1.Effect of Gorei-san, Bakumondo-to on Thirst and Dry Mouth due to Psychotropic Drugs.
Kampo Medicine 1995;45(3):579-586
We examined that the effect of Gorei-san and Bakumondo-to in 37 cases (18 males and 19 females) with thirst and dry mouth due to psychotropic drugs. The results were as follows:
1. By administration of Gorei-san, the 40% of the patients with thirst was improved (“markedly improved” and “improved”) and the 25% of the patients with dry mouth was improved.
2. By administration of Bakumondo-to, the 47.1% of the patient with thirst was improved (“markedly improved” and “improved”) and the 59.1% of the patients with dry moth was improved.
3. There is no significant difference between Gorei-san and Bakumondo-to for thirst. But Bakumondo-to was significantly effective for dry mouth.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1972;21(2):99-106
Urinary mineral excretions were measured on five healthy 19-years-old female students in domestic sciences course of a woman's college and five healthy 18-19-years-old female students in physical training course, during the training camp of ski events.
The examination for the female students in domestic sciences course was done on 22 December as of ordinary time at school and on 23-25 December 1969 in training camp of ski event at a skiing ground. For the female students in physical training course the examination was done on 9-13 January 1970 in training camp at the same skiing ground and on 3-5 February 1970 in ordinary time at school. Every three hours urine was collected during the examination periods.
(1) Whole urine volume per 24 hours decreased in training camp in comparison with that in ordinary school time, while the excretion increased after the physical exercise and decreased during the sleeping hours.
(2) Creatinine excretion per 24 hours increased in the training camp and diurnally the excretion increased after the physical exercises. The variation of creatinine excretion seemed to be effected by the physical exercise.
(3) Decrease of Na excretion and increase of K excretion were observed in the students of domestic sciences course in training camp. Increase pattern of Na and K excretion with diurnal variation in training camp was observed with physical exercises.
(4) Urinary excretion of Ca and Mg increased by the female students of physical training course in training camp. On the diurnal pattern, the increase of Ca and Mg excretion caused by physical exercise showed some time lag of the peak compared to that of Na and K.
(5) Phosphorus excretion increased both in the students of domestic sciences course and of physical training course in training camp. The decrease of P excretion in the daytime and the increase in the sleeping hours was commonly observed for both groups.
(6) Following up the diurnal variations of urine volume and urinary excretions of Na, K, Ca and Mg in the female students of physical training course through the training camp for five days, difference between the increase of the excretions after, physical exercises and the decrease in sleeping hours got less day by day. Such a change seems to be the physiological adaptation of human body in order to control excess excretions of the important substances.
(7) Although the value of Na f K ratio fell in both student groups during training camp, the decrease was smaller for the physical training course group than for the domestic sciences course group. The fact that more excretions of urine volume and creatinine and less lowering of Na/K ratio than those of the domestic sciences course students were observed in the physical training course students seemed to be the effect of the daily training.
3.Food Taboo and ‘Yu fai’ Tradition in Perinatal Period in Northeast Thailand
Journal of International Health 2007;22(1):27-34
Women in northeast Asian countries follow special practices during prenatal and postnatal periods. The traditional ‘Yu fai’ custom in Thailand includes a food taboo known as kalum.This paper intends to describe the unknown details of parturient women's traditional taboos in northeast Thailand.
Ethnographic semistructured interviews in the Thai language were conducted in February 2006 with 10 women in northeast Thailand who had babies ranging in age from newborn to 6 years.
The purpose of Yu fai is to enable a mother who has recently undergone parturition to recover her pregestation physical and mental conditions following childbirth. Some new mothers will complain of bad health if they fail to apply Yu fai. Certain food taboos and recommendations are part of the Yu fai practice, and each has a specific context based on traditional beliefs.
The three objectives of Yu fai are identified as follows: to recover the mother's body to its usual pregestation condition; to enable sufficient breast milk or the capability for future pregnancies; to endure a long and healthy life. Applying Yu fai will influence a mother's lifetime health conditions after childbirth. Each of the prohibited or recommended food items is the result of specific contexts based on traditional beliefs. However, Yu fai is now changing, along with urbanization and improved communications, even in the rural areas of northeast Thailand.
4.ASSWS : A New Gait Assisting Device for Hemiplegic Patients —Development and Gait Analysis—
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2011;48(2):121-128
We have developed a new gait assisting device for patients with hemiplegia, by which a single therapist alone can work with : 1) swing of the paretic limb, 2) stance of the paretic limb, and 3) alternate lateral weight-shift during gait. This device (ASSWS : Assistance of Swing, Stance and Weight Shift) imitates the kinesiological complex (patellar ligament, quadriceps, iliotibial ligament and gluteus maximus) to maintain a standing posture for the lower extremities. We compared the results of a gait analysis using a motion analyzer for gait with ASSWS and gait without ASSWS. With ASSWS, the walking speed was faster, stride length was longer, and stride duration was shorter. No differences in floor reaction force were identified. With ASSWS, the flexion peak of the hip joint became larger and the knee joint was in a more flexed position throughout the walking cycle. Also, the joint moment of hip extension, hip flexion and knee extension all increased with use of the ASSWS.
