1.Psychological factors involved in erectile dysfunction.
National Journal of Andrology 2011;17(12):1146-1151
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a major sexual dysfunction involving both physiological and psychological factors. While the primary physiological cause of ED is associated with endocellular degeneration and disorders of neural reflex, its psychological causes are mainly hyposexuality, anxiety and depression. Increasing importance is being attached to the psychological aspects in the diagnosis and management of ED in recent years, and the evaluation questionnaires aimed at the psychosocial significance in ED patients' conditions and psychological interventions solo or combined with drugs have inspired many researches for an optimal solution of the disease. Improvement of the patient's erectile performance is no longer the only outcome we pursue. Instead, the satisfaction of both the patient and his partner has a rising weight in the final evaluation of a therapy. The wide application of PED5 inhibitors and their psychological effect on ED patients makes it necessary for us gain a deeper insight into the combination of psychological intervention and drug therapy in the management of ED.
Erectile Dysfunction
2.Snap Gauge Band for Diagnosis of the Erectile Impotence.
Korean Journal of Urology 1986;27(6):828-832
Snap Gauge bands were applied to measure nocturnal penile rigidity in the impotent patients and the results were compared with PBI and findings of the papaverine induced artificial erection. The results were as follows: 1. The results of Snap Gauge test were relatively competitive with the degree of erectile dysfunction which organic impotent patients complained of. 2. PBI less than 0.85 implied insufficient rigidity and PBI over 0.95 showed sufficient rigidity in Snap Gauge tests. 3. The possibility of "false positive" or "false normal" in diagnosis of the impotence was higher in the papaverine induced artificial erection tests than in the Snap Gauge tests. Conclusively, Snap Gauge band is simple to use and effective to measure quantitatively the penile rigidity reached during nocturnal erections in impotent patients.
Erectile Dysfunction*
3.Diagnoistic value of erotic penile erection compared with nocturnal erection.
Young Chan KIM ; Hyung Ki CHOI ; Woong Hee LEE
Korean Journal of Urology 1992;33(4):728-732
To clarify the correlation between erotic and nocturnal erection and evaluate their diagnostic efficacy in impotence, a comparative study was done with audiovisual stimulation penogram (AVS-Penogram) and nocturnal penile erection monitoring (NPEM: RigiScan) in two hundred twenty two impotent patients. The compatibility ratios of the audiovisual stimulation penogram and nocturnal penile erection monitoring were 74.2% in Type I (normal findings) and 66.6% in Type IIA penogram (unresponsive type). The ratio of type IIB (fluctuation type) was 37.9%. much lower compared to that of Type I. Based on the final diagnosis, audiovisua1 stimulation penogram-only had high compatibility ratio with psychogenic origin for Type I (77.7%) and with organic impotence for Type IIA (80%). Moreover combined audiovisual stimulation penogram and nocturnal penile erection monitoring had higher compatibility ratio (86.2%) than that of audiovisual stimulation penogram only analysis (77.7%) with psychogenic impotence. Therefore, we suggest that audiovisual stimulation penogram is an accurate method in Type I and Type IIA. Furthermore combined interpretation of audiovisual stimulation penogram and nocturnal penile erection monitoring may produce more precise diagnosis, especially in psychogenic impotence.
Erectile Dysfunction
Penile Erection*
4.A comparative study on various methods of cavernosometry as predictors of corporal-venous leakage demonstrated by cavernosography.
Chung Hwan OH ; Yong Seuk CHANG ; Young Tae MOON ; Sae Chul KIM
Korean Journal of Urology 1993;34(2):353-358
A variety of technique of dynamic pharmacocavernosometry have been described to evaluate cavernous veno-occlusive function: however, there is no uniquely reliable and standard method so far After intracavernous (IC) injection of 45 mg papaverine and 2.5 mg phenblamine, we performed gravity cavernosometry(GC) and pump cavernosometry(PC), ie, measurement of saline infusion rate needed to obtain and to maintain an erection and measurement of pressure decay for 30 seconds and pressure drop time to 75 mmHg when pump was turned off at 150 mmHg IC pressure. Final diagnosis of venous leakage was made by cavernosoeraphy done at 90 mmHg IC pressure. The parametric values measured by each method to diagnose venous leakage and correlation among these methods were analyzed. The etiology of impotence in 45 patients studied was psychogenic in 8, venogenic in 21, combined arteriogenic and venogenic in 16. The measurement of induction flow rate was less reliable(p<0.05) for the diagnosis of venous leak than the other methods of PC and GC (p<0.01). The standard deviations of the induction and maintenance flow rate and pressure drop time were similar to or even higher than mean values. There was correlation among all these methods. Therefore, GC and PC, particularly measurement of the intracorporeal pressure decay are believed to be valuable methods for diagnosis of the corporal-venous leakage.
Erectile Dysfunction
5.Outpatient Diagnosis and Treatment of Impotence.
Korean Journal of Urology 1995;36(10):1025-1048
No abstract available.
Erectile Dysfunction*
6.Erectile responses to erotic stimulation in patients with erectile impotence.
