Senile ptosis is a disease often seen in ophthalmology. If not treated timely, this condition can result in unwanted consequences both cosmetic and functional terms. This paper addressed to clinical features of senile ptosis and the efficiency of surgical correcting procedures. Subjects: Target groups of the study consist of over sixty years old patients suffering senile ptosis who were treated at the National Institute of Ophthalmology between 2002 - 2005. Method: the author had investigated senile ptosis clinical features and its correction surgery with three ways: excision of excessive skin, frontalis suspension operation, aponeurotic resection and resection of Muller's muscles (by Tyers A. G.). Results and conclusion: References drawn from the study on senile ptosis clinical features are as follows: Senile ptosis is often seen in patients aged between 60 and 65, the highest rate of ptosis (56.25%) at the over 70-years-old group, 100% of such patients have excessive skin; These surgeries are highly efficient for correction of senile ptosis. Our series of 55 eyes, 70,59, per cent (36 eyes) achieved a good results, 25.49 per cent (13 eyes) achieved an average results and 3.92 percent (2 eyes) achieved a poor results with an average follow up of 12 months. Though preliminary results are very encouraging, further study is still needed to optimized the treatment.
Eye Diseases, Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures, Blepharoptosis, Therapeutics