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Author:(Fernanda LEAL)

1.The use of auxiliary devices during irrigation to increase the cleaning ability of a chelating agent.

Marina Carvalho PRADO ; Fernanda LEAL ; Renata Antoun SIMÃO ; Heloisa GUSMAN ; Maíra DO PRADO

Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics 2017;42(2):105-110

2.Influence of autoclave sterilization procedures on the cyclic fatigue resistance of heat-treated nickel-titanium instruments: a systematic review

Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal SILVA ; Mayara ZANON ; Fernanda HECKSHER ; Felipe Gonçalves BELLADONNA ; Rafaela Andrade de VASCONCELOS ; Tatiana Kelly da Silva FIDALGO

Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics 2020;45(2):e25-

3.Influence of Toxoplasma gondii Acute Infection on Cholinesterase Activities of Wistar Rats.

Alexandre Alberto TONIN ; Aleksandro Schafer DA SILVA ; Maria Luiza THORSTENBERG ; Livia Gelain CASTILHOS ; Raqueli Teresinha FRANCA ; Daniela Bitencourt Rosa LEAL ; Marta Maria Medeiros Frescura DUARTE ; Fernanda Silveira Flores VOGEL ; Mario Luiz DE LA RUE ; Sonia Terezinha DOS ANJOS LOPES

The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2013;51(4):421-426

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