1.A case of fluke in cerebral ventricular
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;430(9):44-45
Study on a patient with ages of 51 admitted the nervous surgical department has shown that patient suffered vertigo, nausea, vomiting and poor consciousness, without clinical located nervous damage; images of CT scanner: dilation of third ventricle of cerebrum, right ventricle of cerebrum dilated larger than the left ventricle of cerebrum; the middle line was proponed into the left; The conscious progress was worsened rapidly; apnea; ineffective drainage and use of respirator. The patient was dead. Conclusion : Magnetic resonance image is the most effective method in diagnostics for patient with fluke infection in the ventricle of cerebrum.
Fasciola hepatica
Cerebral Ventricles
2.Parasite infection in children in Khanh Son district, Khanh Hoa province
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2002;12(1):55-58
An examination of 210 children stool samples showed that the rate of parasite infection was 33.8%. Among them ascarisdiasis 29.52% ankylostomiasis 4.67% and trichuriasis 1.43%. The rate of multiinfection was 5.63%. There was a significant difference of the infestation rate between Kinh and Raglai ethnic children
Fasciola hepatica
Cerebral Ventricles
3.Identification of adult worm of human small liver fluke in Hiep Hoa district, Bac Giang province by molecular method
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;519(9):9-12
Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a portion of the cytochrome oxidase 1 (446 nucleotide and 148 amino acid) of mitochondrial genome of adult worm of small liver fluke from human in Hiep Hoa district, Bac Giang (CsNgBG) province was amplified. The nucleotide and amino acid of these sequences were comparatively analyzed with the known Clonorchis sinensis. The analysis revealed that the Bac Giang Clonorchis sp (in human) was similar (100% nucleotide and amino acid) to the Nam Dinh Clonorchis sinensis (identification was done); 99.6% (nucleotide) and 100% (amino acid) homology to the C.sinensis of Chinese strain (CsCN-Gen Bank AF 184619) and Korean strain (CsKor-Gen Bank AF 181889). Thus, the Bac Giang Clonorchis sp is identified as Clonorchis sinensis in Opisthorchidae family, Clonorchis genus. Phylogenetic analysis uniquely placed the Bac Giang Clonorchis sinensis to the group of Chinese and Korean Clonorchis sinensis.
Fasciola hepatica
4.Defining the component of Fasciola hepatica species on the Vietnamese from eggs collected from human tool by moleurlar method of mitochondria genome
Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;483(7):42-46
A 21 -year -old woman patient, from middle of February 2003, she had got fatigue, weight loss 5-6 kg within 3 weeks, bad appetite, indigestion. Then she had pain in right lower rib, 390C fever, cough, dry vomitting. She had got diagnosis of hepatic abscess and unsuccessfully treated by 10 days antibiotics. She had got cecal abscess and abscess block was removed. Stool examination found Fasciola hepatica eggs and ELISA serum test was (+) with F.gigantica antigen (collected from buffaloes and cows) by title of 1/12800, acidophil white blood cell 12%. Triclabendazole 10mg/kg gave good results.
Genome, Mitochondrial
5.Laboratory characteristics and unexpected effects of praziquantel in treatment of liver fluke at 103 hospital-Vientiane-Laos
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(4):88-93
Sixty five patients infected with liver fluke (Clonorchiasis or Opisthorchiasis) were treated with praziquantel and investigated for laboratory manifestation in the Hospital 103, Lao PDR. Eosinophil was found to increase significantly. Total bilirubin is higher than normal value in majority of the patients. Liver fluke was identified as Opisthorchis viverrini. There was no relation between the intensity of infection and egg counts of Opisthorchis viverrini
Fasciola hepatica
6.A case of human fascioliasis in Korea.