5.Feasibility and Validity of a Computer-based Version of SEIQoL-DW Compared to Original Interview-based Versions in Healthy Medical Students
Sachiko Ohde ; Sadayoshi Ohbu ; Gautam A. Deshpande ; Osamu Takahashi ; Eiji Gotoh ; Chikako Inoue ; Tsuguya Fukui
General Medicine 2013;14(2):115-118
Purpose: The Schedule for the Evaluation of Individual Quality of Life - Direct Weighting (SEIQoL-DW) is designed to investigate an individual's perspective on their own quality of life (QOL) and has been used widely among various clinical populations, including cancer patients and those with chronic kidney disease, in addition to healthy participants. While the original SEIQoL-DW is a semi-structured interview, other formats have been developed; recently computer-based versions have yielded equivalent results comparable to paper-based versions. However, no previous study has examined differences between the computer-based version and its original interview-based design. The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility and validity of a computer-based version of the SEIQoL-DW, compared with the original interview-based format.
Methods: We conducted a non-randomized crossover study with 13 medical students from November 2008 to January 2009 at a municipal university in Yokohama, Japan. Both the computer-based and interview-based versions of SEIQoL-DW were administered to all study participants. Wilcoxon-signed rank test was used to compare differences in mean SEIQoL Index score between computer-based and interview-based results. The intra-class correlation coefficient and the Bland and Altman limits of agreement methods were used to compare formats.
Results: No significant differences were found in the SEIQoL-DW Index between the computer-based and interview versions after analysis with Wilcoxon-signed rank test (p = 0.501). The intra-class correlation between formats was 0.94 (CI: 0.81–0.98). The limit of agreement analysis showed that 53.3% of the observations were within ±1–5 units of the average score, while 46.7% were within ±5–10 units. In total, 100% of observations were within ±1–10 units.
Conclusions: The computer-administered version of SEIQoL-DW may be feasible and acceptable and provides a valid alternative, at least in healthy subjects, to the more cumbersome interview version. Use of the computer-based version will facilitate its application to larger patient populations in various clinical settings.
6.Characteristics of second-year residents intending to become a primary care physicians
Takuma Kimura ; Kyoko Nomura ; Osamu Takahashi ; Makoto Aoki ; Eiji Yano ; Tsuguya Fukui
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 2012;35(1):6-11
Purpose : To examine the characteristics of second-year residents intending to become primary care physicians.
Methods : Using a self-administered questionnaire, we surveyed 7344 second-year residents in March, 2006. Of the 4167 responders (response rate 56.7%), the 3838 who answered that they intended to make a career choice of being clinical practitioners were taken as subjects for analysis. The odds ratios (OR) for the intention of being a primary care physician was calculated, together with the 95% confidence interval (95% CI), using logistic regression models (primary care physicians intended=1 vs. specialist intended=0)
Results : In total, 56% of the residents affirmed an interest in becoming primary care physicians. Multiple stepwise logistic models showed that residents intending to become primary care physicians planned to open their own clinics in the future (OR 1.44, 95% CI : 1.20-1.73), did not wish to obtain doctor of medical science (DMSc) degrees (OR 1.29, 95% CI : 1.07-1.55), and were more likely to choose internal medicine (OR 1.44, 95% CI : 1.07-1.94).
Conclusion : This study demonstrated that second-year residents who aimed to be primary care physicians were associated with more interest in opening private clinics for their future practice, preferably in the field of internal medicine, and with less interest in earning DMSc degrees.
7.Glinical Trials in Japan and Korea-The Present State and Issues to be Solved-
Norihito TAKAHASHI ; Eiji SUMIYA ; Sang-Hoon LEE ; Sung-Chul KIM ; Kiichiro TSUTANI ; Yong-Suk KIM ; Kenji KAWAKITA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2006;56(2):127-139
The purpose of this workshop was to discuss on various issues for the development of a protocol for the Ja pan-Korea research collaboration. An important issue is to select/develop the experimental design of the clinical trial for individualized therapy done in Japan and Korea. Randomizedn-of-1 trial and randomization test were proposed as an possible candidate. A pilot study using randomized n-of-1 trial was done using intradermal acupuncture on pollinosis, and the methodological issues on the generalizability of randomized n-of-1 trial and the need of the selection of target disease were discussed. Onthe other hand, the literature survey has shown that the individualized acupuncture therapy is more effective than those of the standardized' fixed acupuncture therapy in usual RCTs. The diagnosis and selection of acupuncture point and method of manipulation were also shown to be an important factor. Further discussions will be required for the development of the adequate protocol for the individualized therapy.
