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Author:(Frances Lina LANTION-ANG)

1.Cortisol secreting adrenal adenoma in a patient with schizophrenia, rheumatic heart disease and myoma uteri: Difficult to find but easy to diagnose.

Lantion-Ang Frances Lina ; Ramos Hallert C.

Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 2010;48(1):57-60

2.Cause of primary amenorrhea in a Filipina: The mayer-rokitansky-kuster-hauser syndrome (mullerian agenesis, congenital absence of the uterus and vagina)

Frances Lina C. Lantion-Ang ; Mark Anthony S. Sandoval

Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 2011;49(1):43-45

3.Validation of salivary cortisol among Filipino adults suspected with Cushing's syndrome.

Lo Tom Edward N. ; Ngalob Queenie G. ; Holgado-Galicia Margarita Victoria ; Lantion-Ang Frances Lina

Acta Medica Philippina 2015;49(4):45-48

4.Cardiac tamponade as a rare manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus: A report on four cases in the Philippine General Hospital.

Aherrera Jaime Alfonso M. ; Manapat-Reyes Bernadette Heizel D. ; Lantion-Ang Frances Lina ; Manguba Alexander ; Salido Evelyn O. ; Punzalan Felix Eduardo ; Corpuz Allan D. ; Magallanes Jonray

Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 2015;53(2):1-8

5.Association of sunlight exposure with 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels among working urban adult Filipinos

Noemie Marie M. MANSIBANG ; Marc Gregory Y. YU ; Cecilia A. JIMENO ; Frances Lina LANTION-ANG

Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia 2020;6(3):133-138

6.Terazosin as first line preoperative blockade in Filipino patients diagnosed with pheochromocytoma

Joseph Bongon ; Raymond Oliva ; Lorraine Almelor ; Frances Lina Lantion-Ang

Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 2015;30(1):35-39

7.Prevailing food intake, physical activity and health beliefs in a Rural Agricultural Community in the Philippines: Factors to consider prior to a Diabetes Prevention Program

Mark Anthony Sandoval ; Elizabeth Paz-Pacheco ; Edwin Cañ ; ete ; Perpetua Patal ; Monica Therese Cating-Cabral ; Frances Lina Lantion-Ang ; Elizabeth Paterno ; Noel Juban ; Cecilia Jimeno

Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 2024;39(1):37-44

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