1.Advances in etiology and pathogenesis of hemophagocytic syndrome
Journal of Medical Postgraduates 2003;0(10):-
Hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) is a clinicopathologic entity occurs as a consequence of uncontrolled dysregulated cellular immune reactivity caused by a number of different underlying diseases,characterized by hypercytokinemia and systemic proliferation of benign hemophagocytic cells. Hemophagocytic syndrome embraces both primary/inherited HPS and secondary/reactive HPS. Mutations in perforin gene have been identified in some inherited HPS patients,there may be other genetic abnormalities also responsible for the disease. The causes of secondary HPS are diverse,including infections,malignancy and other unknown underlying diseases. A great advance in pathogenesis of HPS has been made and the results of recent research suggest that onset of HPS is closely associated with deficiency in lymphocyte mediated cytotoxicity and lowing apoptosis of activated immune cells.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army 1983;0(05):-
A new ELISA method for the detection of HBcAg in serum has been established with nitrocellulose as the solid carrier.HBV-anti-HBs complex formed with patient's serum and horse anti-HBs was applied to the nitrocellulose membrane under vacuum, using a special apparatus, and then was fixed on the filter at room temperature over night. HBcAg was determined with HRP-anti-HBc after treatment with 3mol/L NaCNS. Comparison with the methods for serum HBc Ag previously described, this technique was simple in performance. Its sensitivity and specificity were satisfactory for clinical purpose. The results from the study of clinical specimens indicated that HBcAg was closely correlative to HBsAg, anti-HBc and HBV-PHSAR.
3.Cyclophilin A and infectivity of human immunodeficiency virus type-1
Journal of Medical Postgraduates 2001;14(1):54-56
Cyclophilin A(CyPA) is a cytoplasmic protein which binds to immunosuppressive drug—cyclosporin A and possesses peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity. CyPA incorporated into virions through interactions with the Gag polyprotein in the life cycle of human immunodeficiency virus type 1(HIV-1) and its incorporation is essential for viral infectivity. This review discussed the function of CyPA in replication of HIV-1 virion and the usefulness of these studies for anti-HIV therapies.
4.An Immunochromatographic Lateral-flow Device(LFD) for Rapid Diagnosis of Aspergillosis
Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine 2014;(6):9-11
An immunochromatographic Lateral-Flow Device (LFD)was invented for rapid serodiagnosis of Invasive Asper-gillosis by foreign investigator.A monoclonal antibody against Aspergillus extracellular glycoprotein is used as capture anti-body and detection antibody in LFD.LFD is a simple,rapid,single sample performance technique by which Aspergillus ex-tracellular glycoprotein in serum and/or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL)of patients can be detected.The principle of LFD and the features of antigen and antibody involved in the technique will be described.The diagnositic value of novel LED is compared with that of GM test and PCR.
5.Discovery of a tumor resistance mouse and investigation of its mechanism
Journal of Medical Postgraduates 2003;0(09):-
A colony of mice with a unique trait of host resistance to tumorigenesis induced by transplantable cells has been established and studied by Cui Zheng et al.These spontaneous regression/complete resistance(SR/CR) mice possess a trait of resistance to a broad spectrum of tumors and can be transferred to cancer-sensitive mice,with an age-dependent spontaneous regression mediated mainly by innate leukocytes.This article reviews the discovery of the SR/CR mouse model and related study of its anti-cancer mechanism.
6.Organophosphorus pesticide-induced immunotoxicity and its updated mechanisms
Journal of Medical Postgraduates 2004;0(01):-
Organophosphorus pesticides(OP) are used as insecticides in agriculture throughout the world.The main toxicity of OP is neurotoxicity,which is caused by the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase.OPs also affect the immune response and suppress antibody production,T cell proliferation and the activity of natural killer(NK) cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes(CTL).However,there have been few studies on the mechanism of OP-induced immunotoxicity,especially the mechanism of OP-induced inhibition of the cytolytic activity of killer cells.This study updates the mechanisms of pesticide-induced immunotoxicity,including its direct and indirect effects on the immune system.
