1.Interrelations Among Beverage Intake, Food Behavior and Personality in Adolescents.
Eun Sil HER ; Kyung Hea LEE ; Eun Young BAE
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2008;13(2):189-198
This study investigated the influences of the beverage intake on food behavior and personality for 1295 adolescents. The results were as follows. The favorite beverage was 'fruit juice', and preference of 'coffee' was the lowest. 'Milk and dairy product' was highest and 'milkshake' was lowest in intake frequency of beverage. The preference correlated positively(r = 0.391) with the intake frequency of beverage, especially high in 'green tea and black tea'(r = 0.622), 'coffee'(r = 0.581), 'carbonated drink'(r = 0.538), and 'milk and dairy product'(r = 0.501). The explanation power(R2) of beverage preference on beverage intake was 0.153. The explanation power(R(2)) of beverage intake on food behavior was 0.127, and 'carbonated drink' and 'coffee' as well as 'milkshake' had a negative influence on food behavior: however, 'milk and dairy product', 'green tea and black tea', and 'fruit juice' had a positive influence on food behavior. The relationship of beverage intake and sociality was very low(R(2)= 0.013), and 'isotonic drink' and 'green tea and black tea' had a positive influence on sociality. The relationship between beverage intake and anger expression was also very low. 'Coffee' showed a positive relationship with anger-in. 'Carbonated drink' and 'milkshake' showed a positive result with anger-out. 'Milkshake' showed a negative relation with anger-control, but 'green tea and black tea' and 'milk and dairy product' showed a positive relation. From these results, it was necessary to develop the practical nutritioneducation program on proper beverage choice for adolescents leading to better metal and physical status.
2.The Status of the Utilization Internet and Dietary Information by Elementary School Dietitians in the Gyeongnam and Jeonbuk Areas.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2003;8(4):595-602
This study was carried out to investigate the status of the utilization of internet and dietary information by elementary school dietitians (total=201) The results were summarized as follows: All subjects used the internet regularly and the major purpose they mentioned for using it was "data search" (72.3%). Those having a frequency of using the internet 6 to 7 times per week were 46.7% of the subjects and the majority indicated the duration of their use of the internet was "<2 hours" (68.5%). They mainly used the internet at "school" (81.8%), and their favorite search engines were "Daum" (41.1%) and "Yahoo" (34.7%). They stated that the organization that offered reliable internet information were those "related to society and organizations" (36.9%) and "educational institutions" (33.8%). Ninety-five percent of the subjects searched for dietary information mainly "for public affairs" (80.0%) Their degree of satisfaction when searching for information was high (78.7%). Those dissatisfied with internet sites when searching for dietary information give the following reasons: "poor information" (39.1%) and "slow updates" (25.4%). They acquired information on nutrition and health management mainly through "the internet" (63.6%) The most frequently requested information about public affairs was on "Materials for nutritional education" (38.6%) and "up-to-date nutritional information" (16.0%) . The desirable update periods for websites was "1-3 months" (51.8%) and "<1 month" (30.6%), and the favorite site colors were "blue" (37.8%) and "green" (37.8%). The results of this study showed that, although the internet usage was high, the dietitians were dissatisfied with the information obtained. Therefore, the information donors should find out what kind of dietary information is needed by elementary school dietitians.
Search Engine
Tissue Donors
3.Eating Behavior, Nutrition knowledge, and Educational Needs of the Food and Nutrition of Elementary School Students in the Gyeungnam Province.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2013;18(1):11-24
This study was conducted to provide basic data for development of a dietary education textbook and guidebook by investigating and analyzing eating behavior, nutrition knowledge and educational needs in elementary school students. Most of the subjects were eating three meals a day (71.5%) and breakfast (75.3%). The percentage of students who consumed proper amount of meals (49.2%) was low. The percentage of students consuming salty food and fatty foods was 28.6% and 42.1%, respectively. The consumption of meat, fish, egg, bean and tofu was high, while the consumption of vegetables, fruits and seaweed was low. The percentage of students consuming processed food was high, but the percentage reading nutrition labels (34.9%) and hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) mark (26.9%) when buying processed foods was very low. Total scores of eating behavior and nutrition knowledge were significantly higher in female students than in male students (p < 0.05-p < 0.001). The desirable frequency of the education was once a week (60.5%). The most preferred educational method was 'experiment and cooking practice' (40.1%). The students wanted dietary information as 'cooking' (39.0%). As a result of this study, many problems were found in the eating behavior of students and nutritional knowledge was observed to be low as well. On the other hand, the demand for dietary education was very high. The findings of this study suggested the need for developing dietary education programs in order to encourage proper eating habits of students.
