a minimum of five years follow-up. Because polyethylene wear and osteolysis can not avoided, radiographical follow-up for cementless components is very important.
Fuxing ZHANG ; Jinlian LI ; Jishuo LI
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1953;0(01):-
Objective To investigate whether the serotonin(5\|HT)\|like immunoreactive axons synapse upon the second\|order neurons on the central pathway of the trigeminal proprioception in the rat. Methods Electron microscopic double\|labeling of retrograde tract\|tracing technique combined with immunohistochemistry. Results Following the injection of wheat germ agglutinin\|horseradish peroxidase (WGA\|HRP) into the dorsomedial part of the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus(Vpdm) of the rat and the immunostaining for 5\|HT, there were neurons retrogradely labeled by WGA\|HRP and axon terminals with 5\|HT\|like immunoreactivity(5\|HT\|LI) in the dorsomedial part of the subnucleus oralis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus and its adjacent lateral reticular formation(Vodm\|LRF).At the electron microscopic level,the 5\|HT\|immunostained axonal profiles were observed to make synaptic contacts with the WGA\|HRP\|labeled neurons.Both the axon\|somatic and axon\|dendritic synapses were found.These synapses were mainly of symmetric type although the asymmetric ones were also seen.Conclusion\ The present results provided a morphologic basis for the serotoninergic terminals which might be involved in the regulatory effect for the trigeminal proprioceptive information transmission.\;[
Jinlian LI ; Fuxing ZHANG ; Kanghui XIONG
Acta Anatomica Sinica 2002;0(05):-
Objective To observe the relationships among the direct projection neurons from the lumbar spinal cord to the lateral parabrachial nucleus(LPB),calbindin D-28K(CB)-like immunoreactive (-LI) neurons,peripheral noxious information transmission as well as substance P receptor(SPR)-LI neurons. Methods Triple-labeled techniques were used by tetramethyl rhodamine(TMR) retrograde tracing combined with immunofluorescence histochemistry for CB-,SPR- or Fos protein.The stained sections were observed under a confocal laser-scanning microscope. Results 1.After injecting TMR to the unilateral LPB,a number of TMR retrogradely labeled neurons were mainly distributed in the lamina Ⅰ,lateral spinal nucleus(LSN),and regions around the central canal of the spinal cord(lamina X) of the ipsilateral spinal cord;2.CB-LI neurons were mainly found in the laminae Ⅰ and Ⅱ of the lumbar spinal cord,especially in the lamina Ⅱ in the dense distribution; 3.SPR-LI neurons were also mainly seen in the lamina Ⅰ,LSN and lamina X of the spinal cord.A few of the SPR-LI neurons were also distributed in the lamina Ⅱ;4.Fos-positive neurons were detected in the laminae Ⅰ and Ⅱ,lateral aspect of the lamina Ⅴ to Ⅶ of the lumbar spinal cord by injecting 5% formalin into the ipsilateral hindpaw;5.Triple-labeled neurons for TMR/CB/SPR or TMR/CB/Fos were mainly found in lamina Ⅰ,while a few of the triple-labeled neurons were also found in lamina Ⅱ of the dorsal horn.TMR/CB/SPR triple-labeled neurons accounted for 103%,98% and 146% of total population of TMR-,CB- or SPR-LI neurons in laminae Ⅰ and Ⅱ,respectively.On the other hand,TMR/CB/Fos triple-labeled neurons formed 118%,106% and 158% of the total population of TMR-,CB-LI or Fos-positive neurons in the laminae Ⅰ and Ⅱ,respectively.Conclusion\ The results indicated that in the laminae Ⅰ and Ⅱ of the lumbar spinal cord some neurons with CB-Like immunoreactivity transmitting the peripheral noxious information and projecting directly to the LPB might receive SPergic primary afferents.
