2.Development of Mycotic Aneurysm of the Internal Iliac Artery Following Embolectomy of the Common Iliac Artery : Report of a Case Complicating Infective Endocarditis
Tomokazu Kosuga ; Eiji Nakamura ; Ryo Kanamoto ; Hiroshi Yasunaga ; Shigeaki Aoyagi
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;46(1):57-61
A 23-year-old woman with mitral valve infective endocarditis complicated by embolism of the right common iliac artery underwent transfemoral embolectomy by a Fogarty catheter and mitral valve replacement. She developed occlusion of the right internal iliac artery, that was revealed by computed tomography on the 9th postoperative day. The occlusion was considered to result from migration of a part of the emboli from the right common iliac artery into the right internal iliac artery during the procedure of embolectomy. On the 16th postoperative day, she underwent repeat mitral valve replacement because of perivalvular leakage. Furthermore, after 2 weeks from the diagnosis of embolism of the right internal iliac artery, the embolic site showed aneurysmal formation finally requiring aneurysmectomy. Her recovery was uneventful. Our case is considered to be rare in that serial observations on computed tomography indicated the development of mycotic aneurysm at the site of septic embolism. In addition, care must be taken to prevent migration of emboli into branched arteries during the procedure of embolectomy for peripheral arterial septic embolism caused by infective endocarditis.
3.Two Cases of Extended Sandwich Patch Technique through Right Ventriculotomy for Ventricular Septal Perforation : Considerations in Postoperative Left Ventricular Remodeling
Tomokazu Kosuga ; Ryo Kanamoto ; Eiji Nakamura ; Hiroshi Yasunaga ; Shigeaki Aoyagi
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;46(2):84-89
We report two cases of extended sandwich patch technique through right ventriculotomy for ventricular septal perforation (VSP). One was an 82-year-old woman. Preoperative coronary angiography showed occlusion of the left anterior descending artery proximal to the first major septal branch. Operative inspection revealed relatively extensive infarction of the anterior wall, a part of which had the appearance of free wall rupture. In the other case of an 85-year-old woman, the culprit lesion was occlusion of the left anterior descending artery distal to several septal branches and to the first diagonal branch. Despite their old age and emergency surgery in cardiogenic shock status, their postoperative recovery was uneventful. In the former case, however, echocardiography at the early postoperative phase revealed significant expansion and thinning of the infarcted anterior wall. Furthermore, serial observations showed deterioration of the left ventricular systolic function and mitral regurgitation due to leaflet tethering. In addition to secure VSP closure by transmural stitches, extended sandwich patch technique can offer geometric and functional preservation of postinfarction left ventricle. Although this can eliminate the risk of postoperative low output syndrome even if anterior infarction is extensive, late follow-up will be required because this technique can also allow postinfarction left ventricular remodeling.
4.The Need of Guidelines for Judgment of the Bathing Advisability in the Aged Taking Bathing Service.
Shinya HAYASAKA ; Masanobu OKAYAMA ; Eiji KAJII ; Yosikazu NAKAMURA
The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine 2000;63(4):198-204
To determine the need of guidelines for judgment of the bathing advisability for the aged in Councils of Social Welfare, we had a cross-sectional study in 1999.
A questionnaire survey by mail for Councils of Social Welfare which were extracted by systematic sampling (n=828, extraction rate was 25%) was conducted. The response rate was 83% and the proportion of respondents who answered the guidelines were necessary was 86% (n=642). Chi-square tests and logistic regressions analyses showed that bathing service in facility, existence of guidelines for judgment of the bathing advisability by body temperature, and respondents judging were independent factors associated with the need of guidelines for judgment on the bathing advisability in aged. Our results suggest the necessity to make guidelines for judgment of the bathing advisability in the aged.
5.Association between increases in number of physicians and the standard mortality ratio in medical administrative districts in Japan
Takashi Nakamura ; Masanobu Okayama ; Sayaka Sekine ; Eiji Kkajii
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 2011;34(3):188-194
Background: Physician shortage affects mortality at the city level in Japan. The medical administrative district (MAD) covering the area (town, city, etc.) in which the patients live and is the unit responsible for recruiting doctors. The number of physicians or changes in this number in each MAD varies. The relationship between the number, or the change in number, of physicians and the mortality in each MAD has been unclear.
Methods: We designed a descriptive study using publicly-available national statistics. In all 358 MADs in Japan, we analyzed the relationship between the changes in the number of physicians (total, clinic, and hospital) from 2000 to 2005 and the standardized mortality ratio (all causes of death, cancer, heart disease, and stroke).
Results: In MADs, the number of physicians and mortality are not related, nor are changes in number of physicians and mortality. Further investigation including factors associated with mortality is needed.
Conclusion: In MAD, there is no relationship between the number of physician and the mortality, between the change in number of physician and the mortality. Further investigation is needed including factors associated with mortality.
6.Geographical distribution of primary care clinics for elderly ambulatory diabetic patients in Ibaraki Prefecture
Takashi Nakamura ; Masanobu Okayama ; Masakazu Aihara ; Takao Kojo ; Shizukiyo Ishikawa ; Yoshikazu Nakamura ; Eiji Kajii
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 2015;38(2):127-130
Introduction : The appropriate size of the regional coverage area for primary care in Japan has been unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the geographical distribution of primary care clinics for elderly ambulatory diabetic patients.
Methods : Using an insurance claims database, we extracted data of patients aged 75 years and older requiring ambulatory diabetic care in May 2010 in Ibaraki prefecture. The geographical distance from each municipal office to the clinics was analyzed.
Results : A total of 17,717 data points were extracted from the database. Data points that could not be mapped due to coding errors were eliminated, resulting in 17,144 (96.8%) data points that were ultimately analyzed. The median [25th-75th percentile] geographical distance was 5.5 [2.3-9.9] km. The distance was not related to municipal population, aging rate, or area size.
