1. Quantitive assessment of bone marrow trephan biopsy
Tsengelmaa J ; Bakhitbol ; Enkhzul E ; Erdenetsogt D ; Enkhtuya SH ; Bayarmaa E
Innovation 2016;10(3):38-41
In United States, person is diagnosed with blood cancer in every 3 minutes. In 2015, there were 1.665.540 total cancer cases and 9.4% of them lymphoma and leukemia . In 2015, there were 95 cases of lymphoma in Mongolia when compared 4 times increase to 2015 from 2010 . Bone marrow examination is an established diagnostic modality in the evaluation of various hematological disorders. BM examination can serve to establish or confirm a primary diagnosis of lymphoma or to determine the extent of disease dissemination for staging purposes. Biopsy is essential for diagnosis in a dry tap or blood tap which occurs when the marrow is fibrotic or densely cellular. Only a biopsy allows a complete assessment of marrow architecture and pattern of distribution of any abnormal infiltrates. In 2015.01-2016.01 fifty five bone marrow biopsies were retrieved from the files of the National First Clinical Hospital-Department of Hematology. These all statistical analysis was performed using by SPSS 17. Bone marrow processing and staining: The hematologist is instructed to place the freshly obtained BMTB specimens directly into buffer substance fixative and transport it immediately to the histopathology department, on the same day as the procedure.The next morning (after 20–24 h), the solution is decanted (with a strainer) and the biopsy specimen is washed in distilled water for 30 min. The biopsy specimens are left to decalcify for about 6 h before being processed and embedded in paraffin wax, with procedures similar as for other specimens.Sections, 1-mm thick (microtome set for 1 mm sections), are cut from the paraffin-wax blocks with the routine rotary microtomes in the laboratoryA total of 55 cases were reviewed from December 2014 to November 2015. The age of the subjects ranged from twenty two years to seventy eigth years with a male predominance (1.7:1). Data of 55 trephine biopsies were reviewed. The percentage of trephine biopsies in different length ranges was calculated. Twenty two biopsieswere of recommended length, i.e., ≥1.5 Cm while remaining 33 were less than the recommended length. The rate of positivity for diagnosis was 95.4% in group-1, 94.1% in group-2, 63.6% in group-3 and 40% in group-4 In all cases in our study 73% (n=40) were satisfactory and 27%(n=15) unsatisfactory slides .Our study showed that 40% trephan biopsies were of revommended length i.e >=1.5cm with 95.4% positive of diagnosis. However biopsies measuring 1-1.4 cm also had comparable result 94.1% .
2.The results of early detection program of uterine cervical cancer in Ulnaanbaatar
Uyanga G ; Oyunchimeg D ; Undarmaa T ; Enkhtuya SH
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2016;176(2):19-24
GoalTo evaluate the quality, results, and processing of cytology analyses of early detection program ofuterine cervical cancer implemented in Mongolia, which based on Pap test, at Ulaanbaatar city level.Materials and MethodsInformation was collected from the databases of the recalling system of screening program of theCancer registration and information unit of the NCC of Mongolia and districts pathology laboratoreis.Statistical significant level of 1.96 (95% CI) andthe margins of error 0.05 were considered andsample size was calculated by using the information that 10% of unsatisfied results appear onquality assurance of international level. Thus calculations were madefortotal of 1723 (585 positiveand negative 1138) samples, by collecting 287smears from each district.At the district level all the selected slides were reviewed blindly and compared to the previouscytological conclusion. Diagnostic validity was defined by calculating parameters such as specificityand sensitivity, positive and negative predicted values. The Kappa index criteriais used for statisticalcalculation of the cytological diagnosis conclusion matches.ResultsThe target group women coverage of cervical cancer screening program is 40.8%. Out of all positiveresults of early screening cytology, 77% were at an early stage and 23% were at an advanced stage.Thus positive signs were showed with increased detection results in early stage of uterine cervicalcancer (P = 0.05). Positive results of Pap test were follows; ASCUS (53.2%), ASC-H (10.0%), LSIL(19.2%), HSIL (13.4%), CIS (3.4%), and SCC (0, 8%). Out of total slides, 86.7% were as satisfactory.The test results conducted at the district level were90.1% of sensitivity, 88.8% of specificity and9.9% of false negative response. The discrepancy of results of cytology test in districts and repeatedseen is 31.4% (K = 0.749; p = 0.001).ConclusionThe coverage of cervical cancer screening program that has been implementing in our country isnot enough. There are problems at the district level including severe damages of uterine cervix andincomplete diagnosis. The quality of the cytology test is relatively unsatisfied.
