1.Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection Associated with Massive Periventricular Calcification and Probably in Burnt out Phase: An autopsy case report.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1986;20(4):503-508
We report an autopsy case of congenital cytomegalic inclusion disease that was associated with massive periventricular calcification and hydrocephalus. The male boy was bron by cesarian section at 38 weeks of gestational age to a 28 year old mother and was dead two hours after delivery because of respiratory difficulty. Radiologic findings showed characteristic linear periventricular calcification, being associated with marked dilatation of the lateral ventricles. At autopsy, the brain parenchyme became 0.4 cm in average thickness due to obstructive hydrocephalus at aqueductal level. The inner surface of the lateral ventricle showed grayish white granular appearance that could correspond to the calcification seen on plain skull X-ray films. Although active ependymitis, destruction of the brain parenchyma with dystrophic calcification and gliosis were noted, there was no intranuclear inclusion. After scrutinizing many sections of various organs and tissue, we could be able to demonstrate a few inclusion bodies, highly suggestive of cytomegalic inclusion disease. It was discussed that this case might suggest that intranuclear inclusions in cytomegalovirus infection could by very difficult to find particularly when the infection is in inactive phase despite the presence of tissue necrosis and calcification of the brain.
2.Metaplastic Variant of the Gallbladder Adenoma: A report of a case.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1985;19(3):350-354
A case of papillary adenoma of the gallbladder in a sixty seven-year-old female with varietise of epithelial components in metaplastic nature is presented. This adenoma was bordered by hyperplastic epithelium with intervening Paneth cells and enterochromaffin cells, but goblet cells were rarely participated, as with focal epithelial change resembling gastric foveolar epithelium and aggregation of antral type mucous glands. Based on its morphologically distinct type of gallbladder adenoma and histogenetic point of view, we propose this neoplasm to be designated as a metaplastic adenoma or polyp, and the relationship of various metaplastic changes to adenoma or carcinoma is discussed.
3.Histopathologic Analysis of Helicobacter Pylori Associated Gastritis.
Ho Jung LEE ; Eun Sil YU ; In Chul LEE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1996;30(9):764-774
Gastric mucosa shows continuous changes in surface epithelium as well as inflammatory reaction by various substances from the outside and their metabolic products. Gastric mucosal lesions are proven to be associated with bacterial infection by the discovery of Heliobacter pylori(H. pylori) and many studies about histopathologic changes of gastric mucosa associated H. pylori infection has been advanced. It is known that H. pylori associated gastritis displays surface foveolar epithelial changes, such as cytoplasmic vacuolation, mucin loss, juxtaluminal cytoplasm erosion, epithelial denudation, and mucosal irregularity. There have been many studies that H. pylori infection is associated with intestinal metaplasia, gastric dysplasia, and carcinoma. Also chronic H. pylori infection with its induction of gastric lymphoid follicle has been implicated as a precursor of gastric lymphoma of the unique B-cell type that arises from mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue(MALT). However, these gastric mucosal changes are also observed in gastritis with other causes. In this study, we aimed to define specific histopathiologic findings associated with H. pylori infection. A total of 463 gastric biopsy specimens were reviewed. They were Helicobacter-associated gastritis and were divided as many (MH), a few (AH), and no (NH), according to the number of H. pylori. 210 (MH), 131 (AH), and 122 (NH) biopsy specimens were included. Lymphocytes, plasma cells in lamina propria, eosinophils and neutrophils in surface epithelium and crypt as well as lamina propria were graded from 0 to 3. Surface epithelial changes including cytoplasmic vacuolation, mucin loss, juxtaluminal erosion, epithelial denudation and mucosal irregrarity were observed in 200 of 210 cases(95%) in MH group, 34 of 131 cases(26%) in AH group, and 6 of 122 cases(5%) in NH group. This result indicates there is significant difference in surface epithelial changes according to the number of H. pylori(p<0.001). Severity of eosinophil, neutrophil, lymphocyte, and plasma cell infiltration is increased in proportion to the number of H. pylori. Especially, neutrophilic infiltration is not identified in 95 of 122 cases(78%) in NH group, whereas MH group shows severe infitration (grade 3) in 127 of 210 cases(61%), and no (grade 0) in 11 of 210 cases(5%). This data well explains that the severity of neutrophil infiltration is associated with, the degree of H. pylori infection in chronic active gastritis, with statistical significance. The prevalence of lymphoid follicle formation was 17 of 120 cases(14%) in NH group, 24 of 131 cases(18%) in AH group, and 52 of 210 cases(25%) in MH group. This shows that lymphoid follicle formation correlates with the number of H. pylori, but without statistical significance. The prevalence of intestinal metaplasia in NH, AH, and MH was 43 of 122 cases(35%), 46 of 131 cases(35%), and 69 of 210 cases(33%), showing no association between intestinal metaplasia and H. pylori. In summary, H. pylori associated gastritis dispays characteristic histopathological changes in gastric mucosa, in which surface epithelial changes and various inflammatory infiltrates are increased in proportion to the number of H. pylori. Especially vacuolization of surface foveolar epithelium, cryptitis, and crypt abscess are specific findings of H. pylori associated gastritis.