Fuxing ZHANG ; Jinlian LI ; Jishuo LI ;
Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy 2000;16(1):45-51
Previous studies showed that the Vodm-LRF-including the dorsomedial part of the subnucleus oralis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus and its adjacent lateral reticular formation--contained the second-order neurons on the central pathway of the trigeminal proprioceptive sensation of the rat and the "zone-shaped area"-including the caudolateral part of the supratrigeminal nucleus (Vsup-CL). The dorsomedial part of principal sensory trigeminal nucleus (Vpdm) and two newly found nuclei: the areaventral to the motor trigeminal nucleus (AVM) and the area dorsal to the superior olivary nucleus (ADO)-contained the third order neurons of this pathway. Parvalbumin (PV) is one of the calcium-binding proteins, In this pathway, many PV-like immunoreactive (PV-LI) neurons were observed in Vodm LRF and the "zone-shaped arena", hut there has been no reports so far regarding whether these PV-LI neurons are projection neurons responsible for the transmission of proprioceptive information or the interneurons serving the modulatory function, in the present study, our aim was to solve the problem by a double labeling study by using retrograde tracing method combined with immunofluorescence histochemistry. The results showed that: (1) following the unilateral Fluoro-Gold (FG) injections into the ventral posteromedial nucleus (VPM) of the thalamus and the separated parts of the "zone-shaped area", viz, Vpdm, ADO and AVM, many FG-labeled neurons were always found contralaterally in the "zone-shaped area" and ipsilaterally in the Vodm-LRF, respectively; (2) in either the "zone-shaped area" or the Vodm-LRF, a substantial number of the FG retrogradely labeled neurons showed PV-LI. In the Vsup-CL, Vpdm, AVM and ADO, about 57%, 55%, 11% and 4% of the neurons projecting to the VPM of the thalamus showed pV-LI, respectively. Of the total population of PV-LI neurons in the Vsup-CL, Vpdm. AVM and ADO, about 23%, 79%, 53% and 16% were labeled by FG, respectively. Most of these PV/FG double-labeled neurons were medium- to small-sized, round, piriform or irregular in shape. On the other hand, in the Vodm-LRF, approximately 33%, 34% and 50% of the neurons which projected to the Vpdm, AVM and ADO expressed PV-LI, respectively. The percentage of PV/FG double-labeled neurons to the total number of the PV-LI neurons in Vpdm, AVM or ADO were 26%, 17% or 11%, respectively, The present results indicated that PV might play an important role in the transmission of the trigeminal proprioceptive information of the rat from Vndm-LRF to the contralateral VPM of the thalamus through the "zone-shaped area".
6.Imaging features of malignant external otitis
Peipei ZHANG ; Jianhua YUAN ; Zhongxiang DING ; Fanghong CHEN ; Fuxing ZHANG
Journal of Practical Radiology 2014;(10):1634-1637
Objective To explore the value of computed tomography (CT)and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)in the diagno-sis and delineation of the extent of malignant external otitis (MEO).Methods Clinical manifestations and imaging features of 10 pa-tients with definite diagnosis of MEO were collected and analyzed.Plain and contrast-enhanced CT of the ear were performed on all 10 patients,of which 6 patients also received MRI scans.Results Abnormal soft tissue opacity within the external auditory canal and involvement of surrounding structures were found in all 10 patients.Bone erosion of the external auditory canal was showed in 7 pa-tients.Other CT findings included bone erosion of skull base and intracranial involvement.Abnormal soft tissue of the external audi-tory canal,effusion in the mastoid cavity and medullary abnormalities were showed very well on MR images in 6 patients while the cortical bone erosion was not well showed.Conclusion Imaging features of the lesions in the external auditory canal,bone erosion of skull base and intracranial involvement play crucial roles in the diagnosis and delineation of the extent of the lesion in patients with MEO.
7.Analysis of Kaolin Intake in Rats Subjected to Different Motion Stimulations
Wenbo KANG ; Yulin DONG ; Fuxing ZHANG ; Jinlian LI ; Yunqing LI
Space Medicine & Medical Engineering 2008;21(2):79-83
Objective To analyze the efficacy of kaolin intake amount as an index for motion sickness (MS)induced by different motion patterns stimulating the vestibular receptors of rats.Methods Rats were randomly divided into 5 groups.Three groups were subjected to one of the following stimulations,respectively-linear acceleration along either the interaural axis(IA)or body axis (AP),and double rotation(DR)stimulation.Other 2 groups were used as control.Kaolin intake was recorded for consecutive 6 d,3 d before and 3 d after stimulation,and the data were statistically analyzed.Results It was found that:1)following IA,AP and DR stimulations,25%,17% and 58% of the rats in each group increased mean kaolin intake by 1 g in the 3 d phase post-stimulation compared with that in the same duration of pre-stimulation,respectively;2)in contrast to some prewous reports,the present observation showed that high Ievel of kaolin intake post-stimulation may persist for more than one day.Conclusion All 3 tvpes of stimulation methods can serve as ways of specifically stimulating vestibular end-organs to induce kaolin intake increase,and double rotation iS the most effective.
