1.An Analysis of Attitudes on Euthanasia between Residents and Judicial Apprentices.
Jong Ho YOU ; Oh Byung KWON ; Kyoung Kon KIM ; Hee Cheol KANG ; Myung Se SON ; Kyoung Whan LEE
Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2005;26(6):327-336
BACKGROUND: Recently, the legal and ethical issues relative to euthanasia are becoming controversial in Korea. This study was designed to verify the differences of the attitudes on euthanasia between judicial apprentices and residents. METHODS: The questionnaire was conducted on the 35th-group of the judicial apprentices on March 24, 2004, and on the residents from April 2 to May 22, 2004. The respondents were 636 in total consisting of 460 judicial apprentices and 176 residents. RESULTS: Of the total 636 subjects, 373 (81.1%) of the judicial apprentices and 149 (84.7%) of residents agreed that allowing euthanasia is moral, without any significant difference (P>0.05). The number of residents was greater (59 people, 33.5%) than that of judicial apprentices (112 people, 24.4%) who agreed with active euthanasia (P<0.05). Among the total, 397 (86.3%) of the judicial apprentices and 160 (91.4%) of the residents answered that the law for euthanasia was necessary, without any significant difference (P>0.05). But, among these supporters, the respondents who agreed on active euthanasia were significantly different in number between judicial apprentices (n=93, 23.4%) and residents (n=54, 33.8%) (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: This study did not find any significant differences between the two groups in the necessity of the law for euthanasia, but the rate of agreement on active euthanasia was higher in residents group than in judicial apprentices group.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Euthanasia, Active
Euthanasia, Passive
2.Development of a Scale to Measure Attitude Euthanasia by Korean Nurses.
Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing 2001;8(1):95-104
This study was done to develop an euthanasia attitude scale. Subjects who participated in the study were a convenience sample of 234 Korean nurses. Data were collected through a survey over a period of three months. The analysis of the data was done using SPSS PC for descriptive statistics, factor analysis and Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha. Initially 63 items were generated from interview data from eighteen nurses and from a literature review. This preliminary scale was analyzed for a reliability and validity. The results are as follow: 1. Crombach's Coefficient alpha for the 19 items was 0.8804. 2. Factor analysis was done in order to confirm construct validity and four factor were extracted from the results. These contributed 56.6% of the variance in the total score. 3. Each factor was labled 'quality of life', 'respect of life, 'client's right','medical ethics'. The author suggests that this scale could be used in assessing the attitude of Korean nurses toward euthanasia.
Reproducibility of Results
3.Euthanasia: a misunderstood term.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2012;55(12):1163-1170
Although the word 'euthanasia', a compound word of eu- (good, well) and thanatos (death) is widely known, it is greatly misunderstood. With regard to end-of-life medicine, several phrases, including death with dignity, passive euthanasia, and natural death also need to be clarified. A review of their meanings and connotations is provided along with a brief history of the discussion in Korea on forgoing life support. Korea has no law regarding the cessation of artificial ventilation, but several judgments of law courts provide us with a general principle that cessation could be applied if the patient is in an irreversible or dying condition medically, and has presented his or her intention with something like an advance directives, or is reasonably presumed to have such a will.
Advance Directives
Euthanasia, Passive
Right to Die
Suicide, Assisted
4.The Study of Attitude to Passive Euthanasia among Korean Nurses.
Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing 2002;9(1):76-85
PURPOSE: This study has been designed to identify attitudes to euthanasia held by Korean nurses. METHOD: Data were collected through a survey, and the participants in the study were 234 Korean nurses. Convenience sampling method was used and analysis of the data was done with SPSS PC for descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA. RESULTS: 1. The mean score for euthanasia was 2.80, and the sub dimension mean scores were, patients' rights, 3.24, quality of life, 2.78, respect for life, 2.68, medical ethics, 2.50. 2. With respect to the general characteristics of participants there were statistically significant difference in total score according to religion (P=.01), and degree of influence of religion on behavior (P=.00). 3. There were statistically significant difference in score of quality of life according to religion (P=.04), degree of influence of religion on behavior (P=.00), decisions in euthanasia (P=0.04), and legal permission (P=.04). 4. There was statistically significant difference in score of patient's right according to legal permission (P=.04). 5. There were statistically significant difference in the score of respect for life according to religion (P=.00), degree of influence of religion on behavior (P=.00), decision in euthnasia (P=.00), and legal permission (P=.00).
