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Author:(Fahmi OSCANDAR)

1.Description of mandibular bone quality based on measurements of cortical thickness using Mental Index of male and female patients between 40-60 years old.


Imaging Science in Dentistry 2011;41(4):151-153

2.A retrospective institutional study of human age determination by evaluating the pulp length and width ratio of the maxillary lateral incisor on panoramic radiographs in Indonesian subjects

Vanessa Rizka HERIANTI ; Fahmi OSCANDAR ; Murnisari DARDJAN

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2021;51(4):421-427

3.Volumetric measurement of the tongue and oral cavity with cone-beam computed tomography:A systematic review

Kannitha Alina AFLAH ; Winny YOHANA ; Fahmi OSCANDAR

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2022;52(4):333-342

4.Dental age estimation in Indonesian adults: An investigation of the maxillary canine pulp-to-tooth volume ratio using cone-beam computed tomography

Khamila Gayatri ANJANI ; Rizky Merdietio BOEDI ; Belly SAM ; Fahmi OSCANDAR

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2023;53(3):221-227

5.Volumetric analysis of normal condyles and those with disc displacement with reduction in the Indonesian population: A CBCT study

Azkya Patria NAWAWI ; Rasmi RIKMASARI ; Erna KURNIKASARI ; Fahmi OSCANDAR ; Yurika Ambar LITA

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2022;52(1):103-108

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