1.Customer Satisfaction Index of Business & Industry Foodservice Operations in Pusan and Kyeung Nam Area.
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 1998;4(2):152-159
The purpose of this study was to compare the customer satisfaction index(CSI) between 8 self-operated foodservices and 6 contract fooodservices in Pusan and the Kyeung Nam area. There were 438 subjects for self-operated foodservices, and 384 for contract foodservices. The questionnaire was used in this study as a survey method and was concerned with quality of food(I)(II), sanitation, facilities, information service, and employee sevice area. Data from customers were analyzed by using the SPSSPC+ program, and in terms of frequency, and t-test. The results are as follows; 1. Sanitation was the most important factor in both self-operated and contract foodservices. 2. Contract foodservices showed a higher mean rating in both facilities and employee service than did self-operated foodservices in the satisfaction. 3. In self-operated foodservices, men had a significantly(p>0.05) higher CSI in all areas then women, but contract foodservices did not have this difference. 4. Contract foodservices had a higher CSI in quality of food(I), sanitation, facilities, information service, and employee service area, and was also in higher total CSI, than self-operated foodservices.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Information Services
2.Interrelations Among Fast Food Intake, Food Behavior, and Personality in Adolescents.
Eun Sil HER ; Kyung Hea LEE ; Eun Young BAE ; Eun Soon LYU
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2007;12(6):714-723
Especially, the teenage period, an important lifetime to develop both physically and mentally, needs to be helpful to promote the growth of the body and to keep a well-balanced mind through a balanced and nourishing diet. It is well known that the western style fast food is the most liked meal by teenagers. Wrong recognition about fast food and its frequent intake by adolescents can lead to unbalanced diet and food behaviors which may also connect with a poor impact on their personalities as well as their physical health. In this study, therefore, relationships between fast food intake frequency and food behavior, sociability, and personality, such as anger expression, were surveyed from 1,295 adolescents (666 in Seoul, 316 in Changwon, and 313 in rural communities), and then analyzed using SPSS program. The results are shown as follows. The fast food preference score and the fast food intake frequency score showed no differences between male students (22.9/30, 14.4/30 respectively) and female students (23.0/30, 14.0/30 respectively). But, the fast food preference score correlated positively with the intake frequency score (r = 0.304) significantly (p < 0.001). The more frequently eating of fast food group showed significantly lower scores (r = -0.233, p < 0.001) in food behaviors. The frequency of fast food intake had no relationships with sociability, but it had a significantly effect on anger expression (r = 0.213, p < 0.001) and control (r =-0.147, p < 0.001). From these results, we could see the necessity of various nutrition education programs to build proper eating-out habits and also more studies are needed to find the relationships between fast food intake and growth and personality.
Fast Foods*
3.A Study on the Importance and Performance of Foodservice Tasks between Dietitian from Hospitals and Contract Managed Foodservice Companies.
Jin Hee KIM ; Tong Kyung KWAK ; Wan Soo HONG ; Eun Soon LYU
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2005;11(4):381-392
This study compared he importance of food service, views to the performance, management objectives, and recognition gap about the contract contents towards the dietetic departments of hospitals that manage the patients' food service and managers of contract managed companies, and dieticians. It conducted questionnaires and survey towards the vice director and dieticians of 17 hospitals, over 500 beds, and the persons responsible for contract managed companies and dietitians who were in charge of food service. The hospitals showed significantly(p<0.05) higher the importance scores in menu planning, the distribution of meal, sanitation management, and leadership than those of the contract managed companies. In the difference of hospitals and contract managed companies about performance, it appeared high in the contract managed companies. In the importance of the foodservice management objective, the hospital had significantly(p<0.05) higher scores in the management of client's satisfaction and quality improvement element through management innovation than those of the contract managed companies. In the importance of contract term, the contract method, expense, and payment condition of commission fee were significantly(p<0.05) high scores in the contract managed companies, compared to the hospital.
Fees and Charges
Food Services
Menu Planning
Quality Improvement
Surveys and Questionnaires
4.The Medical Staffs` Perception about Nutrition Care.
Eun Soon LYU ; Young Ram EUM ; Song Mi LEE
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 1998;4(1):40-52
This study was undertaken to identify medical staffs perception about nutrition care and dietitian's role in hospitals. Questionnaires were sent to 874 medical staffa at 50 general hospials size over 100 beds, located in Seoul and Pusan, A total of 649(74.3%) of medical staffs returned questionnaries from 47 general hospitals. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. 1. 89.6% if educak stffs responded that they required the help of the dietitian when the patients needed the nutrition acre and also most of them(87.0%) held positive perceptions abuot the necessity of the nutrition support team. 2. When the medical staffs prescribed the special diet of the patients' nutrition care, 90.0% of them preferred that diet would be order after consulting with dietitian. 3. Half of the medical staffs(52.1%) responded that they were scarced of the knowledge about the clinical mutrition and then 66.4% of them recognized the need of nutrition education at the medical school. 4. The medical staffs responded that dietitian must have the knowledge abuot food, nutrition and medical science(52.5%) and the competence of discussion with medical staffs about nutrition the patients(30.8%).