Ethics, Medical
Euthanasia, Passive*
Patient Rights
Quality of Life
Value of Life
5.Attitudes of medical students and housestaff toward euthanasia.
Joo Tae KIM ; Kyung Chul KIM ; Dong Hyeok SHIN ; Hang Suk CHO ; Jae Yong SHIM ; Hye Ree LEE
Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2001;22(10):1494-1502
BACKGROUND: Medical decisions concerning the prolongation of life, the right to die and euthanasia are among the most extensively discussed issues within medicine and law today. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the attitudes of medical students and housestaff toward euthanasia. METHODS: From July 15 to September 15 of the 1998, the responses of 180 medical students and 132 housestaff to a self-administered questionnaire were analyzed to identify attitudes toward euthanasia. Over 312 respondents about attitudes toward euthanasia, the analysis of differences between proportions was made by the Chi-square test. RESULTS: About 69.9% of the respondents thought euthanasia should be legalized. The findings suggest that Buddhists (77.5%) and non-religious groups (88.1%) tend to support euthanasia more than Christians. Futhermore, medical students (74.4%) support euthanasia more than housestaffs(63.6%), male(75.1%) more often than female(57.9%). About 73.1% of the respondents said that active euthanasia is not justifiable, and 79.2% said that they do not like performing active euthanasia. In respect to passive euthanasia, 69.0% said that it is not ethically justifiable, but 63.0% would perform this as if it were legal. Housestaffs of internal medicine (76.9%) were more willing to do euthanasia than pediatrics (70.0%), surgery (63.6%), family practice (53.8%) and Ob/Gyn (33.3%). CONCLUSION: Respondents have positive attitudes toward legalization of euthanasia.. Most considered that passive euthanasia is not morally justifiable. But if it were legalized, they would be willing to do euthanasia, while they would still be disturbed by active euthanasia. The opinions of physician and medical students directly affect patient care and their attitudes must be considered if clear policies are to be developed concerning euthanasia.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Euthanasia, Active
Euthanasia, Passive
Family Practice
Internal Medicine
Life Support Care
Patient Care
Right to Die
Students, Medical*
6.Withholding Futile Interventions from Terminally Ill Cancer Patients.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2001;44(9):956-962
With development of new techniques for medical intervention, there has been a big dilemma for physicians about their decision when to stop treatment. Application of life-sustaining device sometimes results in a prolongation of painful period (dying process) for patients. Regarding the role of physician in the end-of-life decision, there could be two extremes : euthanasia vs. therapeutic tenacity (futility or accanimento terapeutico). Either extreme has its own limitations. One of possible solutions is an appropriate application of withholding and withdrawing interventions. However, several considerations are necessary for this. First, the clinical aspect of decision is whether a certain management is proportionate or non-proportionate for a given situation. If there is a chemotherapy regimen that has an efficacy of 15% partial response rate with side effects in the previous study, is it propotionate or non-proportionate treatment for advanced cancer patients? Other aspects of decision is regarding ethical, economical, and legal issues. One type of circumstances that may prompt claims of futility is the discrepancy between the values or goals of involved parties. Other concerns on futility issues are ① is it easy to break the bad news to dying patients in Korean culture? (communication problems at various levels) ② is social welfare system adequate enough not to interfere with a fair decision? Values on the issues like therapeutic decision and withholding life-sustaining treatments in terminally ill cancer patients are discordant between physicians and family members. To resolve controversies on the role of physicians as well as those of patients and their family members should be considered in the final decision.
Drug Therapy
Medical Futility
Social Welfare
Terminally Ill*
7.The Study of Meaning in Euthanasia and Hospiece Nursing among Nurses.
Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing 2000;7(3):379-390
Euthanasia have received considerable attention recentely in medical literature, public discussion, and proposed state legislation. Almost all the discussion in this area has focused on the role of physicians. However, nurse may be in special position to understand the wishes of patients and to act on this understanding. Purpose of this study is to identity the meaning of euthanasia in terminal ill patients on the nurses' veiw. Forcused interveiw design was used to data collection The data were analyzed by semantic analysis, and analysis of the data resulted in identification of 14 categories representing the meaning of euthanasia. 1. The meaning of supported euthanasia is 'free of suffering', 'difficulty of economic status', 'right of patient and family', 'dignity of death', 'organ transplant', 'social legislation'. 2. The meaning of opposited euthanasia is 'artificial death', 'value of life', 'uncertainity', 'guilt feeling' 3. The meaning of care in terminalily ill patients is 'avoidance', 'powerlessness'. 'apathy', 'passive attitude'. The policy debate about professional roles in action that end of lives of patients must be extended nurses. Nurses must take an active role in discussion and definition of acceptable practice at the end of life.