Shunnan GE ; Yulin DONG ; Fuxing ZHANG ; Jinlian LI
Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy 2007;23(4):341-348
To investigate the relationship of the rotation stimulation with motion sickness, the expression of Fos protein in the whole brain of the rat stimulated by complex double rotation on two axes was observed in the present study. The rats were randomly divided into four groups: normal contral group; double-axes rotation stimulation group; the bilateral labyrinthectomy group; group of two-axes rotation stimulation after the bilateral labyrinthectomy. Immunohistochemical staining method was used to detect the expression of Fos protein in different regions of whole brain of the rat. The present results showed that: (1) No Fos-like immunoreactivity was detected in the brain of the rats in control group and the bilateral labyrinthectomy group; (2) In the double-axes rotation stimulation group, the Fos-like immunoreactive neurons were observed in many regions of the brain and brainstem of the rats following complex double-axes rotation stimulation, and the Fos-immunoreactivities were expressed in the nucleus. These Fos-immunopositive neurons were intensively distributed in different subnuclei of the vestibular nucleus complex (including medial, superior and spinal nuclei), nucleus of the solitary tract, locus coeruleus, medial and lateral parabrachial nucleus of the brainstem, paraventricular nucleus of the diencephalons and the amygdala of the limbic system; (3) The expression of Fos protein can be scarcely detected around forementioned regions in brains of the rats following complex two-axes rotation stimulation after the bilateral labyrinthectomy. The present results suggest that the double-axes rotation stimulation can activate effectively the vestibular neurons and many neurons of other region of the brain and brainstem are further activated through direct or indirect connections with vestibular nuclei after complex double rotation stimulation. These activated neurons may be related to the complex mechanism of the motion sickness.
Fuxing ZHANG ; Yulin DONG ; Feng GUO ; Youwang PANG ; Jinlian LI
Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy 2005;21(6):625-630
Immunofluorescence histochemistry combined with retrograde tracing technique was employed to observe the effects of masseteric nerve transection on the expression of Trk ( tropomyosin-related kinase) receptor proteins, namely TrkA, TrkB and TrkC in the trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus ( Me5 ) of the rat. At 7 and 14 days following transection of masseteric nerve through which Fluorogold (FG) was applied to identify the Me5 neurons innervating masseter, brain sections were immunohistochemically processed to detect the three Trk isoforms in FG-labeled Me5 neurons. With the percentage of double-labeled neurons to the total number of FG-labeled neurons as the index,we demonstrated ( 1 ) a significant increase in the percentage of TrkA-immunoreactive (IR) Me5 neurons at both 7 and 14 days after nerve transection, (2) no significant, but gradual, increase in the percentage of TrkB-IR Me5 neruons with longer survival time post transection and ( 3 ) little change of TrkC expression. The current findings indicate that axotomy differently affected the expression of the individual Trk receptors and these expression patterns may reflect an adaptation of the Me5 neurons to the peripheral nerve injury.
10.Influence of amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium on postoperative infection and inflammatory indexes in emergency intestinal obstruction operation by relaxation suture
Yongyang YU ; Yun HUANG ; Zhaohui LIU ; Fuxing ZHANG
Chinese Journal of Biochemical Pharmaceutics 2016;36(11):53-55
Objective To study the influence situation of amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium for the postoperative infection and inflammatory indexes of patients with emergency intestinal obstruction operation by relaxation suture .Methods 80 patients with emergency intestinal obstruction operation by relaxation suture in department of general gurgery of our hospital from April 2014 to April 2016 were randomly divided into control group and observation group with 40 cases in each group, the control group were treated with routine treatment, the observation group were treated with amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium on the treatment of control group, then the postoperative infection rates, inflammatory related indexes before and after the treatment of two groups were compared.Results The postoperative infection rate of observation group was 5.00%,and it was obviously lower than the 17.50% of control group, the difference was significant(P<0.05); the serum inflammatory related indexes of two groups before the treatment were compared,the differences were not significant ;the serum anti-inflammatory indexes interleukin-4(IL-4), IL-10, IL-13 and pro-inflammatory indexes tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), IL-6 at 1st, 2nd and 5th day after the treatment were all lower than those of control group,the pro-inflammatory index IL-2 were higher than those of control group, the differences were all significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium can reduce the postoperative infection of patients with emergency intestinal obstruction operation by relaxation suture , and its control role for the related inflammatory indexes is better, so its application value is higher and is worthy of clinical promotion.