Objective: To investigate the role of oxidative radicals in duck hepatitis B virus DNA (DHBV DNA) integration and the transmission of integrated DHBV DNA from parent cells to their offspring cells. Methods: TUNEL assay and Southern blot hybridization were used to detect the cellular DNA strand breaks and the incidence of new type of DHBV DNA integration into cellular DNA of LMHD21-6 cell line after the cells treated by low dose of hydrogen peroxide (10.0μmol/L) during its growth from one cell to 3×107~5×107 cells. Results: The rate of cell death induced by low dose of H2O 2 (10.0μmol/L) was 32.0%, but that induced by high dose (>10.0μmol/L) was more than 50.0%. At the same time, the incidence of new DHBV DNA integration into cellular DNA induced by 10.0μmol/L of H2O2 was 50.0% (6/12) and that in control group was 8.33% (1/12). There was a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). Besides, the new integrated DHBV-DNA in the parent cells could be found in the DNA of their offspring cells with the same size of base pair. Conclusion: Oxidative radicals is one of the important inducing factors in DHBV-DNA integration into cellular DNA and the integrated DHBV-DNA is able to transmit from the parent cells to their offspring cells stably.