1. Immunohistochemistry of prostate carcinoma
Erdenetuya N ; Amgalanzaya E ; Tsengelmaa J ; Erdenetsogt D ; Galtsog L
Innovation 2014;8(3):46-48
BACKGROUNDProstate cancer is the most frequent malignancy among men nowadays.METHODSImmunohistochemical expression of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was retrospectively investigated in 10 patients admitted with clinical suspicion of the prostate cancer. Slides were collected from archived biopsiesandthey were stained for PSA.The final reaction product was evaluated as negative (0), weak/moderate positive (1), and intense positive (2).RESULTSGlandular prostate carcinoma was found in 40% (n=4) and undifferentiated carcinoma in 60% (n=6). The immunoreaction for PSA was intense positive in 30% (n=3), weak/moderate positive in 50% (n=5) and negative in 20% (n=2) of total cases.CONCLUSIONSWe concludethat PSA immunoreaction is helpful for the differential diagnosis based on our results.
2.Mitotic activity in uterine leiomyoma
Jargalsaikhan B ; Yanjinsuren D ; Tegshjargal S ; Erdenetsogt D
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2014;167(1):27-29
INTRODUCTION:Uterine leiomyomas are the common smooth muscle tumors of female genital tract. Usually theirdiagnosis poses no problem. On the other hand leiomyosarcomas are highly malignant tumors.Distinction between the two poses no problem if the leiomyosarcoma shows significant dysplasia,however at times it may become a serious problem to differentiate between leiomyoma and well–differentiated leiomyosarcoma. Under such circumstances the mitotic count per 100 high powerfields considered by many as the most important criterion of distinction.MATERIAL AND METHODS:To investigate the role of mitotic activity in the growth of uterine leiomyomas, the mitotic count per100 high-power fields and the relation of this to the patient’s age (30 to 54 years) were examined intissue sections of leiomyomas from 130 surgically removed leiomyomatous uteri.RESULTS:The mean mitotic count in submucosal uterine leiomyoma was significantly higher (42.3%) than thatof the other location such as intermural and subserosal leiomyoma. We found the highest mitoticcount in a leiomyoma at the late reproductive aged women (46.1%) at early secretory phase. But therewas not a statistical correlation between women’s age and mitotic activity of uterine leiomyoma.CONCLUSION:Increased mitotic activity in leiomyomas under the late reproductive aged women suggests that thegrowth of these tumors is affected by progesterone level
3.Diagnostic value of tumor suppressor P53gene and proliferative Ki67 marker expression in uterine leiomyomas
Jargalsaikhan B ; Yanjinsuren D ; Galtsog L ; Erdenetsogt D ; Tegshjargal S
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2014;169(3):33-37
Aim was to investigate expression of tumor suppressor P53 gene, proliferating Ki-67 protein inordinary and proliferating uterine leiomyomato establish possible usefulness of these two parametersin distinguishing between ordinary leiomyoma and proliferating leiomyoma. Retrospective study of49uterine leiomyoma (25 ordinary leiomyoma, 24 proliferating leiomyoma) technically acceptable foranalysis from years 2010–2013 department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and department of Pathology,Mongolian National University of Medical Science, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.MethodAll tissue specimens were obtained from surgically removed tumors. Tissue was fixed in formalinand cut to thickness of 5 mm from paraffin-embedded blocks. All haematoxylineosin slides and allimunohistochemical slides for each case were reviewed by two experienced pathologist.ImmunohistochemistryParaffin-embedded tumor sections were deparaffinized and stained in automated platformDakoCytomationusing monoclonal mouse anti-human Ki-67 antigen (Dako,Glostrup, Denmark), monoclonal mouse anti-humanP53 protein (Dako, Glostrup, Denmark).Immunohistochemicalanalysis of P53 and Ki67 expression was performed. Every nuclei stained brown,regardless of shade intensivity, was considered positive. The interpretation of immunohistochemicalstaining was expressed as number of positive cells in 100 cell count in most active area of the slide.Non-parametric analysis of variance Kruskal-Walistest was performed.P53 expressionExpression of P53 was negative in 24/24 ordinary uterine leiomyoma, 2/10 mitotic activity leiomyoma,11/15 cellular leiomyoma. Expression of P53 in 1–10% of cells showed 3/10(30%) mitotic activeleiomyoma and 1/15(6.6%) cellular leiomyoma. Expression in 10-70% of cells showed 5/10(50) mitoticactivity leiomyoma, 3/15(20%) cellular leiomyoma. A significant difference in expression of P53 wasseen between ordinary and proliferative (mitotic activity and cellular) uterine leiomyoma (p<0.007, Table1).Ki-67 expressionExpression of Ki67 was negative in 20/20 (100%) ordinary leiomyoma, 4/11(36.3%) mitotic activityleiomyoma and 7/18(38.8%) cellular uterine leiomyoma. 1–10% of cells were positive in 4/11 (36.6%)mitotic activity leiomyoma, and 5/18% cellular leiomyoma. Expression was positive in 10-70%of cellsof 3/11(27.2%) mitotic activity leiomyoma and 6/18(33.3%). Statistically significant differences in Ki67expression was found between ordinary leiomyoma and proliferating leiomyoma (p<0.014, Table 2) andbetween LM and LMS (p=0.000, Table 1).Conclusion:The findings of our study in concordance with other study results are helpful information establishingmore diagnostic criteria and parameters for diagnosis in doubtful cases between two entities.Immunoassaying for Ki-67 and P53 are such parameters. The panel of their expression in specific caseeases diagnosis.