Data Collection
Hospice Care
Professional Role
8.A Study on Attitude to Euthanasia by Student Nurses.
Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing 2002;9(3):473-483
The purpose of this study was to explore the attitude of student nurses to euthanasia. The convenient sample for this study consisted of 293 nursing students at a nursing college in Kyeongi Province. The data were collected from Oct. 15, 2002 to Oct. 30, 2002 and were analyzed using frequency, percentage, and X2-test with the SAS package. The results of this study are as follow :77.1% of students agreed to passive euthanasia and 70.6% subjects agreed to legalization of passive euthanasia.78.5% of students can given an exact explanation of the concept of hospice. They obtained information about hospice from the mass media (1.1%), books (30.0%), friends and neighbors (3.4%), and religious groups (2.4%). The preferred place for death was reported to be home (75.4%), hospital (9.4%) or a peaceful place (6.3%).Fears of facing death were suffering in death (23.4%), grief of remaining family (21.2%), unknown about the other world (10.0%), separation from people who are loved (9.7%), forgotten from the people's memory(6.3%). In conclusion, the attitude of student nurses toward passive euthanasia approached a positive direction. But euthanasia was seen as dangerous and having multiple problems. Therefore the training for student nurses as health professionals should include content on dealing with hospice care and euthanasia.
Euthanasia, Passive
Health Occupations
Hospice Care
Mass Media
Students, Nursing
9.Perceptions and Attitudes of Nurses toward Euthanasia.
Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing 2004;11(3):309-316
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the perceptions and attitudes of nurses toward euthanasia. METHOD: In this descriptive study, data were collected from 485 nurses using a self-report questionnaire. The attitudes toward euthanasia scales were composed of four sub dimensions; quality of life, client's right, respect for life and medical ethics. The data were analyzed with descriptive and parametric statistics using SPSS WIN program. RESULTS: Of the nurses, 84.7% were in agreement with constituting a law for euthanasia and 57.6% accepted passive euthanasia. Further, 80.1% would accept euthanasia for their own end-of-life situation. The most frequent reason for pro euthanasia was pain relief, and for con, respect for life. The mean attitude score was 54.64 and that of sub dimensions were 2.81 for quality of life, 3.21 for client's right, 2.87 for respect for life, and 2.84 for medical ethics. The nurses who were positive in their thinking about euthanasia had higher attitude scores. Among general characteristics of the nurses, attitudes scores were significantly different according to religion. CONCLUSION: Although many nurses had a positive concept of euthanasia, they still have ethical dilemmas in life-sustaining care. Therefore training programs on moral rights are necessary to provide guidelines for end-of-life care.
Ethics, Medical
Euthanasia, Passive
Human Rights
Quality of Life
Surveys and Questionnaires
Value of Life
Weights and Measures
10.Perception of a Good Death in the Elderly.
Na Young HAN ; Hong Joo YOON ; Eal Whan PARK ; Yoo Seock CHEONG ; Sun Mi YOO
Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2002;23(6):769-777
BACKGROUND: Family doctors are usually point of contact when the elderly think their death is imminent. To properly treat their disease and to provide good care of them and their families, family doctors must know the elderly's perception of a good death and dying. The purpose of this study was to investigate the components of a good death from the elderly. METHODS: We composed 9 questions focusing on good death and dying. A family medicine resident interviewed 35 people ages sixty five or over in Cheonan Welfare Center. The contents were recorded into audiotapes, and then translated and analyzed by quantitative method and coding technique. RESULTS: Among the total 35 respondents, many elders answered that they had thought about death and that the meaning of a death was the end of life, or transition from one world to another in religious belief. In their dying, they hoped that they would be with their offspring or spouse and that they would be in their home or hospital. Old people identified 8 major components of a good death: proper age, death without disease, death before death of their offspring and spouse, dying when whole family get together, death after seeing their family happy, death during sleep, and death without pain. They pointed out that the most meaningful event in their lives were related to their family, occupation and society. CONCLUSION: The elderly identified a good death in view of family as well as personal conditions such as proper age, a death without pain or disease. And most elderly pointed out that meaningful events in their lives were related to their family, occupation and society.
Clinical Coding
Surveys and Questionnaires
Tape Recording