1.Digital noise reduction in hearing aids and its acoustic effect on consonants /s/ and /z/
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2018;73(6):365-370
Introduction: Modulation-based noise reduction (MBNR) is
one of the common noise reduction methods used in
hearing aids. Gain reduction in high frequency bands may
occur for some implementations of MBNR and fricatives
might be susceptible to alteration, given the high frequency
components in fricative noise. The main objective of this
study is to quantify the acoustic effect of MBNR on /s, z/.
Methods: Speech-and-noise signals were presented to, and
recorded from, six hearing aids mounted on a head and
torso simulator. Test stimuli were nonsense words mixed
with pink, cafeteria, or speech-modulated noise at 0 dB SNR.
Fricatives /s, z/ were extracted from the recordings for
Results: Analysis of the noise confirmed that MBNR in all
hearing aids was activated for the recordings. More than 1.0
dB of acoustic change occurred to /s, z/ when MBNR was
turned on in four out of the six hearing aids in the pink and
cafeteria noise conditions. The acoustics of /s, z/ by female
talkers were affected more than male talkers. Significant
relationships between amount of noise reduction and
acoustic change of /s, z/ were found. Amount of noise
reduction accounts for 42.8% and 16.8% of the variability in
acoustic change for /s/ and /z/ respectively.
Conclusion: Some clinically-available implementations of
MBNR have measurable effects on the acoustics of
fricatives. Possible implications for speech perception are
2.The Electroacoustic Performance of Digital Noise Reduction Systems in Commercial Hearing Aids with Malay Speech-Plus-Noise Test Signals (Prestasi Elektroakustik Sistem Pengurangan Hingar Digital dalam Alat Bantu Pendengaran Komersial dengan Isyarat Ujian Pertuturan-Dalam-Bising Bahasa Melayu)
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2024;22(No.1):13-24
One of the most frequent complaints of individuals with hearing impairment is listening comfort in noisy environments.
In order to improve listening comforts in background noise, digital noise reduction (DNR) systems are incorporated into
hearing aids (HAs). Each hearing aid manufacturer has its proprietary algorithm for the DNR system. The amount of
attenuation (dB) provided by the DNR system can be quantified using the hearing aid analyser. However, the standard
test signals in the hearing aid analyser could not quantify the attenuation of DNR for speech mixed with noise signals.
Therefore, this study aimed to (i) develop speech-plus-noise test signals that incorporate Malay sentences and (ii)
quantify the efficacy of DNR systems in commercial hearing aids using the newly developed test signals. Six different
brands of hearing aids with identical technology but from different manufacturers were subjected to electroacoustic
testing utilising newly created Malay speech-in-noise test signals with and without DNR enabled. The total root-meansquare (RMS) gain reduction for each HA was calculated. The results show that the types of noise, the signal-to-noise
ratio and the gender of the speaker have a significant effect (p<0.05) on the amount of gain reduction in the HA output
as a result of the DNR system in each HA . In conclusion, the newly developed Malay speech-in-noise test signals can
be used to verify the efficacy of DNR system in commercial hearing aids.