1.Studies on the incidence of the intestinal protopozoa in the mountainous area of Chollapuk-do.
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1972;10(1):8-21
This study was undertaken in order to elucidate the prevalences of the intestinal protozoan infection according to localities and the mode of the infestation in the mountainous area of Chollapuk-do, Korea during the year 1970-1971. 8,508 of fecal samples were collected among the inhabitants of the mountainous area, which covered 18 Myens(=Township) from 6 Guns(=County) in the eastern part of Chollapuk-do. Most of the inhabitants of this area were engaged in farming and living under lower economic and poor sanitary conditions. The samples were examined twice repeatedly by iodine stained direct fecal smear method. For the study on the mode of infestation, with the exception of drinking water, the zinc sulfate floatation technic was applied for the examinations of hog-feces, manure heap, garden soil, sewage, dishtowel, dust in room and floor, house fly and house rat. The results were summarized as follows: Among total 8,508 fecal specimens examined, 3,152(37.6 percent) were positive for the intestinal protozoa: E. histolytica 9.8 percent, E. coli 25.6 percent, E. nana 7.2 percent, G lamblia 6.8 percent, I. butschlii 0.6 percent, and C. mensnili 0.7 percent. A single infection of the intestinal protozoa was the highest(68.3 percent), and double infection(22.3 percent) triple, quadruple and quintuple infections were in decreasing order. The highest distribution (39.8 percent) was observed in the group aging 41-50, and the lowest (27.3 percent) in the group above 61. The groups under 10 years showed a relatively high positive rate among all age groups. Sexual distribution of protozoan infection showed slightly higher rate (38.6 percent) in male than that (35.4 percent) of female. Jangsoo-gun showed the highest positive rate (42.9 percent) and Namwon-gun was the lowest (32.5 percent). The prevalence of E. histolytica showed the highest (11.6 percent) in Imsil-gun and the lowest (6.9 percent) in Jangsoo-gun. E. histolytica cysts were found 9.1 percent among total 99 samples of hog feces, 4.8 percent among 78 samples of manure heap, 0.6 percent among 164 samples of fingernail dirt, 5.3 percent among 57 samples of drinking water, 15.8 percent among 19 samples of sewage, 7.1 percent among 42 samples of dishtowel, 0.1 percent among 780 samples of house fly and 5.0 percent among 40 samples of house rat.
Entamoeba coli
Entamoeba histolytica
Giardia lamblia
Endolimax nana
Iodamoeba butschlii
Chilomastix mesnili
2.Epidemiological studies on protozoan infection in Gyeong-gi Do and Jeonra Bug Do.
Seok Chan KIM ; Jae Jin KIM ; Keun Tae LEE
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1984;22(1):116-126
The present study was designed to elucidate the recent prevalence of the intestinal protozoa and to demonstrate the relationship on prevalence of the surveyed population with their academic career and living conditions. During the period from May to July 1981, total 2,735 fecal specimens were collected from the inhabitants of 11 areas in Gyeong-gi Do (province) near by Seoul City, and 6 areas in Jeonra Bug Do, southwestern part of Korea. The samples were fixed with SAF solution and were examined by formalin-ether sedimentation technique. The results are summarized as follows: Overall positive rate of intestinal protozoa was 11.1 percent: Gyeong-gi Do, 10.7 percent; Jeonra Bug Do, 11.7 percent. Five species of intestinal protozoa were detected: Entamoeba histolytica 0.69 percent, Entamoeba coli 5.52 percent, Endolimax nana 2.71 percent, Giardia lamblia 2.23 percent, Iodamoeba butschlii 0.l8 percent. Highest positive rates among the examined areas were recognized: Incheon City of Gyeong-gi Do, 26.7 percent; Im-sil Gun(county) of Jeonra Bug Do, 19.9 percent. By species, E. nana showed the highest prevalence rate (13.74 percent) in Incheon City, and E. histolytica (2.37 percent) and E. coli (9.95 percent) in Im-sil Gun. Prevalence of E. histolytica in rural areas was higher than in urban areas. No significant difference in the prevalence rate by sex and age was recognized, although the group under 10 years and over 60 years were lower than in other age groups. The highest positive rate of E. histolytica was observed in pauper group and significant linearity of prevalence rate of E. histolytica by monthly income was observed. The inhabitants who used conventional latrine showed higher prevalence, 11.5 percent, than the group of inhabitants who used modified privy. Although no significant difference of positive rate was recognized by academic career, but the lowest prevalence rate was observed in college graduates. Over half of the surveyed population, 64.8 percent has no experience on anthelmintic practice. Number of anthelmintic application resulted no difference in prevalence. In conclusion, prevalences of intestinal protozoa in Gyeong-gi Do and Jeonra Bug Do decreased remarkably in comparison with those of one decade before. However, economic level, academic career and anthelmintic administration seemed no essential reasons for such declination.
Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba coli
Endolimax nana
Giardia lamblia
Iodamoeba butschlii
3.A survey on the prevalence of intestinal protozoan cysts in Jeonlanam Do, Korea.
Sung Jong HONG ; Sung Tae HONG ; Jong Yil CHAI ; Soon Hyung LEE ; Byong Seol SEO ; Syong Hwan CHO ; In Soo HAN
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1982;20(1):43-48
A survey on the prevalence of intestinal protozoan cysts was conductcd in Jeonlanam Do (Province), Korea in 1981. A total of 4,116 specimens was collected from 2,035 male and 2,086 female inhabitants in 4 urban and 7 rural areas. Each case was selected randomly to represent 1,000 inhabitants referred to the census in 1980. Formalin-Ether sedimentation technique was employed to concentrate the cysts and one Lugol's iodine stained smear was examined for each case. The results were summarized as follows: The cases who passed out protozoan cysts of any kind were 9.1 percent out of total 4,116 examined, and cumulative positive rate was 11.0 percent. Among the positive cases, 16.5 percent were infected by two or more species of protozoa. Total 5 species of cysts were detected and the positive rates were as follows; Entamoeba histolytica 1.4 percent, E. Coli, 4.9 percent, Endolimax nana 2.5 percent, Iodamoeba butschlii 0.4 percent and Giardia lamblia 1.9 percent. The cyst positive rates varied greatly by the surveyed area. The positive rate in rural area was 11.6 percent compared with 5.7 percent in urban area. The highest rate was found 14.5 percent in Gurye Gun (County) and the lowest 3.6 percent in Mogpo Si (City). Female showed much higher positive rate than male as 11.8 percent compared with 6.4 percent and the cumulative rate 14.2 percent and 7.6 percent respectively. By age group, the rate was highest as 13.9 percent in 40-49 years and next 12.5 percent in over 60 years group. The cyst prevalence rate diminished remarkably in Jeonlanam Do compared to previous records. However, the finding that 20.2 percent of females of 40 years were the carrier of protozoan cysts was an important information in public health point of view.
Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba coli
Endolimax nana
Iodamoeba butschlii
Giardia lamblia
4.The status of intestinal protozoan infections in inhabitants of Gangweon-Do, Korea.
Suk il KIM ; Shin Yong KANG ; Seung Yull CHO ; Seok Rok AHN ; In Soo HAN
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1982;20(1):38-42
To evaluate the status of intestinal protozoan infections in inhabitants of Gangweon-Do, Korea, a total of 1,310 stool specimens (male 669, female 641) was collected from 2 cities and 3 counties. They were examined routinely 1 time by the method of formalin-ether sedimentation technique. The results were as follows: The positive rate for any kind of the intestinal protozoan cysts was 8.9 percent. A total of 6 kinds of the intestinal protozoan cysts were detected. The prevalence rate of each protozoa were; E. histolytica 0.8 percent, E. coli 7.6 percent, E. nana 1.4 percent, I. butschlii 0.2 percent, G. lamblia 0.5 percent and C. mesnili 0.5 percent. Sogcho-city showed the highest positive rate as 15.2 percent, Myeongju county was the next as 11.3 percent and Weonju-city showed the lowest positive rate as low as 3.9 percent. By age, the highest positive rate was found in 20-29 age group(12.4 percent). Female (9.5 percent) showed a slight higher positive rate than male (8.4 percent).
Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba coli
Endolimax nana
Iodamoeba butschlii
Giardia lamblia
Chilomastix mesnili
5.Intestinal parasite survey in Seoul by stool examination at Hanyang University Hospital.
Duk Young MIN ; Myoung Hee AHN ; Kyung Min KIM ; Choon Won KIM
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1986;24(2):209-212
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the present status of intestinal parasitic infection in Seoul area, Korea. During the period from June 1985 to July 1986, a total of 5,251 stool samples were collected in Department of Clinical Pathology, Hanyang University Hospital and examined by formalin-ether sedimentation technique once for helminth ova and protozoan cysts. The results were summerized as follows: The overall egg positive rate of intestinal helminthes was 2.53 per cent ; and 1.43 per cent for Clonorchis sinensis, 0.7 per cent for Trichuris trichiura, 0.13 per cent for Metagonimus yokogawai, 0.06 per cent for hookworm, and 0.02 per cent for Ascaris lumbricoides, Diphyllobothrium latum and Hymenolepis nana, respectively. The overall cyst positive rate of intestinal protozoa was 1.07 per cent. Cyst positive rate was 0.06 per cent for Entamoeba histolytica and 0.13 per cent for Giardia lamblia, respectively. Higher prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was observed in male and in 21-50 year-old groups. The highest prevalence of Clonorchis sinensis infection was observed in 40th age group(3.4 per cent), and male (2.3 per cent) was more infected than female (0.7 per cent) in general.
Clonorchis sinensis
Trichuris trichiura
Metagonimus yokogawai
Ascaris lumbricoides
Diphyllobothrium latum
Hymenolepis nana
Entamoeba histolytica
Giardia lamblia
Entamoeba coli
Endolimax nana
6.Status of intestinal parasitic infections in a remote island, Yondo, Jeonranam-do(province).
Gi Soo GOO ; Duk Young MIN ; Myoung Hee AHN ; Kyong Min KIM ; Mi Hyea LEEM ; Hak Sun YOON
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1988;26(4):275-284
This study was performed to observe the present status of intestinal parasitic infections in a remote island, Yondo, located in southern part of Jeonranam-do(province), Korea. In February and May 1988, total 1,011 individual stool samples were collected and examined for intestinal helminths and protozoa using formalin-ether centrifugal sedimentation technique. The results are summarized as follows: Of 1,011 ingabitants examined, 398(39.4%) were positive for intestinal parasites. Helminth positives were 372(36.8%), and protozoan cyst positives were 56(5.5%). Ten species of parasites were found. Trichuris trichiura revealed the highest infection rate of 27.5%, Ascaris lumbricoides 17.4%, Taenia sp. 5.8%, Entamoeba coli 3.3%, Giardia lamblia 1.5%, Endolimax nana 0.8%, Hymenolepis nana 0.4%, hookworm 0.2%, Trichostrongylus orientalis 0.2%, and Entamoeba histolytica 0.2%, respectively. The female group showed higher positive rate (44.0%) than males (34.7%). Also, higher positive rates were observed among adults as compared with the group younger than 10 years old. Average value of E.P.G. was 1,876(range 200-17,800) in A. lumbricoides positives, and 327(range 200-1,600) in T. trichiura positive cases. In helminth egg positive cases, single infection was 63.4%, double infection 34.7%, and triple infection 1.9%, respectively. Among protozoan cyst positives, single infection was 94.6%, and double infection was 5.4%. The present study revealed that the prevalence of intestinal parasites among inhabitants in Yondo island is still so high that special control measures should be performed.
Ascaris lumbricoides
Taenia sp.
Entamoeba coli
Giardia lamblia
Endolimax nana
Trichostrongylus orientalis
Entamoeba histolytica
7.A survey on intestinal parasites of soldiers in Korea.
