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Author:(Faudziah Abd MANAN)

1.The Binocular Performance of Convergence Insufficiency

Faudziah Abd Manan ; Nor Aini Hanafi ; Norliza Mohd Fadzil

Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2010;8(1):39-43

2.The Changes of Tear Status after Conventional and Wavefront-Guided IntraLASIK

Say Kiang Foo ; Sharanjeet-Kaur ; Faudziah Abd Manan ; Aloysius Joseph Low

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2011;18(2):32-39

3.Visual Reaction Time And Visual Anticipation Time Between Athletes And Non-Athletes

Yau Meng Kuan ; Nurul Atikah Zuhairi ; Faudziah Abd Manan ; Victor Feizal Knight ; Rokiah Omar

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(Special Volume (1)):135-141

4.The Importance Of Visual Awareness Among Junior Athletes In Klang Valley, Malaysia

Nurul Atikah ZUHAIRI ; Yau Meng KUAN ; Faudziah Abd MANAN ; Victor Feizal KNIGHT ; Rokiah OMAR

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(1):124-129

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