Seung Yull CHO ; Byong Seol SEO ; Yong Il KIM ; Chi Kyoo WON ; Sung Kyung CHO
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1976;14(2):147-152
Fascioliasis has not been confirmed as a human disease entity until now in Korea despite of sporadic discovery of ova of Fasciola sp. in human fecal materials being never traced to the confirmation of infection. Almost all of the cases with ova in their stool have been related with consumption of cattle liver whether eaten in raw or processed. The present authors confirmed a human fascioliasis case who was a Korean housewife of 42-year-old living in Seoul, during the exploratory laparotomy. The patient had been healthy until October 1975 when abrupt onset of urticaria, dyspepsia, epigastric discomfort developed. And the fluctuation of these symptoms was followed by epigastric colicky pain attacks from December 4, 1975. A complete worm of Fasciola sp. was removed during the bile-duct exploration with stone forceps in lower half of common bile duct, on January 20, 1976. The patient only agreed that she had eaten some raw liver of cattle on September 1975 but denied any possible sources of infection such as drinking of untreated water, handling of water flower and grass, and eating of raw watercress. The measurements of the removed worm: 35. 61 mm in body length, 14.00 mm in maximum body width(Length/width ratio, 2.54:1), distribution of testes to body length 33.9 per cent , number of branches of ovary 22, the size of intrauterine ova 157.2 x 108. 4 micrometer in average. These findings are not compatible with the classical descriptions of both Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica, and it was concluded it is so-called Fasciola sp. which is intermediate between two species as proposed by many Japanese workers.
Fasciola hepatica
Fasciola gigantica
Fasciola sp.
case report
7.Karyotype of Fasciola sp. obtained from Korean cattle.
Jae Ku RHEE ; Gil Soo EUN ; Sang Bork LEE
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1987;25(1):37-44
As a series of systematic classification for Korean common liver fluke, Fasciola sp., karyotype was investigated by means of the modified air-drying technique and of the regular Giemsa staining, Also, C-staining method was applied for detailed karyological analysis from the germ cells of the fluke. The following is a brief summary of the leading facts gained through the experiment. Korean Fasciola sp. was classified into three types based on their chromosomal complements; individuals with 20 or 30 chromosomes and with a 20/30 mosaic constitution. Worms having 30 chromosomes represent a triploid form with 3 sets of 10 basic chromosomes, while those with 20 chromosomes were diploid and mosaic individuals were 2n/3n mixoploid. The frequency of the individual type calculated is as follows; 67.45% of 212 flukes examined was of diploid, 10.85%, triploid, and the rest, 21.7%, mixoploid, respectively. In many cases, two or three types were found in the peculiar bovine host while single type inhabitant was about 20% out of 52 cases. The twenty chromosomes consisted of 1 parir of large metacentrics, 4 pairs of medium-sized subtelocentrics, and 5 pairs of small submetacentrics, while constitution of the thirty chromosomes was nearly interpreted as a triploid form with 3 sets of 10 basic chromosomes. The high centromeric indexes of both types are the first pairs among all the examined, and 37.93% was of diploid and 47.93%, triploid, respectively. In mixoploid individuals, constitution of the chromosomes of diploid or triploid cells was the same as that of diploid or triploid individuals. All the chromosomes of the germ cells in both types showed C-band around the centromeic region and especially the chromosomes no's 3, 7, and 8 showed a remarkable C-band distinguished from other chromosomes. The variance for the sizes of the worms and the eggs were not parallel with three different genotypes in Korean common liver fluke.
Fasciola sp.