7.Roles of macrophages in resisting Aspergillus fumigatus infection
Journal of Medical Postgraduates 2003;0(11):-
Aspergillus fumigatus,as an opportunistic pathogenic fungus that causes high morbidity and mortality among immunocompromised patients,has aroused wide attention.As a major component of the innate immune system,macrophages play a pivotal role in resisting Aspergillus fungal infection.This review focuses on the contributions of macrophages in Aspergillus fungal infection.
8.The state of non-culture-based laboratory diagnostic assays of invasive aspergillosis
Journal of Medical Postgraduates 2003;0(12):-
In high-risk patients,such as patients with hematologic malignancies,or patients after allogeneic stem-cell or solid-organ transplantation,early diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis(IA) is essential,as missing or delayed diagnosis of IA results in increasing rates of mortality.However,diagnosis of IA is difficult because classic tests have low sensitivity and specificity.The limited sensitivity and specificity of conventional assays for the detection of IA and the growing number of IA patients have led to the development of new assays.These methods include antigen detection systems,such as galactomannan(GM) assay,and different molecular methods(PCR assays).The GM assay is commercially available.However,it still need to be evaluated in large patient cohorts,especially children.A range of different PCR assays have been developed,targeting different gene regions,including a variety of amplicon detection methods.These molecular assays provide high potential in terms of sensitivity and specificity,but vary widely in their feasibility and up to now have not been standardised.Taken together,new non-culture-based diagnostic assays are noninvasive,simple,rapid and highly sensitive.Thus,they might be valuable tools to make early diagonosis,to reduce empirical antifungal therapy and to monitor the therapy.
9.Using mimicry epitopes from phage displayed peptide library as substitute antigen for cyclophilin A in ELISA for detection of anti-CyPA autoantibody
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine 2003;0(08):-
Objective To use mimicry epitopes from phage displayed peptide library as substitute for recombinant human cyclophilin A (rhCyPA) in detection of CyPA autoantibody in sera of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).Methods Monoclonal antibody D4 and E6 were used as the capture antibody; the Ph.D.-12 p hage display peptide library was screened by biopanning. Ten phage clones with h igh affinity for McAb D4 and E6 (five for each) were chosen. Their inserts were sequenced. The amino sequence of mimicry epitope was subsequently reasoned out. Selected 12 peptide and previously obtained 7 peptide mimicry epitopes were used as coated antigen and compared with rhCyPA in ELISA for anti-CyPA autoantibody .Results Nine of ten phage clones with high affinity for McAb D4 and E6 (five for D4, four for E6) shared a consensus amino sequence HW EYTTSPHPRL. In comparative study of ELISA, 56 serum samples from SLE patients we re tested for anti-CyPA autoantibody, 28 samples were positive (50%) with 12 pe ptide mimicry antigen and 24 were positive (43%) with rhCyPA, 4 of 34 (11%) samp les from those with other autoimmune disorders were positive with both antigens, the coincidence rate between two methods was 95 6%. The research also showed t hat 12 peptide mimicry antigen has the advantages of rhCyPA and 7 peptide mimicr y antigen in detecting anti-CyPA autoantibody. Conclusions The specific 12 peptide screened from phage-displayed peptide library by ant i-CyPA monoclonal antibody can mimic epitope information of cyclophilin A well and be used as substitute for rhCyPA in ELISA.
Journal of Medical Postgraduates 2004;0(01):-
Granulysin is a cytotoxic granule protein,colocalizes with perforin and granzymes in the cytolytic granules of human CTL and NK cells. The released granulysin was found in the sera of healthy individuals and patients. Granulysin exhibits potent cytotoxic activity against tumors and a broad panel of microbes, including bacteria, fungi, and parasites. The serum levels of granulysin is well associated with diverse activities of NK cells and CTL in physiological and pathological settings and could be a useful novel serum marker for acute rejection of grafts and the overall status of host cellular immunity.