Seong Jong MO ; Hee Chang JUNG ; Jun Kyu SUH ; Tong Choon PARK
Korean Journal of Urology 1991;32(3):463-467
We performed erotic stimulation that in 63 patients with erectile dysfunction in order to investigate erectile responses to visual sexual stimulation in patients with psychogenic and organic impotence and to elucidate valuable parameters for differential diagnosis between psychogenic and organic impotence. After the test using polygraph system and erotic film, subjective sexual drive in each patient was evaluated as grade I (poor), grade II (moderate), grade III (good). Following parameters were statistically analyzed : degree of maximal rigidity, degree of maximal tumescence, T -up phase (time taking place from the beginning of the erection to maximal level). The T-max phase (time taking place for the plateau phase of maximal erection). The results obtained were summarized as follows. Regardless of sexual drive of each patient, psychogenic impotence group showed better maximal rigidity and shorter T-up phase of rigidity than organic impotence group (p<0.05}. Of patients with psychogenic impotence, good sexual drive group showed better maximal rigidity and maximal tumescence than poor sexual drive group (p<0.06). Psychogenic impotence group showing good sexual drive revealed much better maximal rigidity and shorter T-up phase of rigidity than organic impotence group with same degree of sexual drive (p<0.05). These results indicate erotic stimulation test is highly valuable method for differential diagnosis between psychogenic and organic impotence, especially when the patient shows sexual drive in moderate or good degree. And it is suggested that maximal rigidigity and T-up phase of erection parameters in erotic stimulation test provide high validity for the differention.
Diagnosis, Differential
Erectile Dysfunction*
8.Nocturnal Penile Tumescence Monitoring with Stamps.
Myoung Soo AHN ; Jae Seung PAICK
Korean Journal of Urology 1984;25(4):533-536
Nocturnal penile tumescence monitoring has gained wide acceptance in differential diagnosis of impotence. We developed a modified stamp technique which use a strip of stamps, each 2.2cm by 2.5cm, and the vinyl plaster for snugger wrapping and sealing of stamps around the penile shaft. This is a simple, time-saving and useful screening test for organic impotence.
Diagnosis, Differential
Erectile Dysfunction
Mass Screening
Penile Erection*
9.Diagnostic Utility of 3-Dimensional Head Mounted Display in Audiovisual Sexual Stimulation.
Phil Hyun SONG ; Ki Hak MOON ; Tong Choon PARK
Korean Journal of Andrology 2004;22(2):57-62
PURPOSE: This study evaluated the diagnostic utility of a 3-Dimensional head mounted display(HMD) in audiovisual sexual stimulation(AVSS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 45 men were included in this study: 15 healthy, 15 patients diagnosed with organic impotence, and 15 patients with psychogenic impotence. The NEVA(Nocturnal Electrobioimpedance Volumetric Assessment) system was performed during AVSS with both the 3-D HMD and a conventional monitor. In this study, normal erection was defined as a change in penile blood volume of more than 200% over the baseline for more than 5 minutes. After AVSS, each subject rated his sexual drive as grade I(poor), II(moderate), or III (good). RESULTS: Use of the conventional monitor produced a normal state in 8 men: 5 healthy volunteers(33%) and 3 patients with psychogenic impotence(20%). Use of the 3-D HMD produced a normal state in 23 men: 12 healthy volunteers(80%) and 11 patients with psychogenic impotence(73%). In the healthy volunteers and psychogenic impotence group, the duration of erectile events and percent of volume increase from baseline increased significantly more with 3-D HMD than with the conventional monitor. Compared to results using the conventional monitor, the subjects' sexual drive with 3-D HMD was also significantly increased(p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: AVSS with 3-D HMD improves the recording of physiological erectile response and may be a valuable tool in making the correct diagnosis of erectile dysfunction.
Blood Volume
Erectile Dysfunction
Healthy Volunteers
10.Evaluation of Erectile Dysfunction with Continuous Monitoring of Penile Rigidity.
Wan Jong KIM ; Young Gon KIM ; Young Kyung PARK
Korean Journal of Urology 1994;35(4):407-413
Measurement of nocturnal penile tumescence or circumferential expansion is a valuable method for the diagnosis of erectile impotence. However, only a few investigation have been made of penile rigidity during tumescence with a single isolated measurement. Continuous and simultaneous recording of nocturnal penile rigidity and tumescence is preferred than measuring tumescence alone to define the features of nocturnal penile erection and differentiate psychogenic from organic impotence. Rigiscan is suitable for this purpose. This new method was used in 33 normal volunteers and 20 patients who complain erectile dysfunction. Circumferential expansion was not always accompanied by penile rigidity. A dissociation of rigidity between the tip and base of the penis was observed in some patients. Shortened episodes and low amplitude of rigidity and flat episodes also were seen. The higher the age, the shorter the duration and number of events were seen in normal group (P<0.05) . In patient group, event and duration were shorter than normal group (P<0.05). The findings of flat trace or abnormal erection provide valuable informations to screen the organic impotence. Because of its ambulatory character the continuous measurement of nocturnal penile rigidity is of value in defining features of nocturnal penile erection and differentiating psychogenic from organic impotence.
Erectile Dysfunction*
Healthy Volunteers
Penile Erection