4.Histotopographic Observations on Metaplastic Changes of the Gallbladder Mucosa.
Eun Sil YU ; Yong Il KIM ; Sang Kook LEE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1985;19(1):58-66
Fifty three surgically resected gallbladders(49 cases of chronic cholecystitis with or without cholelithiasis, 4 cases of incidentally resected gallbladders) and 14 autopsy cases were subjected to the histotopographic analysis to identify the nature and distribution of metaplastic mucosal changes, and to determine the possible histogenesis of these mucosal lesions and diagnostic implication as a parameter of chronic cholecystitis. 1) Antral type glands were demonstrated in 47(88.7%), goblet cells in 19(35.8%) and surface epithelial changes in 27(50.9%) of total surgical specimens, indicating the benign metaplastic changes of the gallbladder mucosa toward the gastric or intestinal type. 2) Topographic distribution illustrated the extension of antral type gland to the middle and upper one third portions of the gallbladder mucosa in 37 cases, each. Goblet cells in the middle and upper one third of the mucosa were demonstrable in 13 cases(68%) an 8 cases(42%), respectively. 3) Average age by degree of extension was 50.0 years in Grade O-I, 50.1 years in Grade II and 56.4 years in Grade III. 4) Among 53 surgically resected gallbladders, gallstone was found in 31 cases, in which was a significant correlation between the distribution of metaplastic changes by degree of extent and cholelithiasis. 5) There was no statistical significance between incidence of metaplastic changes of the gallbladder and degree of inflammatory reaction by means of chronic and/or acute inflammatory cell infiltration and Rokitansky-Aschoff sinus formation. 6) Only two out of fourteen autopsy cases demonstrated focal and spotty presence of goblect cells. It is of authors assumption that the lining epithelium of the gallbladder undergos various types of metaplastic changes in the diseased conditions, in which cholelithiasis is included as one of preceding factor. And also, the diagnostic implication of epithelial metaplasia as an expression of chronic cholecystitis is discussed.
5.Male Pseudohermaphroditism Associated with Bochdalek Diaphragmatic Hernia: An autopsy case report.
Eun Sil YU ; Je Geun CHI ; Sang Sook LEE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1986;20(4):470-474
An autopsy case of male pseudohermaphrodite associated with Bochdalek diaphragmatic hernia is reported. This newborn infant showed a large clitoris and hypospadic urethra which was the only opening in the perineum except for the anus. There were urethrovaginal fistula and uterus didelphys. The adrenals were slightly larger than normal, but microscopically did not show any features of cortical hyperplasia. Well formed testes were found and were histologically unremarkable. In addition, Bochdalek type of diaphragmatic hernia was present, associated with severe left lung hypoplasia and massively herniated abdominal organs into the chest cavity, shifting the mediastinum considerably and eventually led to death in a few minutes after birth. The pathogenesis of genital anomaly and diaphragmatic hernia is briefly discussed and it is suggested that this type of genital abnormality might be due to defect of testicular M llerian inhibitor factor and can be categorized as incomplete male pseudohermaphroditism.
Infant, Newborn
6.Primary Carcinoma of the Gallbladder: An Analysis of 34 Cholecystectomy Cases with Special Reference to Metaplastic Changes.