Uranbolor J ; Sarantuya J ; Erdenetsogt D ; Jav B
Innovation 2015;9(3):70-71
The persistent high-risk human papilloma virus(HPV) infection is a necessary cause for developing cervical carcinoma. Although carcinogenic HPV types are found in virtually all invasive cancer, with types 16 and 18 being found in approximately 70 percent of cases. High risk HPV types’ Е6 and Е7 oncogenes have a pivotal role in cervical carcinogenesis. The p16, the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor and p16 overexpression in cervical neoplasia is a surrogate marker of high risk HPV E7 mediated pRb catabolism reflecting disruption of mechanisms that control cell proliferation and indicating persistent infection with high risk of development of neoplasia.Thus in worldwide p16 had been identified as the novel biomarker in pre-invasive cervical lesions. Objective: For the purpose to detect for cervical cancer risks we examined HPV16/18 and cell cycle protein p16 expression in cervical lesions.A total of 96 specimens enrolled in this study and 50 were diagnosed as LSIL and 46 were diagnosed as a HSIL. To detect HPV16/18 and p16 in cervical lesions used immunohistochemistry. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 16.0. Descriptive analysis was performed by Chi- Square test and also determined sensitivity and specificity.Positive stainingfor p16 and HPV16/18 were observed whole cell, within both the nuclear and cytoplasmic subcellular regions by immunohistochemistry. 63% of specimens had only HPV16 infection and 22% of specimens had only HPV18 infection.Also 14% specimens had co-infection with two viral types and 28% specimens had not above two most HPV infection. There were a significant difference for HPV16 positivity (X2 = 4.93, P < 0.05) and were not significant difference for HPV18 positivity (X2 = 0.28, P > 0.05) in HSIL and LSIL groups. There were not a difference for p16 in HSIL and LSIL groups.(X2 = 0.23, P > 0.05), respectively.P16, yielding a diagnostic sensitivity for HPV 16/18 were 82% and 30%, specificity for HPV 16/18 were 40% and 80%, respectively. In conclusion it is possible to detect high risk HPV types and persistent infection by immunohistochemistry in cervical intraepithelial squamous cell lesions. There is still critical need to use HPV testing and other molecular surrogate markers of HPV such as p16 in primary screening program.
5. Quantitive assessment of bone marrow trephan biopsy
Tsengelmaa J ; Bakhitbol ; Enkhzul E ; Erdenetsogt D ; Enkhtuya SH ; Bayarmaa E
Innovation 2016;10(3):38-41
In United States, person is diagnosed with blood cancer in every 3 minutes. In 2015, there were 1.665.540 total cancer cases and 9.4% of them lymphoma and leukemia . In 2015, there were 95 cases of lymphoma in Mongolia when compared 4 times increase to 2015 from 2010 . Bone marrow examination is an established diagnostic modality in the evaluation of various hematological disorders. BM examination can serve to establish or confirm a primary diagnosis of lymphoma or to determine the extent of disease dissemination for staging purposes. Biopsy is essential for diagnosis in a dry tap or blood tap which occurs when the marrow is fibrotic or densely cellular. Only a biopsy allows a complete assessment of marrow architecture and pattern of distribution of any abnormal infiltrates. In 2015.01-2016.01 fifty five bone marrow biopsies were retrieved from the files of the National First Clinical Hospital-Department of Hematology. These all statistical analysis was performed using by SPSS 17. Bone marrow processing and staining: The hematologist is instructed to place the freshly obtained BMTB specimens directly into buffer substance fixative and transport it immediately to the histopathology department, on the same day as the procedure.The next morning (after 20–24 h), the solution is decanted (with a strainer) and the biopsy specimen is washed in distilled water for 30 min. The biopsy specimens are left to decalcify for about 6 h before being processed and embedded in paraffin wax, with procedures similar as for other specimens.Sections, 1-mm thick (microtome set for 1 mm sections), are cut from the paraffin-wax blocks with the routine rotary microtomes in the laboratoryA total of 55 cases were reviewed from December 2014 to November 2015. The age of the subjects ranged from twenty two years to seventy eigth years with a male predominance (1.7:1). Data of 55 trephine biopsies were reviewed. The percentage of trephine biopsies in different length ranges was calculated. Twenty two biopsieswere of recommended length, i.e., ≥1.5 Cm while remaining 33 were less than the recommended length. The rate of positivity for diagnosis was 95.4% in group-1, 94.1% in group-2, 63.6% in group-3 and 40% in group-4 In all cases in our study 73% (n=40) were satisfactory and 27%(n=15) unsatisfactory slides .Our study showed that 40% trephan biopsies were of revommended length i.e >=1.5cm with 95.4% positive of diagnosis. However biopsies measuring 1-1.4 cm also had comparable result 94.1% .
