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1.New Records of Four Species Belonging to Eurotiales from Soil and Freshwater in Korea

Monmi PANGGING ; Thuong TT NGUYEN ; Hyang Burm LEE

Mycobiology 2019;47(2):154-164

2.Characterization of Paecilomyces variotii and Talaromyces amestolkiae in Korea Based on the Morphological Characteristics and Multigene Phylogenetic Analyses.

Thi Thuong Thuong NGUYEN ; Narayan Chandra PAUL ; Hyang Burm LEE

Mycobiology 2016;44(4):248-259

3.Diversity of Culturable Soil Micro-fungi along Altitudinal Gradients of Eastern Himalayas.

Lamabam Sophiya DEVI ; Polashree KHAUND ; Fenella M W NONGKHLAW ; S R JOSHI

Mycobiology 2012;40(3):151-158

4.Diversity of Marine-Derived Aspergillus from Tidal Mudflats and Sea Sand in Korea.

Seobihn LEE ; Myung Soo PARK ; Young Woon LIM

Mycobiology 2016;44(4):237-247

5.Bioprospecting Endophytic Fungi and Their Metabolites from Medicinal Tree Aegle marmelos in Western Ghats, India.

Vellingiri Manon MANI ; Arockiamjeyasundar Parimala Gnana SOUNDARI ; Damodharan KARTHIYAINI ; Kathirvel PREETH

Mycobiology 2015;43(3):303-310

6.Distribution of Alcohol-tolerant Microfungi in Paddy Field Soils.

Soon Young CHOI

Mycobiology 2003;31(4):191-195

7.Isolation and Identification of Geosmithia argillacea from a Fungal Ball in the Lung of a Tuberculosis Patient.

Ji Yeon SOHN ; Mi Ae JANG ; Jang Ho LEE ; Kyung Sun PARK ; Chang Seok KI ; Nam Yong LEE

Annals of Laboratory Medicine 2013;33(2):136-140

9.Occurrence and identification of Penicillium and Talaromyces species from beach sand

Teh Li Yee ; Nurul Farizah Azuddin ; Masratul Hawa Mohd ; Latiffah Zakaria

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2022;18(6):652-664

10.Transportation of citrinin is regulated by the CtnC gene in the medicinal fungus Monascus purpureus.

Yanling GUI ; Guangfu TANG ; Haiqiao MAN ; Jiao WANG ; Jie HAN ; Jiehong ZHAO

Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B 2023;24(6):543-548

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