3. Study of practical significance the first embrace
Otgontugs L ; Bolortuya B ; Oyun-Erdene L ; Saruul P ; Urnaa T ; Enkhtuya T ; Shatar SH
Innovation 2016;10(2):32-36
The Western Pacific Region have the highest neonatal mortality rate of any country in the world. It has 37 countries and areas with approximately 1.8 billion people which comprises one-fourth of the total world population. The First Embrace It is care for all mothers and newborn infants. The components of the First Embrace are immediate and thorough dying, appropriately timed clamping and cutting of the cord, skin to skin contact and initiating exclusive breastfeeding for all newborns. Aim: First embrace and Early Essential Neonatal Care the importance of infant seeks to to learn some of the problems faced by identifying the skills of medical personnel. We were conducted in this study by a cross sectional questionnaire in order to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of healthcare providers about essential newborn care and administrated a structured questionnaire to evaluate instruments and materials of the maternity wards.Skin to skin contact and a mother first embrace is the beginning of a healthy life is to reduce the newborn mortality. And the first embrace is improves the children’s immunity. We determined urgent problems for EENC including a lack of maternal health education, inadequate salaries for health care providers, a lack of essential medicines and commodities for birth preparation and numbers of health care providers delivering neonatal intensive care are increased due to the stillbirth rate has increased dramatically year by year.The first embrace is important to reduce neonatal mortality rate and 92.0% of all participants have the enough experiences for the first embrace care and 80.3% of all participants for the EENC.
4.Study result on the correlation between lead exposure and intellectual performance among children
Enkhtuya N ; Gan-Erdene Sh ; Sainsanaa Kh ; Yunden S ; Unursaikhan S
Innovation 2021;15(1):20-23
Lead is known for their neurotoxicity and compared to adults, children are more vulnerable to lead exposure. Varieties of diseases are developed by lead induced damage in children, including decreased intelligent quotient and behavioral changes, such as anxiety. In normal condition lead does not exist in children’s blood and this toxic heavy metal enters into human body through respiratory way and accumulates in blood and bone to harm neurodegenerative and urinary systems. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate whether the emitted lead from recycling factory for lead acid batteries, which is located in 9 km distance from Khonkhor town and 39 km faraway from Ulaanbaatar city with north-east direction, is affecting the intelligence of the local children.
There are 13 children involved in this study and the participants are divided into two
groups, including subjects, who live in areas outside (n=10) and within (n=3) the 1000 m region of
the factory zone. The blood sampling was collected according to WHO guidelines and lead level
in blood was determined by Leadcare instruments at Environmental health and toxicological
laboratory of National Center for Public Health. The intelligence analysis was conducted by
Raven’s progressive matrices test. And the statistical analysis was performed by SPSS 21 software
to assess correlation of blood lead levels and the intelligence among participated children.
It is resulted that average lead level for children’s blood samples is 3.1±1.5 ug/dL and
which is found beyond the acceptable range in WHO guidelines. The children’s intelligence was
assessed by Raven’s colored Progressive Matrices analysis, which is practically accepted in China,
which estimated that average intelligence score of participants were 48.3±13.2. According to
correlation analysis of age, sex, intelligence and blood lead level, there was a weak positive
correlation was found between children’s age and lead level in blood. In contrast, a weak reverse
correlation was observed in regarding with sex and blood lead level and intelligence score was
weakly reverse correlated with the lead level in children’s blood samples.
The determined average lead level was 3.1±1.5 ug/dL for blood samples collected
from 13 children who involved in this study and the value is found under the WHO guidance
value. Furthermore, their average intelligence score was estimated as 48.3±13.2. The comparative
analysis shown that intelligence score of 3 children, who lives within 1000 m region of the recycling
factory was lower than those who lives in outside region of the factory and have same age.