8.Overweight/Obesity among Kindergarten Children and Its Risk Factors in the Central Region of Ho Chi Minh City:
Marika NOMURA ; Pham Thi Ngan HA ; Tran Thi Minh HANH ; Kenzo TAKAHASHI ; Naoko SAKAMOTO ; Le Thi Kim QUI ; Eiji MARUI
Journal of International Health 2007;22(1):1-10
Introduction and Purpose
Overweight and obesity have recently emerged as major problems of malnutrition among children in developing countries. However, risk factors for childhood obesity in Asian countries remain largely unknown. Identification of target populations for its prevention and intervention is urgently needed. This survey was conducted to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity and identify possible risk factors among kindergarten children in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
In this cross-sectional study conducted in March, 2005, 780 children in their third and fourth years in kindergarten and their mothers were randomly selected from eight local kindergartens. Height and weight of mother-child pairs were measured, and an interview was conducted by trained staff using a questionnaire in Vietnamese. Overweight/obesity was defined as a weight-for-height > 2 SD above the National Center for Health Statistics median reference value. Risk factors for overweight/obesity were analyzed using logistic regression.
There were 741 respondents (377 boys and 364 girls); the response rate was 95.0%. Average age of children was 61.8 ± 6.8 months; the average age of mothers was 35.0 ± 5.2 years. The average height and weight were 110 ± 5.7cm and 21.2 ± 4.0kg respectively. Of the 741 children, 27.8% were identified as being overweight/obesity. Four possible variables selected were: 1) child's sex, 2) mother's awareness of her child's current body type, 3) mother's expectation for her child's body type in the future, 4) mother's awareness of her own current body type .
Our findings point to the importance of addressing appropriate body images in the management of children's nutritional health. Providing sufficient amounts of information on appropriate body type in addition to feeding practice to mothers should be a priority at the Ho Chi Minh City Nutrition Center to prevent child overweight and obesity.
9.E2FBP1 antagonizes the p16(INK4A)-Rb tumor suppressor machinery for growth suppression and cellular senescence by regulating promyelocytic leukemia protein stability.
International Journal of Oral Science 2011;3(4):200-208
Cellular senescence is an irreversible cell cycle arrest triggered by the activation of oncogenes or mitogenic signaling as well as the enforced expression of tumor suppressors such as p53, p16(INK4A) and promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) in normal cells. E2F-binding protein 1 (E2FBP1), a transcription regulator for E2F, induces PML reduction and suppresses the formation of PML-nuclear bodies, whereas the down-regulation of E2FBP1 provokes the PML-dependent premature senescence in human normal fibroblasts. Here we report that the depletion of E2FBP1 induces the accumulation of PML through the Ras-dependent activation of MAP kinase signaling. The cellular levels of p16(INK4A) and p53 are elevated during premature senescence induced by depletion of E2FBP1, and the depletion of p16(INK4A), but not p53 rescued senescent cells from growth arrest. Therefore, the premature senescence induced by E2FBP1 depletion is achieved through the p16(INK4A)-Rb pathway. Similar to human normal fibroblasts, the growth inhibition induced by E2FBP1 depletion is also observed in human tumor cells with intact p16(INK4A) and Rb. These results suggest that E2FBP1 functions as a critical antagonist to the p16(INK4A)-Rb tumor suppressor machinery by regulating PML stability.
Cell Line, Tumor
Cells, Cultured
Cellular Senescence
Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor p16
antagonists & inhibitors
DNA-Binding Proteins
Gene Expression Regulation
Intranuclear Inclusion Bodies
MAP Kinase Signaling System
Nuclear Proteins
Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein
Protein Isoforms
Protein Stability
RNA Interference
Retinoblastoma Protein
antagonists & inhibitors
Transcription Factors
Tumor Suppressor Protein p53
Tumor Suppressor Proteins
ras Proteins
10.Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Japan at the Present and the Future Issues.
Etsuko INOUE ; Toshiyuki SHEIKHDOM ; Tomoyuki NABETA ; Eiji SUMIYA ; Takashi UMEDA ; Shigekatsu AIZAWA ; Atsushi NISHIDA ; Norihito TAKAHASHI ; Hideki OCHI ; Syouhachi TANZAWA ; Kenji KAWAKITA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2003;53(5):635-645
The results of multi-center RCT of acupuncture and moxibustion for the prevention of the symptoms of common cold conducted by the financial support of the foundation for training and licensure examination in anma-massage-acupressure, acupuncture and moxibustion were briefly reviewed. Traditional acupuncture manipulation to the throat induced significant positive effects, however, more common indirect moxibustion to the neck for longer period did not induce the significant effect compared with no-treatment control. Several issues to be resolved were discussed and the shortage of duration of intervention was pointed out as one of the major issues. Then four pilot studies with long-lasting intervention of acupuncture or moxibustion were con-ducted. The effects tended to be more positive, however, they were still unclear. The selection of subjects (students in the acupuncture school) will be the next important issue to be examined.