Feeding Behavior
Soy Foods
4.Development of Practical Dietary Education Textbook and Teaching Manual in Elementary School Students.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2010;15(5):636-647
This study was conducted for researching demand on dietary education of low-level elementary school students and to develop an activity based textbook and a teaching manual on the subject. For necessity of dietary education, 88.8% of subjects answered dietary education is needed. The desirable frequency of the education was once a week (65.7%). The most appropriate time for the education was "school lunch" (37.5%), "special activity" (29.9%), "regular class" (12.4%) and "after school activity" (12.1%). The most preferred educational method was "experiment and practice" (40.1%). The desirable educational materials were "computer materials" (20.7%), "actual objects" (20.1%), "videotapes" (16.5%), "photographs-pictures" (12.2%) and "fairy tales-cartoons" (12.2%). The students wanted dietary information as "cooking" (26.1%), "growth and nutrition" (23.7%) and "right food information" (20.1%). The textbook was composed of five major chapters, which were "Traditional Dietary Culture", "Food", "Dietary Habit", "Hygiene and Environment" and "Cooking". Each major chapter had five to six smaller chapters, adding up to total of 32 chapters. The textbook had fun characters, illustrations, photographs and cartoons to deliver the main theme of each chapter. The textbook was in activity format so that it coul be readily and directly used in actual classes. The teaching manual was composed of background, goals, teaching plans and teaching points. The smaller chapters had learning goals, teaching-learning resources, important points, teaching-learning processes and reference materials. Videos were produced to help cook five snacks in the cooking chapter. Also, "Healthy Song" was created to be used in classrooms. This textbook will be helpful in children's right dietary habits and growth.
Food Habits
5.The Weight Control-Related Attitudes, Dietary Self-Efficacy and Eating Behaviors according to the Perception of Eating Disorder and Obesity Index in Dancing Major High School Girls.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2009;14(4):383-391
This study was performed in order to compare the differences in dietary self-efficacy and eating behaviors as well as the relationship of weight control attitudes according to eating disorder perception and obesity index for high school girls majoring in dance. Almost half (45.5%) of the subjects perceived eating disorders, and the rate of underweight group was 45.7%. Forty-four percent of the group that perceived eating disorders were in modern dance, while 55.0% of the group that did not perceived eating disorders were in Korean dance (P <0.05). For the obesity index, a similar rate was shown between the different types of dance for the underweight group, but in the normal group, 54.5% were in Korean dance (P <0.05). Most (82.0%) of the group that perceived eating disorders had fears on obesity, while only 53.3% of the non-perceiving group had fears on obesity (P <0.01). Over half (58.3%) of the underweight group had fears on obesity, while 77.2% of the normal group showed fear in that (P <0.05). For necessity of weight loss to do dance performances, 25.0% of the underweight group and 57.9% of the normal group need that (P <0.05). Most of the group that perceived eating disorders (92.0%) answered that they had experience in very low calorie diets, while only 40.0% of the non-perceiving group had experience (P <0.001). For necessity of calorie education, 42.0% of the group that perceived eating disorders and only 20.0% of the non-perceiving group answered is needed (P <0.05). For eating behavior , the group that perceived eating disorders had lower total scores compared to the non-perceiving group (P <0.001), The group that perceived eating disorders showed lower scores for restraint eating (P <0.01) and emotional factors (P <0.001) except by external eating. This study showed that high school girls majoring in dance have high interest in weight control and problems with wrongful body images and eating behaviors, as well as need for calorie education were suggested. Thus, it is necessary to develop and execute a proper weight control education program for the subjects.
Body Image
Caloric Restriction
Feeding and Eating Disorders
Feeding Behavior
Weight Loss
6.A Study on the Development of a Computer-Assisted Program for Elementary School Foodservice(II): Based on Foodservice Management.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2000;5(2):217-224
No Abstract available.
7.Development of Dietary Life Education Textbook and Teaching Manual for Creative Activities in Elementary School.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2013;18(3):203-212
This study was conducted to develop a dietary life education textbook and teaching manual for creative activities of elementary school students in middle grade. First, we extracted dietary life related contents from textbooks for third and fourth grade and created systematization of contents involving educational objectives, goals, contents and activities. The development of textbook and teaching manual were based on systematization of contents. The textbook was composed of five major chapters, which were 'nutrition', 'cooking', 'environment and hygiene', 'food' and 'dietary culture'. Each major chapter having six to seven smaller chapters, adding up to a total of 34 smaller chapters. The textbook was in activity format so that can be readily and directly used in actual classes. The textbook had fun characters and various activities (particularly a lot of cooking activities) to deliver the main theme of each chapter. The teaching manual was composed of background, goal, teaching plan and teaching point. The smaller chapters had learning goal, teaching-learning resources, important points, teaching-learning process and reference material. In evaluation after operating the model school, the developed textbooks were suited for students' needs and cognitive level. This textbook can be utilized at creative activities consisting of ten to fifteen students.