8.Identification of eggs of Fasciola sp Collected from a Vietnamese woman using the molecular techniques
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(4):72-79
Fasciola eggs were collected from stool of a woman aged 21 years old in Nghe An province. Miracidium were obtained from these eggs after 20 days culture in the laboratory. A portion of the mitochondrial-encoded nad1 gene from these miracidiums were amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and comparatively aligned with the known corresponding sequences of Fasciola gigantica taken from cattle in Hoa Binh, Lai Chau, Lang Son, Ninh Binh and international strains (from Korea, Japan and Indonesia). The results showed high similar co-efficient of nucleotide 98-99% and amino acid 95-99%, but lower rate than that of Fasciola hepatica (Australian and American) (90-92%). However, it is suggested that the Vietnamese F.gigantica have had the genetic signs hybridized with F.hepatica
Molecular Diagnostic Techniques
9.Distribution Status of Hybrid Types in Large Liver Flukes, Fasciola Species (Digenea: Fasciolidae), from Ruminants and Humans in Vietnam
Thi Bich Nga NGUYEN ; Nguyen VAN DE ; Thi Kim Lan NGUYEN ; Huynh Hong QUANG ; Huong Thi Thanh DOAN ; Takeshi AGATSUMA ; Thanh Hoa LE
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2018;56(5):453-461
The aim of this study is to delineate ‘admixed hybrid’ and ‘introgressive’ Fasciola genotypes present in the Fasciola population in Vietnam. Adult liver flukes collected from ruminants in 18 Provinces were morphologically sorted out by naked eyes for small (S), medium (M) and large (L) body shapes; and human samples (n=14) from patients. Nuclear ribosomal (rDNA) ITS1 and ITS2, and mitochondrial (mtDNA) nad1 markers were used for determination of their genetic status. Total 4,725 worm samples of ruminants were tentatively classified by their size: 6% (n=284) small (S)-, 13% (n=614) medium (M)-, and 81% (n=3,827) large (L)-forms. All the representative (n=120, as 40 each group) and 14 human specimens, possessed maternal mtDNA of only F. gigantica and none of F. hepatica. Paternally, all (100%) of the L-(n=40) and 77.5% (n=31) of the M-flukes had single F. gigantica rDNA indicating ‘pure’ F. gigantica. A majority (90%, n=36) of the S- and 15% (n=6) of the M-worms had single F. hepatica rDNA, indicating their introgressive; the rest (10%, n=4) of the S- and 7.5% (n=3) of the M-flukes had mixture of both F. gigantica and F. hepatica rDNAs, confirming their admixed hybrid genetic status. Fourteen human samples revealed 9 (64%) of pure F. gigantica, 3 (22%) of introgressive and 2 (14%) of admixed hybrid Fasciola spp. By the present study, it was confirmed that the small worms, which are morphologically identical with F. hepatica, are admixed and/or introgressive hybrids of Fasciola spp., and able to be the pathogens of human fascioliasis.
DNA, Mitochondrial
DNA, Ribosomal
Fasciola hepatica
10.Purification and properties of branched chain amino acid aminotransferase from Fasciola hepatica.
Jung Ho LEE ; Dong Wook LEE ; Hi Sung LEE ; Chul Yong SONG
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1983;21(1):49-57
The distribution and properties of branched chain amino acid aminotransferase(EC was investigated in adult Fasciola hepatica. Fasciola hepatica was fractionated by differential centrifugation into nuclear, mitochondrial and cytosolic fractions. The activity of branched chain amino acid aminotransferase was measured by the method of Ichihara and Koyama (1966) . Isozyme patterns of this enzyme was also examined by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. The results obtained were as follows: The activity in homogenate was found to be 12.69 units/g wet tissue. The activity of this enzyme was relatively high compared with those in rat tissues. The distribution of branched chain amino acid aminotransferase in the subcellular organelles showed that 87.8 percent of the activity was in cytosolic, 10.9 percent in mitochondrial and 1.3 percent was in nuclear fraction. Cytosolic fraction of Fasciola hepatica contained Enzyme I, but not Enzyme II and III, of branched chain amino acid aminotransferase. Enzyme I was eluted by 50 mM phosphate buffer from DEAE-cellulose column and catalyzed the transamination of all three branched chain amino acids. The Enzyme I was purified about 22-folds increase in specific activity after chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The best substrate among three amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine) was L-isoleucine. The optimal temperature of Enzyme I was 45 C and the optimal pH was 8.2. The Km value for leucine of Enzyme I was 4.17 mM. The Km values for alpha-ketoglutarate and pyridoxal phosphate of Enzyme I were 0.41 mM and 4.76 x 10(-3) mM, respectively.
Fasciola hepatica