Hospitals, General
Medical Staff
Mental Competency
Surveys and Questionnaires
Schools, Medical
5.Human Resource Management on Dietitians in Contracted Foodservice Companies.
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2003;9(3):248-258
This study was conducted to identify dietitians' position and role by assessing the present condition on management of human resources in contracted foodservice management company. Questionnaires were distributed to 79 contracted companies (eight large-size, 48 mid-size, 23 small-size companies) from March to May in 2002. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSSwin (version 8.0). The data were analyzed in group comparisons using frequencies and percentage for every item in the questionnaires, x2-test, and oneway ANOVA. About eighty-five percent of contracted foodservice companies employed the new dietitians as full time employees, and seventy-five percent of them were promoted the dietitians by evaluation after a given period of time. As a starting payment for university graduates, large-size companies payed an average of 16,260,000 won/year, which was significantly higher (p<0.01) than those of mid-sized (11,320,000 won/year) and small-sized companies (11,620,000 won/year). The mean lengths of dietitians' service were 33.5 months in large-size companies, 26.5 months in mid-sized companies, 26.0 months in small-sized companies. It was less than 3 years in all companies (avg. 26.9 months). Fifty-four companies (68.4%) employed dietitians in each foodservice contract, whereas 25 companies didn't employ dietitians. The ratios of dietitians out of employees in each department of the companies were 42.6% in the department of contracted foodservice management, 19.9% in the department of menu development, 18.1% in the department of food safety, 8.7% in the department of distribution and purchase, 4.2% in the department of business, and 3.9% in the department of customer satisfaction. The dietitians' positions were directors in two companies (2.5%), general managers in two companies (2.5%), deputy managers in seven companies (8.9%), managers in twenty-nine companies (36.7%), assistant managers/chief clerks in twenty-four companies (30.4%), and chiefs in twenty-five companies (31.6%). The frequencies of training for dietitians were 6.2 times/year for the food safety training, 5.8 times/year for the cooking training, 4.8 times/year for nutrition-related training, and 4.7 times/year for service training.
Food Safety
Surveys and Questionnaires
6.Analysis of Current Operational Practices and Issues of Contract-Managed Foodservice Companies in Republic of Korea.
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2003;9(3):197-208
This study was surveyed to provide the information on current operational practices and issues of contract-managed foodservice companies. Questionnaires were distributed to 79 contract-managed foodservice companies (eight large-size, 48 mid-size, 23 small-size companies) from March to May in 2002. The contract-managed foodservice companies provided averages of 269,184 (range 140,036~503,500), 14,837 (range 450~75,269), and 4,065 (range 930~8,050) meals daily from large, medium, and small-size companies, respectively. The companies managed to averages of 268.2 (160~619) foodservice contracts at large-size companies, 21.9 (5~63) contracts at mid-size companies, and 4.7 (1~10) contracts at small-size companies. The average numbers of dietitians were 298.6 (range 104~671) in large-size companies, 22.2(6~86) in mid-size companies, and 3.8(1~9) in small-size companies. The averages of sales were 156.5 billion at large-size companies, 6.7 billion at mid-size companies, and 1.7 billion at small-size companies in 2001. The contract was two types including management fee contract(5%), and profit and loss contract(95%). The cost ratios for office foodservice were 59.5% at food cost, 24.2% at labor cost, 6.3% at profit, and 10.1% at other cost. For hospital foodservice, the ratios were 54.0% at the food cost, 34.6% at labor cost, 3.0% at profit, and 11.8% at other cost. For high school foodservice, the ratios were 62.2% at the food cost, 21.5% at labor cost, 5.4% at profit, and 11.2% at other cost. When the contractors managed to the foodservice, the most important matters were the sanitation management and customer satisfaction. Also, the difficult problems were excess investment of equipments and low meal prices.
Fees and Charges
Surveys and Questionnaires
Republic of Korea*
7.A Perception of Dietitians for Using Imported Foods and Pro-environment Farm Products for Elementary School Foodservice Operations in Busan.
Mi Jin RYU ; Jae Soo SUH ; Eun Soon LYU
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2004;10(4):452-466
The purpose of this study was to assess the use of food materials at elementary school in Busan area and provide school meal management with basic data to improvement of guideline. A survey was done by e-mail with a set of questionnaires, which was responeded by 122 dietitians in elementary school foodservice. The results were as follows; Sixty percent of the dietitians though to the general imported food materials had to use. Regarding mean score of using the imported food materials; safety was 2.12/5.00, freshness 2.48/5.00, sanitation 2.68/5.00, nutrition 2.73/5.00, preference 2.93/5.00, external form 3.09/5.00, package 3.12/5.00, and price 3.63/5.00. Thirty seven percent of the dietitians had purchase the pro-environment farm products(PEFPs) and 32.0% of them purchased those products for the students' health. But 52.4% could not purchase to the PEFPs because of expensive price. They had negative opinions about deficient supplying of PEFPs 4.51/5.00, too expensive price 4.34/5.00, and the truth or false in source of PEFPs 3.96/5.00. Most of them perceived that using the PEFPs had to apply the step by step. Among of them, 33.9% had the knowledge of PEFPs, but 16.4 of them did not know to the PEPPs. 57.4% of them hoped to purchase the food materials through a center of supporting school meal servcie(it called non-profit-making organizations).