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1986;24(2):213-215
Total of 2,643 Korean soldiers were examined of their stool for parasitic infections by both cellophane thick smear and formalin-ether concentration techniques from August 1983 to December 1985. Out of them, 73.6% were free from any parasite, 22.6% were ova positive and 4.0% cyst positive. The ova positive rates by species were Ascaris lumbricoides 2.0%, Trichuris trichiura 13.0%, hookworm and Trichostrongylus orientalis 0.08% respectively, Clonorchis sinensis 7.6%, Metagonimus yokogawai 1.1%, Paragonimus westermani 0.08%, Echinostoma hortense 0.04%, Fibricola seoulensis 0.9%, Taenia sp. 0.3%, Hymenolepis nana 0.2% and H. diminuta 0.04%. Most of them (87.3%) were positive by a species, 11.9% by two and 0.8% by 3 species. The cyst positive rates were Entamoeba histolytica 0.6%, E. coli 1.4%, Endolimax nana 1.7%, Iodoameba butschlii 0.04% and Giardia lambla 0.9%. Among the cyst positives, 89.5% were positive by a species, 7.6% by two and 0.5% by 3 species. The intestinal parasite infections among the Korean soldiers decreased distinctly compared with previous data.
Clonorchis sinensis
Trichuris trichiura
Metagonimus yokogawai
Ascaris lumbricoides
Diphyllobothrium latum
Hymenolepis nana
Entamoeba histolytica
Giardia lamblia
Entamoeba coli
Endolimax nana
Trichostrongylus orientalis
Paragonimus westermani
Echinostoma hortense
Fibricola seoulensis
Taenia sp.
Hymenolepis diminuta
8.Prevalence of intestinal parasites in ROKA solidiers.
Kyung Il IM ; Bang Bu YOUN ; Kyung Suk LEE
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1972;10(1):1-7
A survey of intestinal parasites was performed during the period from April 1970 to December 1971 in ROKA (Republic of Korea Army) soldiers. Samples were collected from 591 Army troops(enlisted men), 1,755 recruits at completion of 6 weeks basic training, 304 recruits during basic training and 245 stool specimens of students of ROKA Nursing School at Taegu area. Each of the specimens was examined one time or twice under the microscope, one for protozoan cysts stained with iodine solution and the other for helminth eggs. Findings were summerized as follows: A positive rate of intestinal parasites was 88.0 percent by Formalin-Ether concentration method and 89.2 percent by Kato's method. Of the 541 soldiers examined by Formalin-Ether concentration method, the infection rate of A. lumbricoides was 28.1 percent, T. trichiurus 79.3 percent, hookworm 14.2 percent, T. orientalis 30.7 percent, C. sinensis 7.8 percent and M. yokogawai 0.6 percent. Of the 1,532 soldiers examined by Kato's method A. lumbricoides showed positive rate of 45.8 percent, T. trichiurus 78.3 percent, T. orientalis 1 4.5 percent, hookworm 7.5 percent, C. sinensis 6.6 percent and Taenia sp. 0.6 percent. The incidence of E. vermicularis out of 822 samples was 19.8 percent from the anal swabs. E. histolytica was recovered in 4.2 percent among 541 samples, E. coli 6.1 percent and also infected G. lamblia, E. nana, I. butschlii and Chilomastix mesnili. Most of the infected cases revealed single or double infections.
Ascaris lumbricoides
Trichocephalus trichiurus
Trichostrongylus orientalis
Clonorchis sinensis
Metagonimus yokogawai
Taenia sp.
Enterobius vermicularis
Entamoeba coli
Entamoeba histolytica
Giardia lamblia
Endolimax nana
Iodamoeba butschlii
Chilomastix mesnili
9.The prevalence of intestinal parasitesin ROKA soldiers at Won-Ju area.
