Objective To investigate the diagnostic value and clinical significance of the three-dimensional contrast-enhanced MR angiography (3D-CE-MRA)in the infantile superficial hemangioma.Methods Forty-four children with superficial hemangioma un-derwent conventional and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI.MRI scanning was started at the time of inj ection,and four dynamic pha-ses of images were acquired continually.Maximum intensity proj ection (MIP)images were reconstructed to show the blood vessels of the lesions in multiple phases.Results Forty-nine infantile superficial hemangiomas were detected by MRI,including a single le-sion in 41 patients and multiple ones in 3.3D-CE-MRA showed 37 lesions in 32 patients,and other 12 lesions were not found in 12 patients.Conclusion The conventional and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI can reflect the location,number and the range of the su-perficial hemangioma,and show the relationship between the lesion and the surrounding tissues.3D-CE-MRA directly shows the blood supply of the tumors.