6.Selenium content in Mongolian wheat and livestock meat
Oyundelger D ; Erdenetsogt E ; Batjargal J ; Nyamragchaa CH ; Golubkina N A
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2014;169(3):18-25
IntroductionAfter discovering an important biological function of selenium, selenium content and its deficiency arestarted to be extensively studied in numerous epidemiological studies that have been conducted inmany countries in the world. In Mongolia, as a country geographically located in unstable climate zone,there are no studies conducted on selenium so far since the last century, except one study determiningselenium deficiency signs in livestock.GoalTo determine selenium (Se) content in Mongolian wheat and livestock meatMaterials and MethodsIn total 30 samples of wheat planted in Dornod, Uvs, Tuv and Selenge aimags of Mongolia and 142samples of Mongolian beef and beef imported to Russia from China, respectively were underwent inlaboratory analysis. Wheat was hold at room temperature to reach the regular weight, and muscletissue of meat was dried in a lofildryer. Dried wheat and meat were then powdered into homogenousconsistency and were kept in air proof polyethylene container at room temperature until being analyzed.Selenium content was determined by fluorometric method [2].ResultsOut of wheat sorts grown in Mongolia, selenium was detected in extremely low level in wheat of Khalkhingol sort of Dornod aimag (7±1 mkg/kg) and Selenge sort of Selenge aimag (8±1 mkg/kg), and in wheatsold in retail outlets of Baruunturuun soum of Uvs aimag (7±1 mkg/kg) and Khongor soum of Darkhan-Uul aimag (8±1 mkg/kg). However, selenium content was relatively higher in wheat samples of Darkhan34 sort of Baruunturuun soum of Uvs aimag (31±5 mkg/kg) and of Altaiskaya sort of Jargalant (29±3mkg/kg) and Bornuur (32±1 mkg/kg) soums of Tuv aimag, and in sample of retail wheat of Sagil soum(29±1 mkg/kg) of Uvs aimag.When determined the selenium content in Mongolian livestock meat, in average, the selenium contentwere 109-296 mg/kg in beef, 94-200 mg/kg in lamb, 120-225 mg/kg in horse meat and 124-197 mg/kg ingoat, and the differences were not statistically significant (p>0.5). The highest selenium content of 400mg/kg was detected in horse meat of Govi-Altai aimag.Conclusion: The selenium content in wheat and livestock meat which are the mean stable food forMongolians is considerably low.
7.Mongolian Telepathology Network (MonTelNet)
Erdenetsogt D ; Galtsog L ; Bayarmaa E ; Oberholzer M
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2014;169(3):42-46
IntroductionMongolian rural population lack of access to adequate health services due to the fact that they live remotefrom urban hospitals. With the rapid spread of telemedicine in most countries, has been promoted as apromising tool to address deficiencies in delivering health care in developing countries.In late 2008 the Swiss Surgical Team (SST) started the telemedicine project MonTelNet in Mongolia incollaboration and with financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).GoalThis study aims at evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of such a service by reviewing 212 telepathologydiagnoses delivered to the local experts in Ulaanbaatar between January 2009 and June 2013.Materials and MethodsUnder the MonTelNet project all province (Aimag) hospitals were equipped with hardware necessaryfor practicing telemedicine, in particular with computers with digitalized microscopes and cameras. Thesoftware CampusMedicus® (CM) was developed together with Klughammer GmbH. Software and alldata and comments exchanged over the MonTelNet are stored on a central server. Each of the originaldiagnoses issued through the CM telepathology (TP) server was compared to an independent reviewdiagnosis based on the original glass slides.RESULT For 188 specimens (89.9%) the TP diagnosis were completely identical with the review diagnosison the original glass slide. 12 specimens (5.7%) showed minor discrepancies (clinically identical) and 5specimens (2.4%) showed moderate discrepancies which were not clinically relevant. four cases (1.9%)exhibited a marked discrepancy (clinically relevant) between the TP diagnosis and the review diagnosis.Three specimens were classified as “other”.DISCUSSION The results of the study show a very high accuracy of the TP diagnosis provided. The TPdiagnoses differed markedly from the review diagnoses based on the original glass slide in only 1.9%of the 212 cases. 89.9% of all cases showed complete concordance between TP and review. Thesefigures are comparable to figures from other evaluations of static image telepathology.Conclusion:1. The results of the study show a very high accuracy (94.7%) of the TP diagnosis provided. TheTP diagnoses 89.9% of all cases showed complete concordance between TP and conventionalreview.2. Problem with image selection show a different picture and occur more often in cases with markeddiscrepancies between TP and review - χ2-test shows significant correlation (p<0.001).