Conclusion : The coverage area for diabetic care in this primary care setting was estimated. For most elderly ambulatory diabetic patients, clinics are distributed within a 10-km radius area. Further investigation is needed to clarify primary care coverage areas that result in the most efficient use of medical resources.
7.Management and prognostic factors of pancreatic pseudocysts
Xiaolan LU ; Eiji UCHIDA ; Shigeki YOKOMURO ; Yoshiharu NAKAMURA ; Takayuki AIMOTO ; Takashi TAJIRI
Chinese Journal of Pancreatology 2010;10(2):79-82
Objective To investigate the characteristics and prognosis of acute and chronic pancreatic pseudocysts and to identify the predictive factors of interventional treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts. Methods From January 1995 to December 2004, 36 patients with pancreatic pseudocysts at Nippon Medical School were studied retrospectively. Group 1 included 9 patients with acute pancreatitis associated pseudocysts which resolved spontaneously. Group 2 included 9 patients with acute pancreatitis associated pseudocysts and symptoms persisted or with complications which requiring interventional treatment. Group 3 included 9 patients with chronic pancreatitis associated pseudocysts which resolved spontaneously. Group 4 included 9 patients with chronic pancreatitis associated pseudocysts with symptoms persisted or with complications which requiring interventional treatment. Results Among the 36 patients, there were 13 women and 23 men. The etiology of pancreatitis due to alcohol was 18(50.0%) cases, biliary tract disease 8(22.2%)cases, others 10(27.8%) cases. The average duration of follow up was (24. 2 ± 18.5) months. The majority of pseudocysts (32/36, 88.9%) were not communicated with the main pancreatic duct;the number and location of the 4 groups of pseudocysts were not significantly different;the biggest diameter of pancreatic pseudocysts in group 3 was the smallest, all below 4 cm, which was significantly less than those in other 3 groups (P < 0.05) ;the majority of volume of pancreatic pseudocysts in group 1 and 3 was not increased, while it was increased in group 2 and 4.
8.Nationwide Survey of Primary Care Curricula for Undergraduate Medical Students in Japan
Ayumi TAKAYASHIKI ; Masanobu OKAYAMA ; Junichi MISE ; Junji OHTAKI ; Yosikazu NAKAMURA ; Eiji KAJII
Medical Education 2003;34(4):215-222
We conducted a nationwide survey to examine the primary care (PC) curricula for undergraduates at Japanese medical schools. The present status of PC curricula and the degree of recognition of the need for improvement were examined. Seventy (88%) of the medical schools in Japan responded. PC education programs have been organized and are carried out by various departments in each school. Of the 69 medical schools, 42% have a PC education program with lectures to teach the role of PC physicians, 65% have a program to provide experience in community medical care, and 80% have programs to provide experience in health care institutions and welfare facilities. Although the number of schools with lectures and experience programs for PC has increased at least three-fold in the past decade, many medical school presidents (more than 60%) recognize PC education should be improved. By comparing medical schools with and without experience programs in clinic more presidents of schools without such programs recognized the need to improve PC education.
9.Opinions of Japanese Medical Students on the Necessity of Experience in Community-based Learning Programs
Ayumi TAKAYASHIKI ; Masanobu OKAYAMA ; Junji OTAKI ; Junichi MISE ; Yosikazu NAKAMURA ; Eiji KAJII
Medical Education 2005;36(1):47-54
We conducted a questionnaire survey of all sixth-year students at 10 Japanese medical schools asking their opinions on the necessity of experience in community-based learning (CBL) programs. We developed a detailed questionnaire to examine students' experiences in CBL and their opinions of its necessity using the students' reports from CBL by Delphi process. After excluding data from 1 medical school because of a low response rate, we analyzed data from 659 students (response rate, 75%). The necessity of each item in the required programs, except “seeing labor in medical facilities, ” was more likely to be recognized by students who had experienced the item than by students who had not experienced it. The differences between experiencing and nonexperiencing students in recognizing necessity were greatest for “conversation with patients in their homes, ” “seeing physicians' consultation or referral to other medical institutions, ” “observing nurses work in the outpatient clinic, ” and “participation in conferences with various professional staff.” These results suggest that medical students can recognize the significance and meaning of CBL through experience.
10.Characteristics of the Aged Persons Requiring Care for Bathing.
Shinya HAYASAKA ; Shizukiyo ISHKAWA ; Masanobu OKAYAMA ; Eiji KAJII ; Yosikazu NAKAMURA ; Shigenori OGURI ; Akira OKAYAMA ; Hiroshi YANAGAWA
The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine 2001;64(4):173-181
To determine the background of aged people who need bathing assistance, we analyzed data of the Survey on Demand for Health and Welfare Services of Japan as of 1997. The survey covered 21, 723 persons aged 65 years or older, and 1, 193 caregivers who provide care to persons 65 years or older throughout Japan. The main parameters were aged people's sex, age, marital status, health condition, degree of bed rest, and needs of care in daily life; relation between caregivers and aged people; life with care giver; job; family composition; use of home care services; demand for home care services; caregivers' sex, age, health condition, and employment status; and demand for home care services. Subjects were divided into three groups, those who need bathing assistance, those who do not need bathing assistance, and those who do not need care in daily life, and the rate was shown for each item. The results indicated that the rate of those who need bathing assistance was higher among (1) aged people who were older, have poor health, and are in bed alweys or almost alweys, (2) aged people who needed care in daily life, used home care service, and required home care service, and (3) aged people whose caregivers required home care services.
Aged people who need bathing assistance are subject to frequent bathing accidents, so we need to pay attention to safe bathing service.