Seung Dae PARK ; Doo Seung KIM ; Yong Suk RYANG
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1969;7(3):167-170
A survey on the prevalence of intestinal parasites was performed during the period from April to June of 1969, to evaluate the present status of parasitic infections in ROK Army soldiers. Stool specimens of 1,0l2 soldiers were collected from a camp located in Won-Ju area, and examined by the method of formalin-ether sedimentation technique. For protozoan cysts, examined slide was stained with Lugol's iodine solution and for eggs of Enterobius, the Graham's scotch cellulose tape anal swab technique was applied. The results obtained in this survey were as follows: Of the 1,012 soldiers examined, 95.0 percent were found infected by one or more intestinal parasites and 28.7 percent were found positive for protozoan cysts. The positive rates of each parasites were; A. lumbricoides 61.0 percent, T. trichiurus 73.4 percent, hookworm 17.5 percent, T. orientalis 9.5 percent, E. vermicularis 0.1 percent (from stool specimen), C. sinensis 8.8 percent, M. yokogawai 1.1 percent, Taenia sp. 1.0 percent (from stool), H. nana 0.3 percent and E. histolytica 7.4 percent. E. coli 12.6 percent, E. nana 5.9 percent, I. buetchlii 0.7 pecent, G. lamblia 6.1 percent, and C. mesnili 0.8 percent. From the anal swabs, eggs of Enterobius were recovered in 2.6 percent, and eggs of Taenia sp. showed positive rate of 1.5 percent.
Ascaris lumbricoides
Trichuris trichiurus
Trichostrogylus orientalis
Enterobius vermicularis
Clonorchis sinensis
Metagonimus yokogawai
Taenia sp.
Hymenolepis nana
Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba coli
Endolimax nana
Iodamoeba buetchlii
Giardia lamblia
Chilomastix mesnili
10.Parasitologial studies of Korean Forces in South Vietnam II. A comparative study on the incidences of intestinal parasites.
Joong Ho KIM ; Jong June YOON ; Soon Hyung LEE ; Byong Seol SEO
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1970;8(1):30-35
A survey of intestinal parasites was performed in South Vietnam. Samples were collected from 717 Vietnameses, 1,933 U.S. Forces, 433 stool specimens of Korean Troops in South Vietnam. And 114 of Korean Army patients in home land were also examined as a control. Findings were discussed with others and summarized as follows: A parasitic rate, incidence in general, was 44.8 %. Koreans in South Vietnam showed 82.4 % of infection rate, Vietnamese 64.6% and U.S. Forces 26.1 %. Korean home patients revealed 93.9 %. Following 10 species of helminths ova and 5 kinds of protozoa were found: Ascaris lumbricoides, Hookworm, Trichocephalus trichiurus, Strongyloides stercoralis, Trichostrongylus orientalis, Enterobius vermicularis, Metagonimus yokogawai, Clonorchis sinensis, Hymenolepis nana, Taenia sp., Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba coli, Endolimax nana, Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas hominis. The incidence of Ascaris lumbricoides among Koreans in South Vietnam was 15.9 %, much less than Korean home patients. The infection rate of A. lumbricoides in Saigon residents was 47.2% but in Chulai 36.8% and in Quinhon 35.8 %. Trichocephalus trichiurus was most frequently found in Koreans. Quinhon residents showed 78.7 % positive in hookworn infection and Chulai 24.7 %. In Saigon, on the contrary, infection rate was only 3.1 %. No Strongyloides stercoralis, but two cases of Trichomonas hominis were found among Koreans in South Vietnam. U.S. Forces showed higher incidences than Koreans and Vietnameses in the incidences of Entamoeba histolytica and Endolimax nana. Most of the U.S. Forces revealed single infection. Korean home patients showed the highest per centage of polyparasitism. Non-autochthonous infections in Korea could not be found among Koreans in this survey.
stool examination
U.S. Forces
Ascaris lumbriocides
Strongyloides stercoralis
Trichostrongylus orientalis
Enterobius vermicularis
Metagnimus yokogawai
Clonorchis sinensis
Hymenolepis nana
Taenia sp.
Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba coli
Endolimax nana
Giardia lamblia
Trichomonas hominis