Electronic Mail
Surveys and Questionnaires
8.Mothers' Perceptions on Nutrition Education for Elementary School Students in the Busan Area I: A Demographical Factor Approach.
Hye Ran KIM ; Eun Soo SHIN ; Eun Soon LYU
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2008;14(3):276-290
This study examined mothers' perceptions on nutrition education for elementary school students according to demographical factors. Questionnaires were distributed to the mothers of 511 elementary school students in the Busan area. According to the results, 50% of the respondents felt that the preschool years or the lower elementary grades were proper times to start nutrition education. Furthermore, they preferred school dietitians (55.4%), outside professional dietitians (16.3%), nurse teachers (13.8%), class room teachers (11.7%), and parents (2.8%) as nutrition educators. The mothers who were college and university graduates had significantly (p<0.001) higher scores regarding the necessity of nutrition education for student growth when compared to mothers who were high schools graduates. However, the high school graduates had significantly (p<0.001) higher scores than the college and university graduates with respect to nutrition education for correcting obesity. The order of importance for nutrition education curriculum content was as follows: eating habits, food safety, health and disease, maintaining ideal body weight, food waste and environment, basic food knowledge, and traditional foods. The college and university graduates, and those of 'A' group schools, had significantly (p<0.001) higher importance scores for proper eating habits. Mothers having experience with nutrition education comprised 43.9% of the subjects, and there was a significantly (p<0.05) higher percentage of employed mothers as compared to unemployed. Eighty-six percent of the respondents wanted to receive nutrition education. For more effective learning, they preferred in-person group education rather than correspondence education using e-mails or printed materials from schools.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Electronic Mail
Food Habits
Ideal Body Weight
9.Importance and Performance of Dietitian's Task at Long Term Care Hospital Foodservice in Busan . Kyungnam Area.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2011;16(5):602-612
The purpose of this study was to evaluate importance and performance of dietitian's task at long term care hospitals foodservices in the Busan.Kyongnam area. The research was performed through using questionnaires and conducted from June 11 to July 16, 2010 for 186 dietitians at 141 long-term care hospitals. Seventy-two percent of hospitals had two dietitians and 69% of them had a dietitian's office. Fifty-two percent of dietitians has worked for less than 2 years at long term care hospital, and 37.1% of them worked additional tasks. Seventy-three percent of hospitals conducted a therapeutic diet program and the therapeutic diets frequently provided were diabetic diet > tube feeding diet > dysphasia diet > sodium controlled diet. Mean score for the importance (4.36/5.00) and performance (3.91/5.00) of dietitian's tasks were significantly different (p < 0.001). The importance and performance grid showed that the purchase-inspection management and sanitation-safety management were high scores to the importance and performance (doing great area), menu-foodservice management and cooking-working management were low scores to the importance and high scores to the importance (overdone area), and nutrition management was low scores to the importance and performance (low priority). Forty-three percent of dietitians agreed with the needs for role separation between foodservice dietitian and clinical dietitian.
Diet, Diabetic
Enteral Nutrition
Long-Term Care
Surveys and Questionnaires
10.Assessment of Hygiene Knowledge and Recognition on Job Performance Levels for HACCP Implementation for Dieticians and Employees at Contract Foodservices.
Hye Kyung MOON ; Ji Young JEAN ; Eun Soon LYU
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2004;10(3):261-271
The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for practical HACCP training. A survey was conducted and analysed on 46 contract foodservices: 13 "Appointed" foodservices (appointed by Korean Food & Drug Administration), 17 "Voluntary Applying" foodservices (voluntarily applied HACCP, but not appointed), 16 "Non-applying" foodservices (not applied HACCP). Hygiene knowledge and recognition on job performance levels for HACCP application for 46 dieticians and 361 employees were surveyed. According to the survey, 61.5% of the "Appointed" dieticians took HACCP training from outside the company, 58.8% of "Voluntary Applying" dieticians took in-house HACCP training, and 62.4% of "Non-applying" dieticians have not taken any HACCP training. As for the comparison of hygiene knowledge, total mean of employees (6.38) showed significantly lower average than that of the dieticians (7.82) (p<0.001). From the result for recognition on job performance levels, total mean of dieticians (3.91) indicated generally good performance while employees (3.41) (p<0.001) showed considerably lower recognition. Hygiene knowledge and recognition on job performance levels of both dieticians and employees showed considerably close correlation (p<0.01 or p<0.05).
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points*