8.Immunohistology and immunohistochemstry study of ovarian cancer
Odonzul Ts ; Avirmed D ; Erdenetsogt D
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2018;185(3):8-12
Introduction :
The occurrence of ovarian cancer had a trend of younger in recent years. Due to no obvious clinical symptoms in the early period, most ovarian cancer was found at later period. The main screening methods are transvaginal ultrasonography, serum CA-125 and so on. About 60-70% of ovarian cancer patients are already in phase III-IV or with abdominal metastasis when diagnosed. Therefore, the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer is still in the research, and there is no definite markers, which can be used in clinical.
To determine the immunohistology of ovarian tumor and perform immunohistochemical analysis
Materials and Methods:
A total of epithelial ovarian cancer paraffin-embedded tissue blocks 30collected. The hematoxylin and eosin stained histopathology slides of each of the cases were reviewed to confirm the original diagnosis, and to assess the histological grade of the neoplasm. Our study was performed on 30 ovarian epithelial cancer tissues obtained at the time of first surgery. The staining procedure for HER2 overexpression was performed using a monoclonal antibody.
Analysis histological subtypes of ovarian malignant cancer, 90% of ovarian epithelial ovarian cancer, 6.7% of sex cord-stromal and 3.3% of germ cell tumor. (G1) well differentiated, (G2) moderately differentiated, (G3) poorly differentiated were 23.3%, 40.0% and 36.7% respectively. There is statistically significant direct, medium correlation immunohistochemical examination, the HER2 protein over expression (r=0.38, р=0.022), and HER2 protein 3+ was higher in 66.7 percent were in poorly differentiated.
In our study ovarian cancer based on the morphological architecture of tissue stained by H&E histological subtypes of epithelial ovarian cancer (90%). By immunohistochemical 93.3% positive and 6.7% negative ovarian cancer in determine HER2 expression.
9. Hemangioma cases and treatment
Davaanyam L ; Ayanga G ; Erdenetsogt J ; Tserendulam D ; Bayasgalan R ; Batbayar B ; Uranchimeg D ; Bulgantamir E
Innovation 2016;2(1):18-20
Hemangiomas are common benign vascular tumors which about 70% to 80% of the lesions are found in the head and neck region. This study was conducted on 36 children with hemangioma who were referred to Orofacial Surgery Cabinet of Dental School of Health Sciences University of Mongolia and Orofacial Surgery Cabinet of National Center for Maternal and Child Health of Mongolia between 2013 and 2015.Of the 36 children referred for assessment, 72% were female, 55% were infants of 4 to 9 months old, and 83% of them were citizens. 58% of patients underwent cryotherapy,and 57% of patients underwent cryotherapy had 2 therapy sessions. 25% of patients receiver sclerotic therapy, and 67% of them had 2 therapy sessions. According to the locations of hemangiomas 30% of them were localized in infraorbital area. 72% of the participants are women and 55% are children age of 4-9 month which 83% of all participants were living in city. 58% of children with hemangioma are treated with cryotherapy which 57%of treatment finished by second visit. And 25% were treated by dehydration treatment which 67% were finished by second visit.
Sarandelger O ; Bayarmaa E ; Erdenetsogt D
Innovation 2017;11(2):90-92
BACKGROUND. As of 2015 39,1% of all new cancer cases in Mongolia were HCC having
the highest prevalence and it has increased by 4% to the previous year. (Health indicator
– 2015, CHD). Although there are quite a lot researches have been done on general
cause and impacting factors of HCC, the relevance between the mechanism leading
to eventual cancer and the risk factors is still unknown yet. PURPOSE: To define the relevance
of the beta-catenin and P53 expression in HCC with the risk factors of HCC in
Mongolia. RESULT: 1. 50% of HCV infection in men is related with alcohol consumption
and 40% alcohol combined with tobacco consumption. HBV infection has relevance of
46% with tobacco and 52,8% with alcohol consumption. 2. In the first phase of research
in 21 HCC cases beta-catenin was identified in cell nucleus and cytoplasm after immunohistochemistry.
CONCLUSION: 1. It was to observe that HCV infection is commonly
combined with alcohol consumption in HCC cases. 2. Although beta-catenin expression
was high in HCV, HBV infection and alcohol high risk group, the P53 expression was
high among alcohol high risk group. Р < 0.05