Eun Sil YU ; Eui Keun HAM ; Yong Hyun PARK
Korean Journal of Pathology 1986;20(4):453-461
Primary gallbladder carcinoma is generally assumed as uncommon but dismal malignancy. Only sporadic studies about pathologic features of the gallbladder carcinoma have drawn pathologists attention especially in association with cholelithiasis. Currently, we have focused much on the role of metaplastic changes in diseased gallbladders including cholecystitis with or without cholelithiasis, and raised its implication in the development of benign or malignant neoplasm. The authors reviewed 34 cholecystectomy cases with primary gallbladder carcinoma, and their histologic findings were analyzed with reference to the association of metaplastic changes both in tumor and adjacent nonneoplastic mucosal epithelium. Association with gallstones and metaplastic changes in the surrounding nontumorous mucosa is more frequent in intestinal typen than in non-intestinal type (P<0.05). Gallstones may play a role of irritant stimuli to the gallbladder mucosa which can be eventually reconstructed with more resistant cell type. And the subsequent increase in absorptive capacity and accumulation of carcinogenic substance may result in malignant transformation of (reserve) cells in replication zone. At this time we can assume that association of cholelithiasis and presence of metaplastic changes are in parallel relationshop in intestinal type adenocarcinoma. Intestinal type adenocarcinomas are usually papillary (72.7%) especially in superficial portion, but deeper area also shows infiltrative growth focally. This finding is comparable to intestinal type gastric carcinoma which represents frequently a polypoid and papillary growth pattern. With these results, as in the gastric carcinoma it is strongly supported that intestinal metaplasia may play a major role as a precancerous lesion in a minor group of the gallbladder adenocarcinoma. Controlled prospective study on biological behavior of intestinal type adenocarcinoma should be followed with more cumulative cases.
7.Two Patterns of Gastric Carcinoma with Lymphoid Stroma.
Gu KANG ; Eun Sil YU ; Yong Il KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1988;22(4):375-382
Various clinical and pathologic parameters in order to determine the prognosis of gastric carcinoma have been proposed. Among them "carcinoma with lymphoid stroma" has been proven to show good prognosis. But the criteria of lymphoid stroma in this condition remain vague and not clear. A total of 7 cases of gastric carcinoma with heavy lymphoid stromal response out of 947 surgically resected gastric carcinomas was reviwed with histotopographic analysis. They were all advanced carcinoma, Borrmann type I and II. Histologically, the lymphoid stromal response could be divided into three patterns; nodular (3 cases), diffuse (3 cases) and mixed (1 case). The nodular pattern was characterized by massive lymphoid cell infiltration with many follicle formation and little desmoplastic reaction, while the diffuse pattern showed diffuse permeative type of inflammatory cell infiltration with scarce lymphoid follicle formation and mild desmoplasia. Regional lymph node metastasis was found in 2 cases; one in diffused and another one in mixed pattern. The stromal reaction was not directly related with the depth of tumor invasion. We propoose that the term GCLS should be used in the cases of nodular pattern with complete follicle formation of lymphoid stroma.
Neoplasm Metastasis
8.Sclerosing Stromal Tumor of the Ovary: A report of 3 cases.
Eun Sil YU ; Hyun Soon LEE ; Geung Hwan AHN
Korean Journal of Pathology 1985;19(1):102-106
Three cases of sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary are presented. All three patients were nulliparous young wemen of 23~25 years of age, presenting with menstrual irregularity for 6 months to 4 years. Grossly the tumors ranged in size from 8 to 22cm in greatest diameter, showing gray white to yellow solid or predominantly cystic tissue with serous fluid. The common microscopic finding was that of cellular areas admixed with densel fibrous and/or edematous tissue, presenting pseudolobular appearance. Two types of tumor cells were rounded cells with clear vacuolated cytoplasm and less numerous spindle shaped cells. Postoperative course was uneventful and menstrual irregularity disappeared postoperatively. In case 2, the patient got pregnant after 1 year and 4 months. This clinical course suggests that sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary may be endocrinologically active.
9.Perineal pagent's disease involving the inguinoscrotal area.
Jin Cheon KIM ; Kun Choon PARK ; Kyung Suck KOH ; Eun Sil YU ; Kyung Jeh SUNG
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1991;23(2):465-469
No abstract available.
10.Serous Cystadenoma of the Pancreas.
Young Mee CHO ; Gyung Yub GONG ; Ghee Young CHOE ; Eun Sil YU ; In Chul LEE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1994;28(5):522-527
Pathologists and others have been calling the serous cystadenoma of the pancreas "microcystic cystadenoma", following Compagno and Oertel's proposal in l978 because it usually consists of innumerable small cysts (less than 2cm). However, unilocular or predominantly macrocystic types of serous cystadenoma have been occasionally reported. Therefore, they present a difficulty in precise preoperative and intraoperative diagnosis for their simi1ar gross appearance to other cystic lesions of the pancreas. We discovered two cases of macrocystic and unilocular serous cystadenomas of the pancreas which were lined by cuboidal to flattened epithelial cells. They contained PAS positive and D-PAS negative intracytoplasmic glycogen granules. The unilocular, macrocystic and microcystic patterns may represent a morphologic spectrum of a pancreatic neoplasm. So we propose to use the term "serous cystadenoma" rather than microcystic cystadenoma.