8.Interrelations Among Snack Preference, Purchasing Behaviors and Intake in Upper Grade Elementary School Students: Compared by the Gender and TV Watching Time.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2013;18(5):429-441
This study was conducted to examine the interrelations among snack preference, purchasing behavior and intake of fifth and sixth grade students in elementary schools in Gyeongnam province. Frequency of snack intake was the highest in those who reported 'once a day' (45.6%) snack habit. Longer-time television viewers also showed higher frequency of snack intake than shorter-time viewers. Thirty-three percent of students purchased snacks by themselves and the frequency of snack purchasing had a significant positive relationship with TV watching time (p < 0.01). The main reason, place and time of eating snacks were 'hunger' (79.2%), their home environment (50.9%) and 'after school hours' (89.7%). The favorite snack was 'ice cream' and, this snack habit was significantly different by gender of the child (p < 0.01) and TV watching time (p < 0.01). 'Milk and dairy products' scored highest (3.47) in snack intake frequency among longer-time TV viewers (> 2hr) compared to shorter-time TV viewers and this difference was statistically significant (p < 0.001). The snack preference score was correlated positively (r = 0.454) with the intake frequency for snack and its explanation power (R2) was 20.5%. With regard to snack purchase behaviors, the scores of 'checking the expiration date' and 'comparing the price with similar products' were high (in what group?). Female students (p < 0.001) and shorter-time TV viewers (< 2hr) (p < 0.01) had a more reasonable purchasing behavior. The total score of preference was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in shorter-timeTV viewers (< 2hr). In the correlation between snack purchasing behaviors and intake frequency, attractiveness (r = 0.208, p < 0.001) and preference (r = 0.330, p < 0.001) showed significant positive correlations. The result of regression analysis, preference only was selected (R2= 0.108).
9.Utilization Status of Internet and Dietary Information of School Children in Gyeongnam and Jeonbuk Areas.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2003;8(1):15-25
This study was carried out to investigate the utilization status of internet and dietary information by gender (boys : 442, girls : 461) in school children (total : 903). The results were summarized as follows. The most of children used internet regularly (98.1%) and major purpose of using were mentioned as 'game (39.0%)' and 'social intercourse (49.5%)'. The duration of internet use was '< 2hours (80.9%)'. They used internet mainly at 'home (88.8%)', and favorite search engines were 'Yahoo (54.2%)' and 'Daum (31.1%)'. The searching experience on dietary information was from only 35.6% of subjects mainly 'for homework (39.6%)' and 'for health (36.9%)'. The satisfaction degree of searched information was 'high (79.5%)'. Dissatisfactory reasons of internet site for dietary information were pointed out to be 'bring little interest (28.9)', 'difficult contents (19.2%)', and 'poor information (18.2%)'. Only fifteen % of subjects had experience of nutrition counseling using internet, and purpose of counseling was mainly 'for homework (51.4%)' and 'for health problem (24.3%)'. The problems for nutritional counseling site were pointed out to be 'difficult answer content (31.7%)', 'insincere answer (28.6%)' and 'poor answer content (25.4%)'. They acquire information of nutrition and health management mainly through 'internet (43.7%)'. 'Growth and nutrition (28.3%)', 'improvement in studying ability (13.8%)', 'right weight control (13.3%)' and 'cooking (12.8%)' were most frequently asked information, They had a preference for 'game (40.5%)', 'animation (29.9%)' and 'quiz (18.1%)' as learning method tools. The favorite site color was 'green (51.3%)'. The results of this study showed that although the internet use was very high, they used internet to search dietary information very seldom. Therefore, the information donor should find out what is the optimal tool, what kind of dietary information was needed for school children.
Search Engine
Tissue Donors
10.Effect-Evaluation of Nutritional Education Program Using Internet for School Children.
The Korean Journal of Nutrition 2003;36(5):500-507
This study was carried out to evaluate the effects on elementary school children of Internet-based nutrition education programs. The subjects consisted of 80 boys and girls (book-loaming group : 42, Internet-based teaming group : 38) in the 5th grade of elementary school. The results were as follows : The evaluation of Internet-based education programs by Internet-teaming group showed above average in all domains. As the favorite and wholesome menu chose 'nutrition kingdom' (52.6%) made of animation. The educational effect of this program was evaluated by comparing the methods of the Internet-learning group with those of the book-learning group. For effect-evaluation were measured the degree of nutrition knowledge and diversity score of dietary intake from before and after education. Before undertaking the program, there was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of their nutrition knowledge. However, the nutrition knowledge of the Internet-based teaming group after the program had increased significantly (p<0.01) compared to the book-learning group. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of the diversity of dietary intake before the start of the program, but upon its completion, the Internet-based learning group showed a significant increase compared to the book-loaming group (p<0.05). This suggests that Internet-based educational programs could be effective in drawing the interest and boosting the concentration levels of schoolchildren. In conclusion, Internet-based nutrition education shows the potential to be an effective alternative education method.
Mortuary Practice