Twenty two patients presenting with chronic non-healing wound of the foot were evaluated. The ages range from 49 to 72 years old. There were 15 males and 7 females. Sixteen patients had NIDDM. Two were diagnosed to have Buergers disease with four others had both NIDDM and Buergers disease. Using a pulse oximeter with a sensor attached to the toes, the oxygen saturation level of the distal limbs was determined. Twelve patients were amputated. The mean oxygen saturation level of the non-amputated group was 91.2%, while that of the amputated group was 32.8%. In the non-amputated group, all the wounds improved. It is therefore suggested that determination of oxygen saturation level using pulse oximeter is a safe and convenient way of predicting wound healing. A level below 80% is correlated with poor healing which may assist the surgeon in his decision to amputate. (Author)
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