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Author:(Edy MEIYANTO)

1.Combinational effects of hexane insoluble fraction of Ficus septica Burm. F. and doxorubicin chemotherapy on T47D breast cancer cells

Nugroho Endro Agung ; Hermawan Adam ; Novika Anindya ; Meiyanto Edy

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2013;(4):297-302

2.Combination of low-concentration of novel phytoestrogen (8,9)-furanyl-pterocarpan-3-ol from Pachyrhizus erosus attenuated tamoxifen-associated growth inhibition on breast cancer T47D cells

Nurrochmad Arief ; Lukitaningsih Endang ; Monikawati Ameilinda ; Septhea Brenna Dita ; Meiyanto Edy

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2013;(11):847-852

3.Hesperidin as a preventive resistance agent in MCF-7 breast cancer cells line resistance to doxorubicin

Febriansah Rifki ; PP Dewi Dyaningtyas ; Nurulita Aries Nunuk ; Meiyanto Edy ; Nugroho Endro Agung

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2014;(3):228-233

4.Combinational effects of hexane insoluble fraction of Ficus septica Burm. F. and doxorubicin chemotherapy on T47D breast cancer cells.

Agung Endro NUGROHO ; Adam HERMAWAN ; Dyaningtyas Dewi Pamungkas PUTRI ; Anindya NOVIKA ; Edy MEIYANTO ; Masashi KAWAICHI

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2013;3(4):297-302

5.Reactive oxygen species and senescence modulatory effects of rice bran extract on 4T1 and NIH-3T3 cells co-treatment with doxorubicin

Zulfin Maryam UMMI ; Rahman AVE ; Hanifa MILA ; Utomo Yudi ROHMAD ; Haryanti SARI ; Meiyanto EDY

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2021;11(4):174-182

6.Hesperidin as a preventive resistance agent in MCF-7 breast cancer cells line resistance to doxorubicin.

Rifki FEBRIANSAH ; Dyaningtyas Dewi Pamungkas PUTRI ; Sarmoko ; Nunuk Aries NURULITA ; Edy MEIYANTO ; Agung Endro NUGROHO

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2014;4(3):228-233

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